"Inuyasha" Kagome yelled as someone came up behind her and grabbed her

Captured: Chapter 1 "Where are we?"

"Inuyasha" Kagome yelled as someone came up behind her and grabbed her. They didn't know who it was that they were fighting against but whoever it was, this man wanted Kagome.

"Kagome" Inuyasha yelled running at the man, missing him by just inches. "Leave her alone."

"You don't want to leave her? Fine you can come too." The man laughed making a hand motion. Next thing they knew they were surrounded by four demons. "Get the half demon." The man commanded as the four of them held ropes and swords.

"You think it will be that easy?" Inuyasha said cracking his knuckles at the demons. 'This is bad, I am surrounded and I can't leave this spot or Kagome will be in danger.' Inuyasha thought as he let off a low growl.

"Going to give up?" The man laughed sardonically at him.

"You wish." Inuyasha spat, coming at the man to slash at him yet again. When Inuyasha was about to hit the man, one of the demons got in his way holding Inuyasha's arm and then threw him into the ground, making the ground appear to explode.

"Inuyasha" Kagome yelled running over to the unconscious half demon. "Are you alright?" she asked as he opened his eyes.

"I'm fine" Inuyasha said struggling to get up. "This would be easier if I had the Tetsuiga." Inuyasha whispered. The Tetsuiga was currently at their camp. He left the camp in a rush when he heard Kagome's scream. It was late at night and the others were still asleep back at there camp. 'Figures this happens the one time I set the Tetsuiga down to fall asleep.' Inuyasha thought. He then felt a rope go over his neck and appeared to be dragged away from Kagome- who didn't know what to do.

"Leave him alone." Kagome yelled running over to Inuyasha. The man grabbed Kagome by the arm and started to almost look her over.

"Yes, you will give me a pretty penny." The man laughed at his words.

"I am not something you can sell." Kagome yelled at the man while pulling her arm out of his grasp.

"I beg to differ young lady." The man said grabbing both her arms and twisting them behind her back- making her yelp in pain.

"Don't you dare hurt her." Inuyasha yelled trying to fight off the four demons. 'Why is this becoming so hard for me?' Inuyasha wondered.

"Bring the half demon too, it won't give me much but someone will get it." The man told the others.

"Inuyasha" Kagome yelled as she was getting tied up. She watched as the other demons surrounded him and appeared to almost pound on him until he passed out. 'Why isn't he transforming? Who are these people? What do they want with us? What is going to happen to us? ' Kagome started to cry. The last thing she remembered she felt a hit on the back of the head.

Inuyasha woke up to himself sitting on the floor with his hands chained to a wall. He tried to get up or break the chains but they were to strong. Then he realized that his neck had chains around it like a collar and it too was stuck to the wall. "Dang it all." Inuyasha yelled pulling hard trying to break the chains at no avail. It was almost all dark except for a small spot of light that came down from the roof, but it just barley lit anything up. He then smelt Kagome; he looked frantically around but couldn't see anything. "Kagome, Kagome" Inuyasha yelled.

Inuyasha lit up when he heard her groggily grown not far from where he was. "Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered.

"I'm over here Kagome. Can you move?" Inuyasha smiled, 'Despite the situation we are in I am glad to find that she is okay.'

"Yeah, I think so." Kagome managed as she looked around. She found herself lying on the ground. As she propped herself up, she tried to figure out where Inuyasha was. "Where are you?" She asked.

"I can't get up, follow my voice." He told her. Kagome started to walk over to where she could hear him. "This way, a little closer." Her smell was getting stronger as she got closer.

"Ow." Kagome yelled when she ran into something. She put her arms out to feel metal bars. "Inuyasha, there are bars in my way. I think I might be in a cage."

"I am right in front of you" Inuyasha used the little light to be able to see her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, how about you?" Kagome asked.

"I've been better." Inuyasha told her. He tried again to break the chains and yet again he made no gain.

"Are you chained up?" Kagome asked in surprise.

"Yeah, wherever we are, we will be here for a while." Inuyasha said.

Kagome sat on the ground, "It would help if we could see what is in here." She sighed.

All that was heard where the rustle of Inuyasha's chains when he would move around, then a bright light shown in the room, revealing two figures standing at a door. "We have the new one down here." The same man that caught them said.

"She better look better than the others." The man next to him scorned.

"You can be the judge." The guy laughed at his words. They came closer to the two, the man they saw before was holding a torch.

When they got in front of the cage, Kagome walked back a few steps when the torch came up to her face. "I will need a better look." The man said to the guy holding the torch.

"Sure" The guy pulled out a key and started to open the door. Kagome backed away from the door and started to walk away from the men until she was yanked by the arm back to them.

The man without the torch looked like he was aging. He grabbed her face in order to get a better look at her. "Leave her alone." Inuyasha snarled at them. He tried to lunge out but the chains kept him back.

"What was that?" the man looking Kagome over said, turning around.

"It is just some half demon that was an extra." The man holding the torch said.

"Well you need to teach it some manners." The man turned back to look Kagome over, "So you say you just got her today? She seems fine but a little stubborn." He said as Kagome pulled out of his hands.

"For a little extra I can easily break her." The man smiled.

"I am not an animal" Kagome yelled pulling her arm out of the man's grasp. "I am not something that you can just sell or buy."

Then the man with the torch smacked her across her face, making her fall to the ground. "You will do as I say." The man chimed back at her.

Inuyasha had enough of this "If you hit her one more time, I am going to…"

"Going to what? You can't break out of those chains." The man appeared to being loving this. "I have had stronger demons than you be held there."

Inuyasha let off a small growl.

"I'm not scared of you just because you can growl." With those words, Inuyasha had enough, he tried his hardest to break out of the chains, each time he got up, it seemed like the chains were getting tighter and tighter. "Oh, so you think you can scare me like that." The man went over to where Kagome was sitting and picked her up by the arm. "If you don't calm down, this girl may just have to get into an accident." With those words Inuyasha stopped moving and stared at him. "I knew that would calm you down. Most half demons are weak when it comes to humans." The man laughed.

'Wait until I get out of here.' Inuyasha thought as he stayed silent. There was no way he was going to let Kagome get hurt.

"I will pay you double if you can make her less stubborn." The older man said.

The guy holding Kagome appeared speechless "Sounds good"

"But you only have one week. At that time I will be back." With that the man walked out of the cage and stepped on Inuyasha's foot before leaving the little prison.

Then the man holding the torch followed, locking the cage door behind him. Before he left he turned around to look at them, "There will be more days like this so you better get used to it." He said with a grin before closing the door, leaving the two all alone in darkness again.

"Did they hurt you?" Inuyasha asked.

"No not really." Kagome said going up to the bars. "How about you? That man stepped on your foot." Kagome said kneeling down on the ground.

"That is nothing." Inuyasha boasted. Then silence, it seemed to be forever until he felt Kagome's hand on his out stretched foot.

"I'm scared Inuyasha, we have never been in this position before." Kagome said.

"We will get through this." Inuyasha managed to say. "We always get through rough times and this time will be no different. You know, I was surprised when you pulled yourself away from those men and started screaming at them. They weren't expecting it; did you see the look on their faces?" Inuyasha tried to cheer her up.

"Yeah, they weren't expecting that were they?" Kagome said thinking about the two men's looks. She started to chuckle. "What should we do now?" Kagome asked.

"Not much we can do." Inuyasha looked around, "These chains are pretty tough." He said trying again to break them. 'This is one of the worse predicaments; I can't help Kagome if something comes up.' He thought.

Kagome stood up and walked further into the cage, the cage was actually very big and went pretty deep. She finally got to the wall and found that it felt like cold wet brick. "I think are in a basement." Kagome told Inuyasha.

"Basement?" he questioned.

"Yeah, it is cold and wet, you know like a basement."

"It is more like a dungeon." Inuyasha scoffed. "Basements don't have random chains hanging off the walls and cages." He heard the sound of Kagome plopping on the ground. 'I have to be strong for Kagome's sake, even though, I don't know how we are going to get out of this one.'

"Inuyasha." He heard Kagome say in a whiny voice.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Do you think Miroku and Sango will come to save us?" Kagome asked with tears filling her eyes.

"Probably." Inuyasha lied, he knew they would probably never see them again, but if it made Kagome feel better than he would say whatever it took to help her out. Then he heard Kagome sobbing. "Kagome, everything will be alright." He whispered. She answered with a nod.

First chapter to a very long story, I have been writing this while taking care of my new born duck!! He may not live though cuz he got a huge gash from my other animals trying to hurt him…long story. However, he is starting to really get to know me and I am prolly going to use this story to write while I am holding him and get him to know me. I just hope he makes it through tonight; he is in very critical condition right now so I am hoping he pulls through. Anyways you guys don't care about my problems, go ahead and tell me what you think by reviewing. If no one likes it, than I will stop writing it.