Hi everyone! This is my first fanfiction, and it's been written in the last 20 minutes, so the quality is iffy. Be your own judge, though

"bbbring! bbbring!"

My house phone annoyingly sang out its presence. I jumped, startled. I've been so stressed lately, the slightest noise can freak me out. There's something that my family's hiding from me. I could easily make them tell me, but I always feel like using my power for everyday things is inhumane.

I snatched the phone up. "Hello?"

A high pitched voice carried through the receiver. "Bella! Good. You're home. There's something I need you to do."

"Yeah, sure Alice, of course. What is it?"

"Come to the airport right now."

"K, but why? Are we going somewhere?"

"Yes, I'll explain it all when you get her. Hurry!"

Bewildered, I rushed out of the huge white mansion that I shared with my seven coven members here in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington. You see, we're all vampires. Our coven started with Carlisle, sort of the leader of our unique family. Then he saved Esme from a cliff fall by changing her, and she is now his mate and wife. My mate Edward was changed 1918 in Chicago, and I with him. We almost died from the Spanish influenza. Then Rosalie joined, her mate Emmet, and lastly Jasper with his wife Alice. We all love each other, and currently live in Washington (where the lack of sun simplifies our lives), posing as the adopted teenage children of Carlisle and Esme.

I hopped into my rusty pickup and revved the engine. Falling apart as it is, I couldn't resist the 1957 Chevy, much to Edward's chagrin. A worried line creased my forehead when I thought about Edward. He went away on a solo hunting trip a week ago. Usually we all go together, our entire coven, or at least Edward and I go together, but he decided to go alone this time. We all do that, every once in a while. You can imagine the tension that can appear when you live with the same people for decades on end. Even though I was perfectly well aware of the slim to none chances that a vampire would get hurt on a trip, it worried me to be away from Edward for any length of time.

I sped along the quiet small town roads, until I reached the freeway. My poor old truck was at its speed limit, but I pushed it faster and faster. Finally I reached the Seattle airport. I pulled into a parking spot and ran into the airport main lobby, my thoughts racing. What if Edward was hurt? But that wouldn't make any sense, and why on Earth would they want me at the airport? Running would be so much faster. Maybe they want to go on a vacation? No, they would've told me about it. Plus, we would've 

packed. So it had to be dome sort of emergency, and something out of the continental US. But what? I hope nothing's wrong-

"Bella! Over here!" Jasper's frantic shout pulled me out of my panicking thoughts.

Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet were standing in a cluster in the security line. I joined them hurriedly.

"Here, take this." Alice waved a plane ticket in my face.

I looked at the letters and gasped when I saw our destination- International Airport of Volterra, Italy. Now I was more than stressed. I was downright terrified, and the grave expressions of my family didn't help.

"Alice…why are we going to see the Volturi?"

"Umm…well, we didn't want to worry you…and it could be nothing, but… they have Edward."

Well there you have it, folks! Chapter numero uno. Review please, be as brutal as you want.
