Hey again, everyone! I'm back with a new story for you guys. I think everything in this one is pretty self-explanatory so I'm just going to get on with it. All I'm going to say is please bear with the beginning because it gets a LOT more exciting in a couple of chapters time : ) I struggled writing this because I don't like opening chapters, the rest is better written.

Alice's PoV

This was so exciting. I couldn't even sit still. How long was this flight going to take! I leant past my brother Edward to look out the window, but all I could see below was the blueness of the Atlantic Ocean, we weren't even above Africa yet! I tried to tilt my head to see if the continent was in sight but Edward rudely shoved me back into my seat.

"For god's sake, Alice. We've still got hours left of this flight, could you please just sit still" he snapped irritably.

I subsided grudging into my seat and attempted to sit still. But fortunately I didn't have to as the person on the other side of me was my cousin Emmett and he certainly didn't like sitting still and quiet for extended periods of time.

"What do you think the others are going to be like?" he asked me enthusiastically.

I thought about it for a moment, like I hadn't already dwelt on it for days and days on end. "Well," I said thoughtfully, "I hope they are kind of like us. I mean it'll be tough if we don't get on with them as we'll stuck with them for months. I just hope they aren't all up themselves and spoilt little brats, if you know what I mean."

You see, Edward and I had been complaining to our father about how we were bored with our sheltered lifestyles. This was because our parents were very wealthy and so we had never been given the chance to do anything for ourselves without their input. I had got it into my head that I wanted to see the world. In the end I had persuaded our father and he had begun to organise a gap year travelling across Africa for Edward, Emmett and myself. But he had had another idea as well. He had arranged for another seven kids like us to go on this trip as well. And by kids like us I mean other kids from very rich families. Hence the fears of stuck-upness.

"Hey," Emmett continued, leaning around to talk to Edward, "I hope some of them are hot." He said grinning cheekily. Edward rolled his eyes.

Hmmm, I thought, that would certainly make things more interesting. I started to bounce in my seat again.

We finally got there. To Kenya, to be exact. We landed in Nairobi and were taken straight to a hotel to await the arrival of the others. I spent the whole taxi journey with my nose pressed against the window, trying to see everything at once. This was so much better than I had dreamt it would be and we hadn't even started yet.

We were the first to arrive so I set about making myself presentable. Emmett was trying to engage Edward in an arm wrestle of all things while Edward was reading a book on the Masai Mara. I couldn't wait for the others to turn up; these two fools were going to drive me insane.

And then I heard the sound I had been waiting for. The sound of someone entering our suite of rooms. I sprinted through towards the sound calling out, "Hello?"

There standing in the doorway, looking nervous, was a tall brunette girl. She smiled at me tentatively and held out her hand.

"Hi. I'm Angela Weber." She said. Her voice was very soft and quiet, I guessed that she was quite shy but I thought we would get along.

"Hey, I'm Alice Masen. It's nice to meet you." I replied giving her a wide, friendly smile.

"It was your father who organised all this, right?" she questioned.

"Yeah. I'm here with my brother Edward as well and my cousin Emmett McCarty. You'll meet them in just a sec."

But just as I finished saying this a tall pale boy with dark wavy hair walked in through the door behind her. His eyes scanned us both and then rested on me and he asked,

"Are you Alice Masen?" I nodded and held out my hand. "Demetri." he said, shaking it. He looked a couple of years older than the rest of us seemed to be, but he seemed polite and fairly pleasant.

"Come through here and I'll introduce you two to my brother and cousin." I said warmly. I was really enjoying the role of host. I led them through into the living room area.

"Emmett, Edward." I called out as we walked over to them. "This is Angela and Demetri." They all shook hands and we started to chat.

I learnt that Angela was 18 and Demetri 20 so I had been right in my early assumptions about him. Angela's parents had persuaded her to come as they thought she needed to come out of her shell a bit more. Demetri had just thought it sounded like fun.

I sat myself next to Angela, "I'm so glad that you've turned up already, being surrounded by those boys was driving me mad." I said conspiratorially.

"How many people are going to be on this trip altogether?" she asked.

"5 boys, 5 girls." I answered promptly. "I hope some of the boys are cute." I whispered to her, with a sly smile. She smiled back but shrugged her shoulders.

"I have a boyfriend back home so I'm not that bothered." She responded.

"Ooh," I murmured sympathetically, "that's going to be tough, not seeing him for all these months." She nodded.

"I'm still looking forward to it all though," she put in, her face lighting up. "Particularly seeing all the wildlife, it's something I have always dreamed of doing, you know, but I never really thought I would."

"Yeah," I agreed excitedly, "apparently we're going to see loads straight away 'cause the first part of the trip is through the Masai Mara."

We carried on talking for quite a while and it got quite late. Finally we decided to hit the hay, as the others would probably not arrive until the next day.

Angela and I retired to the girls' room still chatting about all the things we were looking forwards to doing. Eventually we fell asleep.

I had a strange dream; it was probably because I was sleeping somewhere unfamiliar. It didn't really make any sense; it was just a series of jumbled images and sounds mashed together. But there was an overriding sensation that someone was following me but I didn't know whom. It was getting more and more distressing.

I came awake with a jolt and was abruptly aware that there was someone in the room with Angela and me.

Lol, I love my cliffies.

I know this chapter was a little slow and kinda crappy but it'll start picking up when the trip actually starts.

Anyone feel like guessing who makes up the other 5 members of the group?

Please review! I need feedback to continue. xxx