A/N: Welcome to my revamped drabble series! I decided to take advice from one of my friends and combine my two current drabbles into one story, which I will continue to add to. I'm not doing this as part of Livejournal. Some of these will be prompted and others won't, but they're all GenexFinny slashy-fluffy goodness. YAY!

Disclaimer: Wow. Me, owning ASP. That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.

Prompt: Fire

It was always there, even if you didn't notice. It didn't matter what was going on in the world, his world or otherwise. There was always something to be happy about, some scrap of the world that wasn't being torn to pieces by the fighting, a safe haven for young minds. This place he visited frequently, but he was strongly attached to life outside that wonderland, whether you knew it or not (and there was just so much that you didn't know). It didn't matter what was going on, though; he would be enthusiastic about it and therefore you would be, too. How could you not be? There was no escaping that fire in his eyes, that perpetual glow that never faded even through the toughest times.

Because everyone falls, at least once. And they have to learn how to pick themselves up and start walking again.

Revamped Ch. 2 coming soon. Yippee!
