The moon shined brightly over 916 Maple Tree Lane. The soft light, filtered by red and gold curtains, illuminated the tanned skin of the bushy haired girl in the bed. A light breeze from the open window fluttered hair onto Hermione's cheek. The witch slept peacefully, unaware of the blonde man who stood just outside her window, in the garden below.
Pop. The only noise the man made when entering Hermione's room was the slight pop of his apparition. She didn't even stir as he walked to her bedside. Picking up the wand from her bedside table, pocketing it, and replacing it with a slip of paper, the Slytherin grabbed the sleeping girl's hand and disapparated from the Burrow.
Chapter 1
Hermione awoke in a bed that was not her own. It was too soft to be hers, and last she checked, she didn't have green silk sheets. She shot upright in the bed searching frantically for her wand.
"Don't bother, you won't find it." Hermione recognized that voice. It was the voice that had taunted her all through her years in Hogwarts. It also was the voice that belonged to the man who's life she had saved after the final battle. Never had she regretted that decision more.
"Malfoy." She sneered, "What are doing? Where am I? You can't just take me from my home, from my bed! Take me home right now!"
"Not likely Granger, I didn't kidnap you just to take you home."
"Oh and why did you kidnap me ferret?"
"I should think that would be obvious Mudblood. I did tell you when you saved me that you were mine. And werewolves don't take mates lightly."
Hermione's eyes widened. Werewolf? Draco Malfoy, King of the Slytherins, Hogwarts Sex God, and heir to one of the last pureblood families, was a werewolf? Wait, did he say mate?
"Wait a minute…did you say mate? You couldn't have because werewolves mate for life. You couldn't possibly have said mate." The look in Malfoy's eyes told her that he was deadly serious.
" No! I won't be your mate. I refuse to! I'm your worst enemy! I…I…I'm to young to…"
"To what Hermione? To be tied to me forever? To share my bed every night? To bare my children? Or to fall in love?"
"I won't do it Malfoy! I've read about how werewolves mate. How the wolf has to agree with the human before they can be together. There is no way that you BOTH agreeded on me! You hate me!"
"I won't argue with you about this right now Hermione. Look around, make yourself at home…you're going to be here for a while. Dinner is at 7. You'll find clothes in the wardrobe, and the bathroom is through there." Draco pointed to a door on her left and began to walk to the door.
"You'll never get away with this Malfoy! Ron and Harry will come looking for me!" Hermione prayed that this was true after what had happened earlier that day.
"That's where you're wrong Hermione. They won't be coming. You left a note on the bedside table for them saying how you went home and that you didn't want them to follow. That you would see them at school at the start of term." Hermione gasped. She was in the hands of a werewolf, who not only was her worst enemy, but who also wanted her to be his mate.
"Oh and Hermione, one last little thing…I haven't hated you since you punched me in third year." With that Draco breezed out the door, leaving behind Hermione, who looked like she'd been hit with a stunning spell.