Hey, hey, everyone. Am posting my first fanfic. It was writen a month ago so the setting is pre "Wannabe" and "Pain", hope ya'll enjoy and let me know what you think. And just so you know, I am a total BB fluffer. Always and forever.

Cam seated herself at her desk and let out a huge sigh. She had just come from a three-hours meeting with the Jeffersonian Board and was simply exhausted. Not that she minded mingling with the all-important men that paid her paycheck every month but these meetings always tended to be quite boring and administratorial.

Not a fun way to spend late Friday afternoon especially when she had gotten hold of a coupon for a free massage session at a new spa that opened just outside the city that expires on said Friday.

Moreover, the board had decided to instigate the makings of a somewhat representational booklet on everything that goes on in the Jeffersonian institute. Good press and exposure, they called it. Apparently they expect each department to contribute to this little pamphlet by presenting their work and the people that fulfill it.

As Cam started to think about what she could write about four doctors, an artist and a certain FBI figure, she was relieved of this duty by one of the board members who by his own words had the ingenious idea of entrusting the task to Dr. Brennan, for she is after all a world-renowned author and should be more than capable of coping with it.

The board has emphasized on the fact that what ever be written it should be written interestingly which to Cam translated as lacking scientific facts or long scientific words that will not appeal to the masses. It is with the intent of informing, or ordering, Dr. Brennan of the task the board had entrusted her that Cam found herself on her way towards the anthropologist's office. But when she got there she was surprised when she found the office empty.

Apparently even the good doctor whose picture Cam would without a doubt place next to the definition of a workaholic in a dictionary had more of a life than the pathologist herself. She glanced at her watch. 8 pm. She fished for her phone in the bag draped over her left shoulder and dialed Brennan's number.

"Admit it, Bones. I was right and you were wrong," Booth exclaimed with a smirk on his face as he poked the fork with a piece of pie still attached to it towards Brennan to emphasize his words.

"I'm not admitting to anything, Booth," Brennan answered him equally fervently as she leaned forward and most deftly rid the fork of the pie piece with her mouth.

"Hey," said Booth indignantly but playfully nonetheless, "That was the last piece and you don't even like pie."

She swallowed the chewed piece of pie and smiled innocently, "Sorry."

"Bones," Booth said pouting.

"Oh, come on, Booth. You can always order more pie if you want and you would have shared with me if I asked you anyway," Brennan answered smiling.

"Pie stealing aside, you really think I can't refuse you anything?" Booth asked incredulously.

"Nope," was her swift answer, "Well, except a gun, but I'll get you around that issue one time or another."

"I don't think so, Bones," Booth answered, "plus you didn't ask me for that last piece of pie."

"Well, consider yourself asked," Brennan said.

At that point Brennan's cell phone rang and she swiftly swapped it off the table. Just before answering she said to Booth, "You know someone had to punish you for being right."

"Brennan," she answered.

"Aha, so you admit it. I was right," Booth said grinning just before she answered.

She covered the phone microphone with the palm of her hand and said, "Shhh, Booth, I'm on the phone."

"Oh, missy, you don't get to shhhhs me," he said still smiling.

She just stuck out her tongue and said, "Yeah, Cam, hi."

Booth just shook his head in disbelief at her playfulness but it was a side of her that he could definitely get more used to. Because she was right when her eyes sparkled like that and she looked at him through her lashes with her gorgeous blue eyes, he certainly could not refuse her anything. After lingering on her beautiful eyes his gaze shifted down to her full lips and he sighed as his mind took a dangerous course of action that included his own body and those luscious lips. His daydream was so intense that he didn't even notice she already stopped talking and put her cell back down on the table.

When he noticed that she was speaking to him again he shook his head banishing the fantasies from his mind.

"Booth," she said questioningly, "Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, yes I am," he said.

"Oh, really," she eyed him suspiciously, "What were you thinking about just now?"

"Ehm," Booth stalled, if only you knew, or better not, you'd probably kick my ass, "Nothing in particular. So, why was Cam calling? Please, tell me we don't have case."

"No, no case. Cam was just at a meeting with the Jeffersonian board and apparently they asked if I could write a little something about the team for the Jeffersonian Bulletin since I am a fiction writer," she said matter-of-factly.

"Jeffersonian Bulletin?" Booth said with a smirk.

"Yes, what's so funny about that," Brennan said defensively.

"Nothing, nothing, forget I said anything. So, you're supposed to write like an article?" he asked.

"Yeah, approximately 500 words and they said it should be interesting," she said before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Interesting, huh? You know what that means, don't you?" Booth said smiling.

"What do you mean?" Brennan said with a confused expression.

"Well, I'm guessing they want you to tone it down on the techno and squinty speak. You know, focus more on the people that comprise the team," Booth explained.

"I can do that," Brennan said huffing as Booth smirked again.

She continued, "What, you don't think I can write something nice about you guys?"

"No, no," he said still grinning, "I'm sure you can write anything if you put your mind to it."

"And you better believe it," she said proudly as they got up to leave the diner.

Two hours and a few bears later Booth left her apartment. Brennan relaxed against the couch and let her mind wrap around the things she could write about in the article. Everyone probably thinks I'm going to spurt a bunch of scientific expressions into a few paragraphs and be done with it. Well, I'll prove them wrong.

She opened her laptop and before she knew it or even had the time to think about what she's going to write the words spilled from her heart and filled the computer screen. She was finished after and hour or so, confident in her words and satisfied that the article really had not taken up much of her time. She emailed it to the publishers that took upon themselves to put the booklet together and headed to bed. Monday morning, she thought, everybody will be in for a little surprise as she fell asleep with a smile.

Now, lay it on me. Yup. I can take it. I hope :) And a little spoiler for the next chapter: Brennan's article, are you interested? Please, let it be so. Thank you for reading. Hugs and kisses all around. :):):) And please review to give me hope, it will be greatly appreciated. :)