Disclaimer: I am not J.K. Rowling (how sad). (Looking around.) Nope, still not J.K. Rowling. Too bad. (Rhyme not intended.)

A.N.: Normally I don't like time travel fics, but for some reason this came into my head and wouldn't go away. Anyway, I have seen so many stories where Harry goes back to the Marauders' time or vice versa so I decided to mix it up a bit and send to the Marauders to the Harry's kids' time at Hogwarts.

"Sirius Black! Get back here before I hex you into next week!"

"Run, Padfoot! Run!"

It started as a typical Saturday at Hogwarts. The birds were avoiding the Whomping Willow, the giant squid was eating students' soggy toast, and Lily Evans was chasing Sirius Black through the corridors while his fellow Marauders followed from a safe distance. What? It's not like they wanted to face the wrath of the hot-tempered Lily Evans.

Anyway, the reason Sirius was being chased around the castle by his fellow sixth-years is not important. What is important, however, is that soon they ended up near Filch's office. At 6 o'clock in the morning. While he had a cold. Not exactly the best time to encounter him.

"Who's – aaaaaccchhoooooooo!" Filch's sneeze rattled the window in his office as he got up to investigate the source of the racket.

"Quick! In here!" Remus hissed from the doorway from an abandoned potions classroom down the corridor. The remaining four scrambled in and barely shut the door before Filch came wheezing out of his office.

As Lily, Sirius, James, and Remus panted against the wall, Peter crossed the room to look at the shelves lining the other walls. "What's this?" he asked, holding up a small vial which was filled with a silver liquid swirling in it.

"I'm not sure. Be careful with it. In fact, just put it back," Remus said after coming to inspect it. As Peter turned to put the vial back on the shelf he tripped on his shoelace which had come loose during the chase. He and the vial both came crashing to the floor, causing the vial to smash open. An odd, thick mist filled the room almost instantaneously. In moments it had cleared, but for a few seconds it left the teenagers feeling like they had suddenly shot forward on a broomstick without moving.

"Moony, what do you think that stuff just did?" James asked.

"I have no idea," the werewolf answered.

"Maybe we should go see Madam Pomfrey in case that stuff did something to us," Lily suggested. "It could have side effects."

The boys agreed and they left the room. Within seconds of them passing through the door they heard a very angry female voice ring through the corridor.

"JAMES POTTER! GET YOUR COWARDLY BUTT OUT OF HIDING AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN!" Moments later a girl of about fifteen years turned the corner. She had curly red hair and brown eyes filled with rage. The moment she saw the Marauders and Lily she whipped out her wand and aimed it at James. "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO SCORPIUS?" she demanded.

Turning the other corner a moment later was a boy who looked exactly like James. He was holding up a blank sheet of parchment on a stick like a flag as a sign of surrender. "Rose, please don't kill me. I had to jinx him; he was kissing you." Although the boy seemed at least a year older, he seemed terrified. But a second later his expression changed to confused and uneasy as he took in the girl's (Rose, apparently) appearance and then the people she was standing in front of. Rose's jaw had dropped and her wand lay on the floor where she had dropped it. The teenagers who had a minute ago been threatened by her were all too familiar. He was looking at the faces of the pictures in his father's photo album. He was looking at his grandparents and their friends as teenagers.

Sooo….How was the first chapter of my first fanfic ever? Please review, but be at least semi-kind as I'm new at this.