(I got bored, and decided to continue with my idea. It seems late nights are good times for me. Especially if I can't sleep and it's like 2 in the morning. -shrug- So I wrote the first chapter of my new story. And I'm actually remotely satisfied with it. Which is odd, because usually after rereading something I wrote I end up despising it..
If you have some spare time and want to help me become a better writer; write a constructive review. Tell me what you liked, whatt I could have done better, what you'd like to see, etc. Even if you hated it, but you still give me some tips on how to improve I will greatly appreciated it. Even more then a praising review with no substance.
And of course, I don't own digimon, or tokio hotel (whose songs I may or may not continue to use as titles))
I'm Burning, Can't You See?
Heart was pounding like crazy, as Matt hastily took a step away from Tai. Rich blue eyes were wide in shock. No words could even begin to express how fucking confused he was. And now he had no idea what to do next. He couldn't deny that he had enjoyed it; at least he couldn't to himself. At the same time he couldn't ignore the strange feeling this had created. This was Tai; TAI for God's sake. The obnoxious boy he had grown up with, the guy he had gone through hell with, his best friend, his future best man, the person who had stopped him from killing himself.
And the only guy who had ever kissed him…
He was at a complete loss of what to do. And Tai was no better off.
The brunette just knelt there on that stone roof. Palms were pressed hard against the concrete, as he tried desperately to recall exactly what just happened. Shortly after the 'heroic' move, the poor boy had collapsed to the ground. A dazed look enacted in his eyes. Had he really done that? What in the world possessed him to do something that, that disgusting? Shit.
"Tai," Matt's calm tone of voice caused the crouching boy to look up. Hope flooded his eyes, praying that his friend could explain what happened and that everything was going to be alright, "that never happened."
No emotion clung to the singer's voice, as he stared coolly at his friend. He winced lightly at the pained look that formed on his friend's face, but that wasn't enough to change his mind. Come on, there was no way he could be gay. He'd lose practically all his fans, and the band would die off. No, he couldn't have that happen. Not when they were soo close to reaching stardom.
"Fine," Tai replied, slowly lifting himself off the ground, "it's all just some fucked up dream then?" Tone was bitter, as he glanced over at Matt. Seeing that he was about to protest, Tai went on.
"Hate to break it to you, but it did happen." Chocolate eyes studied the strange expression that had formed on his closest friend. "So you can deny it all you want, but it doesn't change anything."
For a moment Matt was stunned, and then he snapped.
"Look Tai," blood boiled, and hand was clamped tightly into a fist, "I'm not fucking gay, I'm not even bi. I'm STRAIGHT! Do you understand?"
Voice shook as he watched Tai take a step back; caught off guard from the explosion that was Matt's temper. And he wasn't done.
"I don't care if you are, but I'm not." He added, the fumes beginning to die down. "I just can't be…"
Tai just blinked, and slowly he nodded.
"Fine you're not gay," Tai replied, sparing a glance at the edge of the roof, "and you also didn't intend to commit suicide."
It was surprising, the casualness behind the comment. Matt blinked, attempting to comprehend exactly what Tai was trying to get at.
"You said that never happened," Tai said, noticing the shocked expression on Matt's face, "that means I also get to say you never had suicide intentions."
Matt stared, and stared even harder. That kiss had made him completely forget about why he was even here in the first place. As the realization hit him though, he gave a brief nod of agreement. There was no use arguing this now.
A satisfied smirk came from Tai, as he grabbed a hold of Matt's shoulder.
"Move it then." Tai ordered, pushing the heart throb forward. A determined look to get the blonde home safe was found covering his entire facial features.
With no way to protest, Matt stumbled forward. Silently, the two made their way off the building. Tai: following behind Matt to push him along, and Matt: just walking with a completely stunned expression on his face.
The silence was awkward to say the least, and there were a couple times that Tai just wanted to strike up a spontaneous conversation like they always did. But whenever he tried, Matt just nodded, or shrugged. There was no desire in him to converse with his friend, not when he was still trying to get over that initial shock.
"We're here." Tai said dryly, knocking on the door. Eyes opened up fully for the first time during the entire walk, and slowly he realized he wasn't at his home.
"Tai," he slowly started, trying to break free of his friend's grip, "this isn't my house, it's…"
The sentence was never completed, as the door swung open to reveal a very pissed off younger brother.
Matt turned to glare at Tai, who just gave a 'sorry dude' smile, before turning heel and wandering out of the building. Matt growled lightly, yet just as he was given a chance to escape; TK pulled him into the apartment and slammed the door shut.
"Do you even know how much you worried everyone?" He snapped, pushing the older Ishida brother against the door. Teeth grinded as a furious fire burned in his normally gentle eyes. His hot breath steamed against the delicate singer's neck.
"They all went out looking for you," he added growling, "EVERYONE! We were so fucking worried, what the fuck were you thinking?"
With a final push, TK drew back. The anger was still evident on his face, and arms crossed tightly waiting for some sort of explanation.
"I'm sorry." Matt mumbled, making his way through what he believed to be an 'overreacting' younger brother, in a motion to settle down on the couch.
"Oh hell no," TK exclaimed, grabbing a hold of the slightly frozen arm of his brother, "I'm sorry?! That's honestly the only thing can think up?"
"Fine, I'm very sorry." Matt responded, an irritated tone forming in his voice. Pulling away from his brother, he managed to make his way to the couch in one piece. Without another word, he settled down, curling up for a good night sleep.
Seeing there was no way he could get anything more out of his brother, TK made his way to the closet. Throwing a couple pillows and a blanket at his brother so he could at least be more comfortable, TK began heading towards his own room. He paused midway though, and turned around to face Matt once again.
"We'll talk more in the morning."
A groan was the only response, and a faint smirk formed. TK turned and continued on his way to bed; leaving Matt completely alone.
Though he was tired, the blue-eyes wonder boy just couldn't sleep. There he lay, wide awake and staring at the blank TV screen before him. That kiss. No matter how much he wanted to deny it ever happened, he couldn't get it out of his mind. That feeling that he could just melt in Tai's arms, the feeling that everything was perfect, and the feeling of love.
No, it couldn't be love. But the more he tried to deny it, the more he knew it was true.
Furious at himself, Matt buried his face in the soft fluffy pillow. He needed sleep, yet that would make everything better. It was just drowsiness that made him think those thoughts, and once he woke up after a good night's rest everything would be back to normal.
Normal, that single word flashed over and over in his mind until he finally he managed to drift off to sleep. Logic had won, or did it?
That tugging at his heart begged to differ with what the mind was using to attempt to convince the teenager. Drowsiness couldn't make a person fall in love.
And come tomorrow morning, Yamato Ishida would be fully aware of that…