Max, Fang, Iggy: 17 (seniors)
Nudge: Fourteen (freshmen)
Gazzy: Eleven (sixth grade)
Angel: Nine (fourth grade)
(All at Lerner's School, the one that opened in "The Final Warning", except this one is located in Florida. The school has three separate buildings: high school, middle, and elementary.)

I woke to the sound of my alarm, water running, and the thumps of feet outside my door. Snapping my eyes open, I took in my queen-sized canopy and the light drifting in from the window.
"How many times have I told you not to do that?" I questioned out loud, slamming my hand down onto the snooze button before rolling back into my pillow. There was a chuckle from the bathroom as the door opened, revealing Fang with his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.
"Do what? Wake up?" I groaned, rolling over to face him as he made his way to my bed. "Curtain. Close it. Now."
He chuckled again, "Or what?"
"Death." He just shook his head, sending droplets of Old Spice-smelling water all over me. I growled as he suddenly ripped the warm blanket off of me.
"Damn it, Fang, do you want to see the light of day?"
"Sure!" He agreed all-to eagerly and the room became brighter. He laughed again, placing a kiss on my forehead, before retreating back into the bathroom.
The Lerner's School was located in Palm Beach, Florida, right down the street from Disney Land. Well, not really, but for me and my super-flying it was. So, I might get you caught up with the eight of us.
Fang, Iggy, and I are what you people call "seniors". Nudge is a "freshmen", Gazzy in the sixth grade, and Angel in the fourth. Total and Akila aren't really in any classes, but God forbid Total reads this without him mentioned in it.
Picky son of a bitch.
Anyway, Fang and I are dating (as if you couldn't tell already), Iggy has a girlfriend, who just happens to be a blind person/mutant too, and Nudge at the moment has a giant crush on one of Fang's friends. My mom is one of the science teachers, and Ella is supposed to transfer in next semester. Jeb died a couple months ago, due to unknown reasons, but we think the School used some new experiments on him. Today Fang, Iggy, Mom, and I are introducing the upcoming students for the fall semester.
I stepped onto the landing, my eyes scanning over the huge crowd already formed in the lobby.
"So how many newcomers do we have?" Fang glanced over at my mom before he swept back across the newbies. "Eighty or so. And forty of them are dorming here." I was about to open my mouth and voice my opinion, which was "Dammmmnnnn!", but thought better of it and clamped my teeth together. Fang smirked besides me, which meant he knew my dilemma, and I mentally flipped him the bird.
Then, as Nudge came through the crowd and onto the stairs, my eyes caught the worst sight… ever. No, not the Flock dead, Jeb wearing a dress, or Erasers barging in. It was… my gut twisted upon thinking the name…
"SAM?" Fang hissed, like the name was hot acid. Which, it kinda was. Fang's eyes flashed towards mine, his finger staking out my ex-boyfriend. Pssh. It wasn't like Sam was a boyfriend to me in the beginning.
"What," He spat at my mom, "Is he doing here?" She followed his look to where Sam stood below, shoving things into a backpack.
"Jeb said that after Anne, the School got a hold of him. I'm not really sure what his DNA is, though. Maybe… shark?" Fang snorted, placing an arm around my waist, as Sam finally felt the sense of someone watching him, and looked up. Then, unfortunately, his eyes found me, and he smiled. Oh, God. Fang's hand was tightening around my hip, to where I was considering the fibers of my jeans would rip.
"Down, boy," I muttered to Fang, smirking, but he looked at me gravely.
"How can you be so calm? I'm surprised I haven't bashed his head into the railing yet!" I rolled my eyes at Fang, a knot forming in my stomach as Sam exited from the crowd and onto the stairs.
Up the stairs. And towards me. And Fang, who was violently tearing into my jeans and clenching his jaw tightly. Did Sam have some kind of death wish?
"Hey, Max!" Sam greeted me as if we were old pals or something. As if! I half-smiled, which kinda turned into a grimace,
"Hi, Sam. What brings you here?"
Do not let go of Fang. Do not let go of Fang. We don't need to be tried for murder.

AN: Mildly edited as of 11/20/10. And when I say mildly, I mean: spelling mistakes and punctuation. If I still had a heart for MR, I would try to lend a hand and help this poor story out, but I've got too many other stories lined up in other fandoms to worry over this one.