Hey guys

Hey guys! My name's Song of Eternity, but I guess you can call me Song! I'm obsessed with anime! I love cute pairings, and of course, I'm not adverse to shounen-ai! This one isn't as much cute as it is sad, but It's lovely as far as I can tell! It's my first ever fanfiction! In fact, its my first ever published bit of writing. Please review!! Even flames are welcome!! Do try to be constructive though!! Let the melancholy begin……

Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, Lawliet, Raito, Watari, or the song "The Lonely Sea". Death note and all the characters are owned by a very rich anime company and the genius who made it up. The lonely sea is a song I sang in choir and it was so sad it reminded me of this anime. I also do not own the sea. This belongs to whoever can figure out how to fit it in their pocket…lol.


In my soul, I hear a voice

Whispering my name once more;

Begging me to make the choice,

Calling me back to the shore.

Under a blood-red sky, the darkened waves beat at the shore, just as they had since the dawn of time. The gulls swept the sky over head, and crabs scuttled along, building little houses in the sand. Among these natural wonders stood another one of the world's amazing phenomena. He was tall and hunched, and deathly pale. Feathery, ebony-hued hair stuck wildly out from his head, and sad, soulless eyes stared out at the hopeless world before him. These eyes were ringed with the evidence of many sleepless nights and shadowed by the heavy lids above them.

Come back to the ocean.

Come back to the sea.

Can you hear him calling?

He's crying out for me…

Listen as he beckons you.

Lonely now he mourns…

Come back to the lonely sea.

He had reason for these sorrowful, hopeless eyes. He had experienced many horrifying things in his life, and the pain of his existence had begun on the very day of his birth. Judging from how things had been going, it wouldn't end. Not now, not ever.

And 'neath the ocean waves above,

Within the murky waters deep,

A voice is calling out with love,

From its mystic briny sleep.

No, he thought suddenly. That was a lie. He had been almost happy once. Almost. But that was all over, as the source of that happiness was now gone, and he would probably never see him again.

Now the memories of his almost-joy continued to call him back here every few weeks. Back to the seaside which was as close to him as he could come and still be in this godforsaken land. He sighed as the sun began to sink below the far-off horizon. It certainly is strange, he thought, that though the sun was setting here, it was rising on the other side of the world. The side he was on. "Raito…" he sighed.

Come back to the ocean.

Come back to the sea.

Can you hear him calling?

He's crying out for me!

Listen as he beckons you..

Lonely now he mourns.

Come back to the lonely sea.

"Are you ok?"

Turning so that Watari could see his nod, Lawliet tried to put the memories to the back of his mind. When the American government had called him to New York, he had left Raito Yagami and all of the memories the shared behind. The Kira investigation had petered out over time and, no longer having reason to hold Raito, Lawliet had been forced to let him go. The two had seen each other a few other times, over coffee (and cake, lots and lots of cake…), but eventually, Lawliet was called away.

So now here he was, standing on the shore, waves lapping at his ankles, staring out towards Japan. Though he couldn't see the island, he knew it was there, in the sparkling waters of the pacific. So he threw out his arms toward the unseen island in the evening mist, knowing it was as close as he would ever get…

Listen as he beckons you.

Lonely now he mourns…

Come back to the lonely sea.