Chapter V. Welle: Erdball (Wave: Globe)!

"What happened?" Mrs. Wakemann asked, awaiking in a Cluster prision cell, like Sheldon just did. She remembered gettign through the Cluster Armada, when the Cluster attacks their little Ship. Maybe she had trust her stealth programm she created a little to much.

"I don't know" Brad said still confused where he was.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Tuck yelled, as he saw the Cluster Drones "Cl… Cluss… Cluster Drones!" he cried panicly.

"Yeah!" Jenny said, now everyone focused on her.

"What are you waiting for Ex-Dschei-Nain?" Mrs. Wakemann asked, waiting for her daughter to do somethink.

Jenny stood up, letting everyone see the big scratches, she just kicked in the wall.

"I tried, but I'm not strong enough!" Jenny said, blushing a little in her Exoskin, she had put in to be as sweet, as she could when she resques Sheldon. "I can't breake through these walls!" she said sadly, beliving that she was unable to save her love!

"Oh, you don't have to, darling!" Vexus said, entering the cell camber.

"Where is Sheldon?!" Jenny cried whit a angy voice, that lets everyone frose in shock.

"Oh, how sweat, you couldn't wait to see him, could you Jennifer?" Vexus said smiling; "Then prepare, here HE comes!" Vexus said, pinting to the Doors, whith an evil laught.

Then Sheldon entered, in a new battle suite, designet with Cluster enblames on it. In each arm one of the Jennydrones he steps forward, right before the cell, witch was hermetically sealed by a laser barrier. He stood there smiling.

"What have you done?" asked Jenny.

"Moi? I've done nothing, it was all his decision!" Vesus said with a big grin on her face.

"Why?" Jenny asked, while her eyes fill with tears.

"Why? To serve, to protect you Jennifer. To create a world, where you can live in peace, a world without humans!" Vexus explains for Sheldon who just focused his eyes on Jenny, who collapsed on the ground.

"Please, follow me, you have to see this" Vexus explaines, as the cell camber hovered like a lift to the middle of the bridge.

There Sheldon, activatet the ship, driving it into a wormehole with the earth as taget. His friends stood there in shock. On the screen they could see that the whole Cluster Armada where following Vexu's Ship.

"What are you doing?" Jenny cried angrily into Sheldons direction.

Then he turns his head a litte; "What i already should have done!" he said with a crasy expression on his face.

"I don't understand, they will enslave, or kill everyone on earth, that can't be what you want?" Jenny tries to find better words, for what anger is fillign her right now, realising here one, true love gots mad.

"I want a world you could fit in withaut problems, i want to create heavon for you!" Sheldon explanes "even if it's a place without any human even without me!" he explaines, laughing madly.

"There we are!" Vexus said, smiling all over her face, as earth could be seen at the and of the wormehole tunnel. "Vexus to all troops, domesday has arrived for earth and soon, we will conquer our old empire back!"

A outcry of victory from her troops on all ships could be heard througt the loudspeaker of her ship.

"Well here it ends!" Sheldon said without any expression in his words.

"Yes!" Vexus smiled "HERE IT ENDS, WHITH AN CLUSTER WAVE ABOUT THE GLOBE!" she replied happily.

"Sorry Vexus..." Sheldon said, as he tiped some codes in the ship computer. Right then he clapped out some blades of his armor suid arms and behead the two XJ9 Drones throug his sides "...but here our little alliance stopps!".

"What does that mean?" Vexus asked whith a face in shock.

"That means, that i would've destroid the whole world for the love of my life, but only on one exeption, she could live with it. And the destruction and/ or enslavemand of the human species is not Jenny's business!" he said happily "So i triet to figure out how i could stopp you Vexus and there was only one way, to destroy the first ship in the wormehole, so ist parts eleminate every other ships that where following. As you could recognise, i've activatet the self destruction of your ship and now i'm going to save my beloved Jenny!"

"Are you going mad?" Vexus asked Sheldon "You could have a hundred of her, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing" Sheldon said smiling in the same goofy smile Jenny loves so much "hm, i'm in love, so i'm actually kind of mad. But to answer your question, i'm in love with her mind, the girl inside, so only this one Jenny counts for me, even if you could manage me a billion of simulair ones! I see her true lovely inside, the girl that's inside and for me she's not like another drone like for you, for me she is a lovely, amazing and wunderful individual, that's the best think that ever happened to me!" Sheldon explaines.

"Oh Sheldon, that's so sweet" Jenny said more to herself, then to anyone, getting a warm feeling inside her belly and torso, that best could be explained as absolute love.

"Smytus get him!" Vexus commandet, as Commander Smytus startet a attack on Sheldon.

He hit him a few times, but Sheldon also get some punches on his enemy. After nearly ten minutes Smythus had lost one arm and one feet, also half of his face, but also Sheldon was more death than alive.

Smythus closes his hand around Sheldons head and hold him in front of Jenny's cell camber.

"Is that your great hero?" He asked about Sheldon, who realy looks dead. Then he let him fall into his pool of blood.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jenny cried sadly, as Smythus turns throug the terminal to stop the self destruction, followed by the eyes of his queen Vexus. Jenny beats against the energyfield that's around her cell. She holds against it, als the electric shocks let her cry out in pain and rip of theas of her exoskin and hair. Oil rans out her wounds, but she didn't care. She only wantet to save the love of her live and she get it.

The barrier collapses and let her, her mother and her friends free. While Vexus and Smythus were focused on the deactivating of the selfdestruction, a few drones tried to stop Jenny from reaching Sheldon. Poor ones, it was like beggin for destruction to run towards Jenny, who was sad, angry and without any hope, more than ever in her life, before.

"Shel?" she asked sadly, as she reached her love, looking in his bloody eyes.

" .. go .." he said, with the last of his energy.

"Never without you!" she said.

"What? No, I mean, we should go!" Sheldon said, pinting on the laptop, he just commandet, to activate the self destruction.

"Oh!" Jenny said understanding, grapping her love from the ground, Brad fired ones of the dronelasers against the other cluster drones, who tried to reach them, Tuck coveres himself agains his big brother, not so happy abaout this whole adventure and Mrs. Wakeman just tried to get the doors for the cargo compartment openm, to escape to their own little ship.

As the dors open Jenny's mother and Brad cried; "Run, run, run!" as the all sprint directly to their ship. Mrs. Wakeman reboots the ship energie and starts the ship engines of her own spaceship.

They aviate directly out of the wormhole, seconds before the cluster queens ship exploes, carries all the others following with it.

"We survived!" Tuck said happily.

"Yeah and we just destructet the cluster once and for all now!" Brad added.

"That means more free time for you Jenny, maybe time for a .. " he gulbs hard " .. date?" he asked a little frightened about her answer.

"Sure my love!" Jenny said, kissing him directly on the lips, metall on flesh. Sheldon loeses conscisiousness, directly. "Oh, boy!" Jenny laughed together with their firends.

"And now back to Trenmorton!" her mother explained, before focousing on her daughter "or maybe Paris, or Venice, for a romantic dinner?" she asked her daughter while she points on Sheldon and winks.

Autors note:

The End (so far)!

I just titel the last chapter after listening to Welle: Erdball, one of my famous electronic bands (i actually can't stop thinking of mlaatr and other android/ gynoid stuff, when i'm listening to them)!