Naruto's former boyfriend, Shikamaru, fight constantly. The night they break up, Naruto meets Sasuke, school badass, at a party and finds out there's a lot more to Sasuke than meets the eye.
Warning, cause they're gay kids and I like bad words. :D
Disclaimer, cause I don't wanna get sued or anything.
Author's note, cause I know I should be worried about updating We'd Be Together, but this idea has been bothering so I wanted to see how it'd turn out. Sorry guys!
And, we're off!
Naruto's p.o.v
I stood outside in the cool grass and listened to the crickets chirp for a moment. I took a quick look up at the stars and thought, fleetingly, that it was actually a very pretty night. The moon was surprisingly bright and it appeared closer than I'd ever seen. I heard giggling and glanced off to the left. A girl in a way-too-short skirt led a guy through the yard. I watched them walking until they stepped into shadows too dense for me to see through. I tuned back into the conversation I was having with my boyfriend.
"Shikamaru, don't do this to me. Please, Shika. Don't be like this.."
I pleaded into the phone almost desperately. He was, of course, angry with me again Shikamaru was. This time it was because I'd gone to this party where a former boyfriend was. One that, mind you, I hadn't even spoken to in the past year and that I'd only gone out with for about a week. Regardless, it was still 'against the rules' to be anywhere within a five mile radius of anyone I'd previously dated, or my hot-headed boyfriend got pissy. I closed my eyes as he screamed into the phone.
"Damnit, Naruto, you always do this! Always! Sometimes, I can't even fucking stand you! Naruto, this is it. Leave that party right now, or we're over."
I could tell through his voice that he was seething. He always got so worked up over every little thing. I thought about the words he'd just said. Leave.. or we're over. I tried to think of any reason, any reason at all at that point, that I would want to stay with him. Every thing I did was wrong or dumb or annoying. In the beginning, I couldn't have imagined loving anyone more than I 'loved' Shikamaru. Everything about him was perfect. He was so laid back and carefree that I immediately felt relaxed when I was with him. But that had been three months ago when Sakura had first introduced us. Slowly but surely those good traits had slipped away and I began to loathe being with him. I didn't look forward to being anywhere near him anymore. I was always on my toes, always tense, trying not to make him mad. Trying to avoid fighting with him yet again.
I thought back to the weekend before. We were fighting again. Well.. he was yelling at me and I was apologizing continuously. It was one of the many times and if it hadn't ended like it did, I probably would've had a hard time seperating it from all of the other times we'd fought. It had been a perfect Saturday. We rode around in his old truck, listening to music and talking about nothing. We didn't fight at all and I remember feeling so relieved and hopeful. Until we got back to his house. We chilled for about thirty minutes until I guess I got on his nerves again. He flew off the handle and started yelling and throwing things. It was the first time that I'd ever really been afraid of him. He'd gotten mad before, really mad. He'd looked mad enough to hit me before, but the previous weekend, he actually looked like he'd do it. I flinched as he reared his arm back and closed my eyes tight. I guess he realized how insane he was acting because he apologized and I left, flustered, immediately after.
He texted his apology that night and the next day, all was forgotten. It was that night that I decided I probably wouldn't be able to handle him much longer. I refused to be in an abusive relationship and we were too close for comfort.
At that moment, at that party, standing outside on a night that I wouldn't get to appreciate because I was fighting with someone who was supposed to love me, I decided that I didn't need him. I cared for him, but it was getting to be too much for me. I shook my head and glanced back up at the sky before voicing these thoughts with him.
"Shika, I'm not leaving this party."
"Wh.. What?"
"I'm not leaving. Shikamaru.. I can't do this anymore."
"What are you.. Can't do what anymore?"
"I can't do THIS anymore! Fighting with you every day, watching my back, trying to keep your approval, I'm tired of it all! Shikamaru, I love you. But you don't love me. Not enough to make this work, anyway. I'm sorry, baby, but I'm done."
There was a silence on the other line. I waited for what seemed like forever before he answered.
"Oh. O-Okay. That's probably for the best." I heard the sigh in the voice and thought briefly of how much I would miss him. "Hey Naruto?"
"Yeah, Shika?"
"I'm sorry. I know this is my fault. So, I want you to know that I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Really, it is. I just can't handle it any longer. You understand, don't you?" I knew he did, but I asked anyway. Sure, he was flippin bipolar, but he was still Shikamaru deep down.
"Yeah. I understand. Bye, Naruto." It was just a goodbye. Two simple words that I had heard from his mouth a million times before, but this time I knew it was almost too final to bear. And I was sad, sure, but I was relieved beyond compare.
"Yeah. Bye."
I didn't know why, but my voice didn't reflect the way my heart was teling me I felt. My voice was slightly shaky, maybe strained. I shut my phone and stuffed it in my jeans pocket. I stretched my arms and crossed them behind my head. Looking up at the sky, I became aware of how shitty I suddenly felt. Half of me was singing and dancing and leaping from the rooftops but the other half felt like getting fucked up after ending a relationship that my life evolved around for the past three months.
I shook my head and walked inside, to the party. I realized just how tired I was as I walked through the crowded living room. The loud music and shouted words sent a pounding through my head. I closed my eyes quickly. I continued trekking through the house to the kitchen to get a beer. I saw Gaara in the hallway and he raised a fiery eybrow (because he has eyebrows in my story). I shook him off as well and went to climb the stairs to a second make-shift living room that I knew was there behind the fourth door on the right of Gaara's upstairs. I knew the room well, having been close friends with Gaara since about the sixth grade. I'd crashed many a night in the upstairs living room across from his bedroom on a beat up tan couch watching Comedy Central and wishing away the hang-over that was sure to take its toll the next day.
I didn't expect anyone to be in the room but was surprised when I opened the door to see another guy sitting on the couch holding the bridge of his nose. He looked up as I opened the door and the hand fell from his face.
"Um.. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here.." I began to back out of the room before he answered.
"It's fine. You look like shit." My eyebrows shot up at the bluntness. That was, of course, before I realized who I was talking to.
I recognized him from school. The milky white, porcelain-like skin, dark eyes, silky black hair. Sasuke Uchiha was his name and he was fine enough for anyone with hormones to fall in love with. Everyone in our town and in our school knew Sasuke. He was wild; he smoked, drank, hollered and left a destructive path behind him. Most worshipped the ground he walked on and I remembered that he was in a band and that he sang like an angel and played the guitar like a bat out of Hell. I felt a small amount of aner bubble up inside of me as I looked into his eyes lined with black eyeliner.
"Oh, thanks. Like that's really what I need right now." I hesitated for a moment, but I decided to go ahead and close the door behind me and plop down on the couch beside him. I definitely didn't want to go back down to the party, so why not make conversation? I was careful not to slosh my beer, the only thing really keeping me above water.
"What's got your panties in a bunch, friend?" He smirked in my direction, playing it cool as he always did. I wondered what he was doing at this party at eleven o'clock on a Friday night. He was definitely the last person on the face of the earth I expected to be making conversation with me at one of these dumb parties.
"Well, my boy-- well, ex-boyrfriend now, I guess. We broke up.. about five minutes ago, actually. I don't understand why I'm down about it. I did dump his ass."
"Why did you do that?" He seemed more serious now, though he did have a small smile playing on his lips.
"Ugh, a bunch of shit, I guess. We were just fighting all the time and it wasn't working. And to tell the truth, and this is the first time I've said this out loud but.. it was getting to where I was afraid of him. And I was afraid to spend time with him anyway.. I just can't live like that, y'know? And.. I don't really know why I'm telling you this." I laughed at myself and looked back up at Sasuke. He was sitting there, watching me, no longer smirking. He watched my face as I talked and I realized that most of the time when people talked to me, they seemed to look past me. But it was real life and not a movie, so I didn't have time to dwell on that.
"Ah, I see. He didn't hit you, did he?" I shook my head quickly and he smiled.
"Good. Because I don't want to have to whoop his ass. Who was the unlucky jerk that lost you?" He smirked at me playfully and I murmered Shikamaru's name. I wasn't sure why, but I felt an uneasiness in the pit of my stomach.
"I know that kid. He doesn't really seem the angry type." I raised an eyebrow.
"What does an 'angry type' look like?" He laughed before answering.
"Me. At least, that's what pepole seem to think. That because they hear all this crap about me, like the fact that I'm wild and reckless and I would so be somebody that would be abusive or something. It's pretty dumb." I felt bad for a moment, thinking back to how I'd passed him off as just another stereotypical wild child so many times.
"And yes, I know, you've made the assumption, but I'm sure I've assumed things about you as well. " I smiled in question.
"Oh? Like what?"
"Well, for starters, I never would've thought you'd be a drinker. Secondly, I figured you'd be a total prude. However, I'm having second thoughts about that. And I definitely figured that if you'd be this goofy, hyper kid. But it turns out, you're not, right?" I laughed loudly.
"No. Not unless I'm totally plastered. Then I'm slightly obnoxious. But I don't like to get hammered. I like to know relatively what's going on and remember everything the next morning, you know?" I laughed again.
"Ahh. See? I underestimated you, Naruto Uzumaki."
"Well, Sasuke Uchiha, I'm flattered that you seem impressed now." He winked and nodded.
"So, why are you up here anyway? Pinching the bridge of your nose and whatnot?" He shrugged.
"The party's getting to be a little much. I have a serious headache." I smiled.
"Oh really? I felt one coming on earlier. Alcohol always helps." He rolled his eyes and smiled. I smiled goofily.
"Yeah, you looked like you needed a beer. Calming down now?" His eyebrow was raised and I thought it looked pretty sexy.
"Yes, actually. It's just kind of wierd to be out of that relationship, after the three months that I dedicated myself to the bastard. I must be kinda pissed off now. After all, I don't think I deserve that. Do you think I deserve that?" I looked to him expectantly. I figured the alcohol was kicking in and that's what I would blame it on later.
"No, I don't think you do. You know what I think you deserve?" I shook my head.
"I think you deserve somebody that's going to worship the ground you walk on. Everybody does. And it has to be a mutual thing. But not like an idol, like someone you love so much you think the sun pretty much shines out of their ass. (1) You? You definitely need somebody that appreciates how beautiful and funny and kind you are. Because I've watched you around school. I don't know if you've noticed or not. But I know that you're all the time going out of your way to be nice to people and have an honest conversation. You're pretty cool, Uzumaki."
I wasn't sure what to say. I was embarassedly aware of the blush that had risen to my cheeks. What do you say when someone says things that nice about you? Especially to a person that, when you hear something about that person, it's bad. I opened my mouth and stuttered, grasped at thin air, searched for something to say. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled.
"Relax. A 'thanks' is plenty enough." I sighed and forced a 'thank you' out and he laughed again.
I was about to say something else when my phone vibrated in my pocket, surprising me. I sat my beer down on a table and fished the phone from my pants.
"Hello?" My face fell as Shikamaru's voice came flowing from the other side. I heaved the heaviest sigh of the night and rested an elbow on my knee. I palmed my face and silently listened to his rant for a few moments before running the hand through my hair. Apparently, Shikamaru had gotten over the general shock and was now pissed as hell. I wondered to myself where the Shikamaru I had firstly been smitten with had gone.
"Shikamaru, please. Just st-" He cut me off with more angry words and I looked back up to Sasuke, embarassed once again that my ex-boyfriend was now yelling at me. I rolled my eyes. How fucking wonderful.
"I'm on my way over to that stupid fucking party, Naruto, and you better hope I take pity on you."
"Excuse me?" I choked out. I was shocked that he had actually threatened me.
"You heard me. I'm about two minutes away and your sorry ass is mine."
"I'm sorry. Did you just threaten me?" Sasuke's eyes widened.
"It's not a fucking threat, it's a promise. Just you wait." And the connection was lost, signaling that he'd hung up.
"He fucking threatened you?" Sasuke spouted out.
"He says he's on his way and that he's about two minutes away. He said my sorry ass is his." Sasuke was close to shaking in anger and I was surprised that it concerned him so.
"Well, this just won't do. If there's anything I detest, it's a sorry ass that would dare be abusive. Don't you worry, Naruto. I've got this." I was too surprised to say anything. We sat there for a few minutes before an angry Shikamaru was heard storming through the halls. He burst through the door and I couldn't help but jump, frightened, to the corner of the couch.
"I found you, you piece of shit. How dare you try to break up with me!?"
"W-what?" My eyes were wide. This guy, the seething man before me, wasn't- couldn't be my Shikamaru, could it be?
"I'm gonna beat you black and fucking blue." He came at me, angry, and I was two seconds short of shielding my face when Sasuke stood swiftly and moved to my side, gripping the angry hand Shikamaru wielded.
"I don't fucking think so. You're not to lay a finger on him."
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Shikamaru shouted in his face, angry that he'd been stopped.
"I'm a friend that's about had it with you. Now, I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I have to make you. And if I make you, you're not going to like it." Shikamaru scoffed at Sasuke's intimidating words. A bad
"Psht, you don't scare me, tough man."
"Hm." Sasuke said, his only warning, before thrusting a fist back and connecting hard with the left side of Shikamaru's face.
The force sent Shikamaru wheeling and he fell back to the couch behind him. It took a full two seconds for him to recover and respectively turn tail and run like a little girl. He left Sasuke and I in his wake, me cowering on the couch, shaking, and Sasuke simply standing there, massaging his fist. All was silent but for my deep breathing before he turned around and looked me over quickly.
"You okay?" I nodded quickly. Scared shitless, but fine. He nodded in return and offered me an unharmed hand to pull me to my feet, which I accepted.
"Let's get you home." I thought that was probably the best idea of the night and agreed quickly.
We walked outside and he led me to an old pick-up truck sitting near the end of the driveway. I smiled ath the beat-up truck, a faded blue color with red stripes down the sides. He caught my smile and shrugged, carefree.
"Sure, she's rough, but she's my baby. The only woman I'll ever love." I laughed and got in, smiling another small smile as the door hinges creaked loudly when opened and closed. He muttered something about oiling them before putting the key in the ignition and pulling out of the driveway. We rode in a comfortable silence. The only words exchanged were those uttered as I pointed him in the direction of my apartment. When he pulled up, he turned the truck off and I leaned back in the seat for a minute, unbelieving everything that had gone down in a few hours. I opened my eyes when I felt him shift.
"I'm going to come by tomorrow, okay? And we're going on an adventure." I smiled and quirked an eyebrow.
"Do I even have a say in it?" He smirked.
"You do. But I'd prefer if your word was a yes." He gave me a puppy-dog-pout and I was all but forced to say yes. He threw his hand up in the air childishly and shouted victoriously and I giggled.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." I moved one hand to the door handle and was about to hop out of the truck when Sasuke grabbed my free hand. I looked back and he kissed me quickly on the forehead.
"Sweet dreams." I sat, still, for a moment before smiling and nodding. I got out of the truck and trudged up to my apartment.
When I fell into bed for the night about twenty minutes later after taking my shower, I thought about everything that had happened and everything I knew about Sasuke Uchiha. He was definitely shocking me and contradicting all that I knew. But then I thought.. You don't really know him. This was true. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before smiling and turning over, burying my head in my pillow and letting all other thoughts escape me.
To be continued!
There you go guys! I've been throwing that around forever! And I'm so glad I finally have it written. I'm also writing a quick oneshot at the moment based on a song I have recently fallen in love with, but more about that in that story. Updates (most likey the last) for We'd Be Together will be soon, but to tell the truth, I haven't even started the chapter yet. I've only worked on this and the other!
Anyway, review pleaseeee!!
I love my readers, as always.