
By: InfectedMinds86

It was 1:30 am, Zuko wandered the forest. This was his forth sleepless night. His head was racing with thoughts of the past, present and what he hoped for the future. A twig cracked near by and Zuko wheeled around ready to attack. He sighed, it was just a fox. "I'm way to on edge" he muttered into the wind. The thing Zuko found himself thinking of most was what he had done with Katara, so passionate. It had made him want to become a different person. Zuko was sick of the Fire Nation, his sister Azula could take over for all he cared. A hand on his shoulder made Zuko jump. "Whoa it's okay" a girls voice said from behind him. "Katara?" he asked. "No it's me Toph" "Katara sent me though". "For what?" Zuko asked. "Why to find you of course". "Me? why?". "She wants to talk to you" Toph replied. "Okay, where is she?" "Follow me"
Toph told him. Zuko shrugged and followed Toph. "So, do you know what Katara wants? Zuko asked toph as they walked. "She told me I can't say" Toph said. "She needs to tell you herself". "Is something wrong with her?" he inquired a bit concerned.

"Well, it would be extremly hard to explain to you with out telling you the whole story. "Alright" he replied. "Here we are" Toph said. "Katara's tent is the red one". "Try not to wake anyone else up". "Okay, I'll try" he replied. Walking over to Katara's tent Zuko took a deep breath then opened the flap. "May I come in? he asked her. "Oh, of course" she said. Zuko entered the tent slowly. "Sit" she said pointing to the floor. He sat. "So" he said. "Why'd you bring me here?". "I have something I need to tell you?" "Are you alright? he asked. "well, sort of" she replied. "I just wanted to let you know before I tell you what it is, I'm not asking for you're help". "Okay" he said. "So what is it?" "I'm pregnant" she said. Zuko's mouth dropped. "P-Pregnant?" he stuttered. "Who's the father?". Katara sighed. "You are" she replied. "I-I don't know what to say" Zuko said still in shock. "We'll I think we need to talk about what is going to be done about this." Katara told him. "Whatever you think we should do" Zuko replied. "I just want to let you know if you decied to keep the baby I'll be here for you" "I think we should keep the baby" said Katara. "I couldn't have an abortion, it's not right. "So it's settled. "We're going to keep the baby".