A/N: This story

A/N: This story... ahh...coughcough well, this story is definitely not for kids... And that's exactly why I wrote it. After you read this chapter, you'll probably be wondering, "What the hell is wrong with this author! Who the fuck would think this up?! She needs some help!!" well, that's true, but I thought this story up a long time ago at a sleep over with two of my friends (you know who you are) That night, one of my friends (who shall remain nameless for her sake) and I couldn't get to sleep, my other friend was sound a sleep. So, my friends and I started discussing Foster's home for imaginary friends, and one thing led to another, and TA DA! This story was born! Oh, and to my friend who helped me think up the plot to this story at the sleep over, I wasn't kidding when I said that I was going to write it, and post it...I DON'T OWN FOSTER'S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS...

Bloo wondered the house even more bored than he had ever been in his life. He had no one to play with, Mac was currently on vacation with his family, Wilt was helping Frankie with chores, and Eduardo and Coco were playing with dolls. Bloo had absolutely nothing to do, so he randomly walked from hallway to hallway trying to find something of interest.

"What can I do!! I'm so bored!!" Bloo went down on all fours.

"This HOUSE is so BOARING!! Why??" Bloo was getting even more dramatic by the second.

'WHYYYYYYY!! THERE'S NOTHING TO DO!!" He went on his stomach still moving forward.


Bloo scooted his way down the hall, not noticing how close he was to Frankie's room.


"It is a Thursday. I get up early. It is a challenge, I'm usually lazy." Bloo snapped out of his over dramatic state of mind back into consciousness.

"What's that?"

"I make some coffee..."

Bloo looked around frantically.

"Where's that coming from?"

"I eat some rice chex..."

Bloo followed the noise and found himself right in front of Frankie's room. He noticed the door slightly opened, and peered threw the small crack. No one was inside.

"And then I sit down and check my inbox..."

"Well, I might as well go in to check it out..."

Bloo ran inside and shut the door quickly. He moved in slowly, Frankies room was clean, but it had a messy glow to it. He jumped on Frankies bed and played with what he thought was a vibrating pickle.

"Why does the pickle vibrate? It doesn't make any sense!"

"I only read a letter or two..."

Bloo put down the vibrating pickle on the floor and listened.

"I stare across the street and see the churches in the blue..."

This song's ok, It's kind of pretty...Bloo thought to himself... The song wasn't very loud and all you could really hear was the piano, and the voice would go really low at random times. It made the song more dramatic.

"the first orgasm of the morning, is cold and hard as hell..." Bloo looked up confused and surprised.

"What's an orgasm?"

Bloo remembered the earlier lyrics, well...he thought to himself.. She said it was early in the morning, and she had coffee and rice chex...

"AH HA!! I know what it is! Orgasm is that really yummy kind of jelly doughnuts! She said it was cold and hard...NOOOOOO!! Her doughnut was cold and hard! Poor thing!"

"There won't be any second coming as far as I can tell..."

Bloo sat there with a tear in his eye.

"She's not gonna get any more jelly doughnuts... This song is so depressing!"

"I arc my back cause, I'm very close now. It's very cold here by the window."

Bloo ran out of the room.

"I can't listen to anymore of this!! It's too depressing."

Bloo stopped half way down the hall. I haven't had an orgasm in forever, there so good, I need one, now. Bloo knew that the only way that he would get an orgasm was from Frankie. She was the one who always dealt with that kind of issue. Bloo knew that Frankie had to have a few orgasms hidden some where in the house.

"Frankies probably in the laundry room."

Bloo, acting on impulse, ran toward the laundry room, hoping to catch Frankie. Minutes passed by, Bloo grew tired, but his thirst for an orgasm kept him going.


Mr. Harrimen stood angrily a few feet away from him.


Mr. Harrimen looked irritated, but nonetheless interested with the situation.

"That is no excuse for running, rules are rules!"

Bloo was more anxious than ever.

"Mr. Harrimen, I need to go! It's important!!"

Mr. Harrimen glared at bloo.

"Well, Where are you going that is so important that you must run?"

Bloo sighed. He knew that once he told him about the Jelly doughnuts he would probably steal them first, but bloo had no time to try and weasel himself out of this question.

"I...I'm going to get an orgasm from Frankie..."

Mr. Harrimen had a frozen and shocked appearance on his face. Bloo continued to explain.

"I haven't had one in forever and I just know Frankie can give me one!!" Mr. Harrimen's face was still frozen.

"So NOW will you let me go?!"

Mr. Harrimen looked confuse until he finally spoke.

"You know, I haven't had an orgasm in a long time either..." Bloo grew angry, he knew this was going to happen; well Bloo would just have to beat him to it! Mr. Harrimen babbled on.

"I really need to get one of those..." He looked down at his watch.

"It's not too late today to get one, I'll get madam foster and a few others and we'll all get an orgasm! It's perfect! I even still have my whip, this will be splendid!"

Bloo sprinted for the laundry room.


Bloo screamed as he ran his way to Frankie. After a few seconds he made it to the laundry room.

"Frankie I need you to-" Bloo stopped to see...Frankie and wilt naked on top of each other. Bloo stood silently.


Bloo stood in a daze, he looked almost frozen.

"AH..." Wilt chimed in. "We... ah... WELL... we were... I'm-I'm sorry..."

Bloo twitched.

END OF CHAPTER ONE……… If you're going to flame me because of the sexual context, well, trust me honey, this is nowhere near as sexual as it's going to get. See what happens in chapter 2……oh, and if you do flame me, it's all right, I won't bitch about it. but critic me as well, SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER. ;D