A/N So I actually had no plan on writing an epilogue – but this did feel kind of unfinished. I mean – yes everything was out in the open and Troyella were obviously back together – but it just didn't feel right. The whole friendship thing wasn't worked out properly and I guess there were still a lot of loose ends. To be honest, I kind of got distracted with writing my next fic – something which I said wasn't going to happen. I had already written a majority of this story when I first posted and thought that I would easily finish before the time came for me to post the ending. Therefore I let my mind wander and other ideas started popping in my head. I got really into writing one shots and then the idea for my next fic came – and I started writing that before I finished this one. So by the time it came for me to finish this one off my mind wasn't completely happy with everything and it ended up turning out like that.
Normally I don't write epilogues – but this time I felt it was necessary. So here it is – and please note that this does not take place years after. I hate epilogues like that.
"What the hell do you wear to this?" Gabriella rolled her eyes at the obvious comment coming from her friend. Sharpay, sat up from her current position of laying on the bed with Zeke as her brow creased, mentally going through her wardrobe trying to think up of something suitable to wear.
"Only you would come up with something like that Sharpay!" Taylor stated before Gabriella could open her mouth. Behind her, Taylor heard her boyfriend snort as if to say 'It is Sharpay'. Taylor turned her head to grin at Chad who smiled back down at her and the arm around her waist tightened.
"Don't wear nothing pink Shar – or sparkly…" Ryan called out as he stared at Kelsi who up until a few minutes ago was furiously working on a musical composition.
Sharpay frowned, mentally throwing out several clothing options out of the running.
"Are the girls hot?" Jason asked as he casually flicked through the channels on the TV. He was the only one of the group to not have a girlfriend. Whilst everyone else set aside time for dates, he was always the one who only had a date with the TV. Despite being on the basketball team, he had been unsuccessful in finding a girlfriend.
"Um… I don't actually notice" Gabriella said quietly, resting her head upon Troy's shoulder who smiled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"So will there be any fighting?" Chad asked. Gabriella once again rolled her eyes.
"Guys. Let me say this all at once. You are invited to come down to West with me after school on Friday. You will wear clothes that are not too flashy – clothes which won't draw attention to the fact that you're all rich bitches. You are going to be visiting my flat – not out doing some hard partying. You will be meeting my cousins and my boys – and yes, whilst they can be scary there will be no fighting. You are going to see my friends from West, you are going to see the place where I live – and you are only going to be seeing that. No wild parties. No hot girls. I'm not letting you guys loose on the streets – understand?" Gabriella asked.
After exclaiming the details of her life to the group, they had all apologised for how they had treated her – and she in turn had apologised for the fact that she had not told them anything. They had all decided that they were going to make sure that from then on , no secrets were going to be kept - at least no secrets as big as that. They were all a bit upset that Gabriella had kept her life a secret; however, decided to put everything behind them and start fresh.
And after much pestering, Gabriella had finally decided that it was time to take her East friends to the West part. Show her friends the other life she lived. Of course, she was limiting their experience. There was no way she was going to have her friends in any brawls – not when she knew that they could be in serious danger.
So she had invited them back to her place, just to meet her cousins and her boys. They were then going to sleep over – mostly because she didn't want to walk them back to East at night when other people would be wandering about and highly pissed itching to cause a rift. Gabriella still wasn't sure how they were all going to fit in her small apartment – but she knew they would have to try. That meant no double beds and luxury items. And then in the morning, whilst the occupants of West Albuquerque slept due to being up late at night partying and bingeing, Gabriella would take her friends back home.
It had been about three weeks since the explosion where Gabriella yelled in the restaurant the details of her life – and slowly the relationships were mending. Gabriella's relationship with Zeke and Jason hadn't changed – she hadn't always been so close to them to start with, nevertheless they loved the idea that she was from West. Chad was still sore about everything – due to the fact that it was his best friend who had been hurt by Gabriella; however, when he understood that Gabriella had also been hurt, and he saw Troy and Gabriella mend their relationship, he too forgave Gabriella. Taylor and Gabriella had vowed not to keep any secrets from each other ever again and were back to being best friends. The relationship between Gabriella and Ryan and Kelsi had never changed. Gabriella and Ryan were still very close and Gabriella and Kelsi were still good friends.
Ryan and Kelsi had also openly come out and stated that they had begun dating – this at first hurt Jason; however, he got over it when he realised that there never really was that much with Kelsi. Chad and Taylor still continued to bicker – yet that seemed to be an important part of their relationship. All arguments aside, the couple were very much in love. Sharpay and Zeke remained the same – with Zeke happily trying to please his demanding girlfriend. And Troy and Gabriella had decided that they were going to have to talk their problems through. They decided that if anything ever bothered them, they needed to talk about it before things got out of hand. That and they needed to trust each other more – a task that was especially hard for Gabriella considering her trust issues. However, Troy was slowly starting to gain her full trust.
The only relationship which hadn't gone back to normal was Gabriella and Sharpay's friendship. Sharpay had been incredibly pissed off at Gabriella and the pride in her was unwilling to accept that Gabriella was from the West. However, that pride was slowly starting to dwindle and Sharpay had finally learned to accept that she would need to accept that Gabriella was who she was and her prejudice would have to leave. Whilst things weren't the same as they had been – with the girls constantly laughing and shopping with each other, they were still good friends. They just needed to work a little bit harder and they would finally get over their obstacles.
Troy sat in the classroom, watching the hands of the clock move tantalisingly slow. He tried to will them with his mind to move quicker – he didn't succeed. It was an understatement to say that Troy was excited. Today was Friday – and in just a few hours he would be seeing his girlfriends other life. He would meet her cousins, her friends – the people she held close to her heart.
A startling ringing noise broke Troy from his deep concentration as he jumped up and smirked at Chad who by now had found his way from the back of the classroom to where Troy was standing.
"You ready?" Chad asked as he spun the basketball on his finger
"Shit yeah…" Troy spoke, catching the ball deftly as Chad threw it to him before making his way with Chad outside the classroom smiling and saying hello the random people who stopped him as he walked to the front of East High.
Approaching the doors, Troy and Chad walked out and smiled as they saw the group standing outside. Sharpay was busy fussing over her outfit whilst talking animatedly to someone on her phone. Ryan and Gabriella were laughing at something whilst Taylor and Kelsi also chatted – Kelsi holding onto Ryan's hand and Taylor standing next to her best friend. Zeke and Jason were there too and were busy play wrestling with each other much to the delight of the younger girls that had stopped to stare at the basketball players.
"Hey Troy – hurry up!" Jason shouted as he spotted the basketball captain and his best friend walk down the steps.
The group turned their eyes to watch the two come closer. Once they reached the group, Chad and Troy went up to their girlfriends giving them a kiss.
"Alright – so are you guys ready?" Gabriella asked as she interlinked her fingers with Troy, turning to smile at him quickly before addressing the rest of the group.
The group followed Gabriella through the streets, chatting animatedly. As they approached West, Gabriella stopped walking and they all quietened down.
"Ok, guys. Promise me you're not going to do anything. You're not going to say anything back if anyone shouts at us. Guys – you're not going to pull your macho shit and try and protect us. Okay?"
The boys groaned and mumbled yes. Gabriella knew them too well – she knew that if anyone was to say anything about the girls the boys would automatically loose control.
Gabriella smiled and led them through the streets. The group, excluding Ryan, looked around as they saw the run down houses approach. The memories of the night they chased after Gabriella played through most of their minds.
"GABSTER!" A shout broke them from their trance as the group turned to the direction of the voice. Ryan and Gabriella smiled at the familiar face.
A tall brunette with a floppy fringe walked over to the group, smiling. His hood of his hoodie was pulled over his head and his baggy jeans scraped the pavement lightly as he walked.
The group watched as the boy flung his arms around Gabriella, pushing Troy lightly out of the way before smiling at Ryan.
"So – these are the rich bitches huh?" he smirked as he eyed each and every one of the group. The only time he had seen them was when he was in the café a few weeks ago and at that time he was too worried about Gabriella to focus on her richer friends. The gang felt uncomfortable under his scrutiny; however, knew that he was obviously a friend of Gabriella.
Gabriella rolled her eyes at Chris' comment.
"Chris – this is my boyfriend Troy. This is Taylor, Chad, Sharpay, Zeke, Jason, Kelsi – and you already know Ryan…"
"Yeah – what's up man?" Chris addressed the blonde haired boy.
"Nothing much" Ryan smiled back. Chris looked at everyone once again before turning his eyes to Troy.
"So, you're the reason Gabs here as been spending a hell of a lot more time down East huh?" Troy cleared his throat and looked at Gabriella, relaxing when he saw her reassuring smile.
"Uh – I guess. Although Brie's been spending time with all of us – as a group."
Chris nodded, detaching his arm from it's position slung around Gabriella's neck and smirked "Gabs – you plan on having these guys standing here all day or are you going to take this bitches back to your place?"
Gabriella rolled her eyes once again before grabbing Troy's hand and resuming walking through the streets. She approached a tall building where graffiti adorned the sides. A few teenagers were loitering outside the doorway to the building and they smiled at Chris and Gabriella before turning their curious gazes at the East High gang, letting their eyes run the lengths of the designer clad and rich looking teens.
Gabriella led the group up three flights of stairs before stopping at a flat door and knocking on the door. Within a few seconds, the door opened to reveal Jesse who smiled at the group.
"Hey – they're all inside…" he said as he hugged Gabriella lightly and then released her.
Gabriella grinned as she led the group inside the flat and smiled as she saw that Sam, Danny, Jo and Steven were standing in a line.
"Guys – these are my cousins, Sam, Danny and Jo. And this is Steven – he's one of my best friends…" Gabriella spoke to the group as she pointed towards each boy. "And boys – this is Taylor, my best girlfriend, her boyfriend Chad, Zeke and his girlfriend Sharpay, Jason and Ryan's girlfriend Kelsi." Gabriella pointed out each of the group. "And finally this is Troy – my boyfriend…" Gabriella linked her arm around Troy's waist and smiled reassuringly at him as he looked at the people he knew he would need to get to like him.
And they would – once they saw how much he loved Gabriella. After all, they only ever wanted the best for their baby girl.
The End
A/N And that's it – I've finished! Honestly writing this was sure hard. I mean I knew I had to write an epilogue when I realised that the last chapter was unfinished – it's just that writing this was kind of hard.
Anyway I hope you've enjoyed reading this and I want to thank all those who have constantly been reviewing.
I would also like to thank those who have put this story on their alerts and their favourites.
Furthermore I would like to thank those who have put my on their alerts and favourites – that means a lot to me so thank you so much!
And finally I just want to thank everyone who as read and reviewed – even if you just gave me 1 review it was still nice to see what you thought of this story.
So for one final time I am going to ask you to review Wrong Side of Town. Those who haven't and have been reading – now is my time to finally see what you thought of my first HSM long story. This is actually the longest story I've written – over 60 000 words!
My next story will be called Crazy Wild Thoughts
I will be posting it soon (After I get back – so it should be sometime next week)
Review this chapter and there will be a sneak peek of the first chapter of Crazy Wild Thoughts
Thanks so much once again for reading
I'm Gabriella Montez, a 16 year old girl (yes I'm a girl although next door neighbour Troy Bolton, thinks I'm a freakish alien species–don't ask!) and I've decided that rather than everything being bottled up, I will write my crazy wild thoughts here…