"Ren, you messed with the wrong man." He pulled out his sonic screwdriver, knowing if he disabled the bomb. It would give him more time to sort out the issue of putting the planet back in orbit. He then remembered that he has something to transport the planet right in front of him! All he would need to do was reverse the co ordinance that was in the machine that brought it here, and adjust it slightly, and ba-da-bing! It would be back! He was then happy he broke the remote, giving him free transition to do what he was about to do. The Doctor adjusted some controls on his sonic screwdriver, and pressed the green button.

To Ren's disappointment, the timer stopped. The planet then began to shake, but the Doctor did not hesitate in completing his plan. He could feel as the planet went back to its rightful place in the universe and did not have to look at any monitors or screens to know that.

"NOOO!" Ren yelled.

"Oh, you knew this could only end badly." Jack replied. Hayley had been watching the whole thing, but now that the situation was diffused- so to speak, she had only one question.

"If that was going to kill the planet, how did he expect to get out in time?" No one answered. "He was going to?-"

"Yeah." The Doctor said.

"What do we do with him now?" Jack asked. The Doctor stood looking at Ren for a moment.

"We take him back to his people." The Doctor decided. Jack and Hayley looked surprisingly at the Doctor.

"But aren't these his people?" Hayley asked.

"No." The Doctor said, walking over and standing right in front of Ren.

"Of course they-" Ren started, but he was quickly cut off.

"No." The Doctor said. He then leaned over to whisper in Ren's ear. "Your mouth is drooping a little." The Doctor whispered. He then reached up to Ren's forehead and, somehow, unzipped his forehead. The skin that they had come to know as "Ren" fell off him like an old costume and was replaced by a big, green alien-looking alien. Hayley was shocked. Jack was not very surprised though. "Plus, this technology is way too advanced for this planet." Ren gave the Doctor a sour look. "So, back to Raxacoricofallapatorius for you."

"Raxacorico?-" Jack asked.

"Fallapatorius." The Doctor finished.

"…And I thought 'Earth' was a strange name…" Hayley said. Jack smiled.

"Just curious, you wouldn't happen to be part of the Slitheen family?" The Doctor asked. "Thought so."

"How did you know?" Ren asked.

"You know how other members of your family ran from your planet and tried to destroy earth, but someone stopped him?"

"Yes, that was my sister and her family."

"Yeah, that was me." Ren gave the Doctor a murderous look.

"YOU! You destroyed my family!"

"No. I gave them fair warning."

"You are signing my death warrant."

"You did that yourself."

"You don't know what they will do to me." The Doctor didn't respond.

"Ok. Let's go." Jack said, putting an end to this. He practically carried Ren into the TARDIS and into a metal room with nothing in it that locked from the outside. It was clear what the room was intended for, though the Doctor had no say in its design.

Hayley watched as the Doctor fiddled with the controls, making sure not to make eye contact with her.

"Are you really going to give him back?" Hayley eventually asked, breaking the silence.

"I have no choice. It would be breaking the Shadow Proclamation if I captured him and didn't give him back."

"There's always a choice." Hayley whispered. The Doctor looked up at her. He knew he was wrong. He should never have said it, besides, since when did he follow the rules? Well… much. Although he was in a slightly grim situation, he was suddenly very happy. Because he was very happy to be traveling with others again. That is what made him change his mind. He walked over to the controls and typed something into a keyboard, then pressed other buttons and knobs. After a few moments of shaking, the TARDIS calmed down.

"Jack!" The Doctor called.

"Yeah?" Jack yelled back from the hallway he was in.

"Bring him out." The Doctor said. He walked over to Hayley. "You're right. There is always a choice." He then winked at her as Jack brought Ren out in handcuffs. Jack and Ren followed the Doctor through the doors of the TARDIS. Hayley followed as well. They walked out into a densely packed jungle.

"Where have you taken me? This isn't Rexicoricofallapatorius." Ren said.

"No. It's not. We are on a secluded jungle planet. There is no civilization within 5 solar systems. This planet has absolutely no technology, and will not be discovered for another 400 years, well out of your lifespan. This is your new home, where you will not do any damage to anyone. Ever. Think of it as your second chance." The Doctor proclaimed, looking out at the jungle. "Though I am not fond of second chances, I have chosen another rout for you. This is both a prison, and a home, and hopefully, one day, you will come to see the error of your ways. If not however, you will not harm anyone." He then turned to Ren and looked him in the eye. "And if ever you are to attempt to harm anyone, ever, know that I will be watching, and I will not be so forgiving." The Doctor backed off a little, but was just as cold. "So, step lightly. Have a good life." The Doctor turned and walked towards the TARDIS. Jack and Hayley did the same.

"You can't do this!" Ren called, but the Doctor ignored him. "Doctor! DOCTOR!" Ren called as the TARDIS disappeared from him, forever.

"You did the right thing, Doctor. Thank you." Hayley said to him. The Doctor took a breath.

"I know." He smiled at her slightly.

"One thing I don't get, how did you know it was okay to crush the remote to the machine?" Jack asked. The Doctor smirked.

"I didn't…" Jack chuckled and shook his head. Hayley laughed too.

The Doctor stood at the TARDIS controls, excited to press something. "So, where to next?"