Realisations ? A MLaaTR Fanfic with Jenny/ Sheldon

It was friday afternoon in Tremorton, Jenny "aka Jennifer, aka XJ9" Wakeman lay on her bad and thougt about the last week. It had been a typical week for her; crime fighting, anoying Sheldon, having fun with Brad and Tuck, the same like every week, but something feld strage, very strange.

Then she remembered, she hadn't been in a good mode, since school was over and Sheldon asked her – once again- to go out on a date with him! She had yelled NO, like everytime!

Everything was normal, so why couldn't she stop thinking about it?

It was her right to deny his request, don't care about how oft he would ask it again, the answer would ever be NO.

But why?

What? Was that her inner voice? Maybe, she thougt to herself, why what?

Why what? You know what I mean, he was the first one in school who was not afraid of you, the first one who likes you for yourself and he first one who treats you real like a living person, without woundering about your behavior. He's the one guy who aktually loves you for yourself, see you in a romantic light the one think you where always looking for and you just said NO!

But, I was afraid, scared, I didn't know what to think about!

That's all, he was nervous too, actually your sensors recognise that he was nervous, sweeting and out af breath, at you first met, and everytime he see's you he starts to stutter.

Hey, as he followed me, everyone watches us. They all thought he was a geek, that wasn't good for me if I wanted to fit in.

Like him, huh? He wants to fit in as much as you, no he wantet it even harder, failed again and again but he still keeps trying, the same way he still keeps trying to go on a date with you.

He makes so many mistakes, he just get me and my sisters in big danger and …

But he saves you all, by risking his own live, not the first and the last time he does. Remember the travel to Cluster Prime, your Mom tould you about? He don't accepts her refuse to stay at your home and tries to discuss with your Mom, until she accepts him coming with her to save you. He travels through the Cluster wormhole, don't recognizing if it coult split his molecules like your mother does, just with your resque in his mind.

But when I came to his home after the disastrous dinner, when I recognized the beautiful gift was from him, with love it just says ..

Stop, right there! You know what he realy sayed, when you couldn't hear him, Brad tould you later and you where really sorry about that! You know how he truly feels, you know how you truly fels..

Yeah, your right, maybe I should visit him and apologize my behaviour to him. Jenny thougt, starting her flymode when she went outside, to travel to Sheldons house. Whait a second who was I'm talking about, I still have no inner voice, or have I, and why am I so confused. Damn that's all Sheldons fault!

Autors note:

Yeah, why is she so confusing? What will happen if she visit Sheldon and tries to confess her true feelings? And what are the last Cluster Army ships doing at the other end of the Milky Way? Questions over questions, some where answered in the next, the second Chapter: And now?