Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto.
Warnings: Shounen ai, ooc-ness, bad grammar, ooc-ness, bad writing style, more ooc-ness.
Pairings: Sasunaru, and many others.
It was until a few minutes later that the room's tense air became suffocating and woke everyone up from their deep slumber. The afternoon sky provoked high temperatures, making the room fall into a state similar to hell. Everyone drowsily roused from their comatose naps with curses and suspicious glares; almost as if they just dreamt the last five minutes they were there and were wondering how they got there.
It was kind of difficult to ignore the shadowed expression their Hokage scrutinized them with, and it was even more difficult to ignore the mocking glint in those amber-gold eyes, which told the distressed shinobi in the room everything they needed to know, and that this wasn't just some surreal dream.
The sound of a chair scraping back busted the time-stilled trance. "No! I refuse!" some chuunin called out. His chair echoed around the room as it fell with a thunderous 'thud'. That seemed to have snapped the zombie-turned ninja and, without delay, made their opinions be known to the Hokage.
Unfortunately, with everyone shouting their comments, hardly anything was understood. Though, Tsunade didn't need to understand anything to know that if she didn't explain herself soon, her life would be in danger. Not even the Akatsuki could compare to the subliminal strength of very spooked teenagers suffering from unstable minds.
"This can't possibly be happening!" Kiba slammed his head on the table, groaning in displeasure rather than in pain. Akamaru barked at his master's distress, the poor dog tilted his head and whined in confusion, sniffing at the gloom-filled air.
"I am SO not ready for this!" Ino gasped out, now she regretted not fighting Naruto for Sasuke-kun to death. That was a great chance to be his wife, even if it was temporary. Instead, she was stuck with this lazy pineapple-head whose only source of vocabulary was 'troublesome'.
That idiot is going to pay! The blonde-haired girl thought. Well, at least billboard-forehead-girl can't have him either.
"T- Tsunade-sama, you hate us!" someone shouted in mortification, others nodded and yelled in agreement. The female Sannin's eye began to twitch dangerously, but she allowed her young shinobi to blow off some steam or rip their hair out in frustration before talking to them.
Guys began screaming and pacing nervously around the room. Some were vainly trying to look for their teacher's faces to see if this was some sort of joke they have planned together. The teachers leaning on the wall, however, refused to meet their eyes. Others whispered and muttered plans to escape from the Hokage's orders.
Some of girls did not move their seats, perhaps because of the shock. The few ones that did move out of their seats huddled together in packs and begin to cry quite un-ninja-like, disappointed that none of them were Sasuke's partner. Some of them even sent glares at the oblivious orange-clad boy.
Meanwhile, across the room, Naruto could feel his heart stop for almost a minute.
Is this even legal?
He was only thirteen; both he and Sasuke were minors. Marriage was the last thing in his mind. He didn't even think he would get married until he was at least eighteen. But now he was in a commitment and with a guy no less.
Wasn't it bad enough that he had an insanely old vulpine inside his stomach? Who constantly let him know how much of a pain he was? The fox never stopped threatening him that he himself would bash his host's empty head to a wall. But now, things seemed to get worse.
Too shocked to scream at the moment, Naruto noticed that his partner had paled and his eyes were wide in shock. Too bad it was the wrong time for it, Naruto would've loved to laugh and point accusingly at that hilarious face usually contorted in a cold expression.
At least he is showing some sort of emotion! Naruto was surprised at the raven-haired. This guy's unbelievable! When we're almost about to die in a dangerous mission, he doesn't say anything besides 'Hn.' but now that Tsunade says we are married, he starts to freak! He didn't know whether to be offended or amused.
Tsunade's eye twitched at the complaints. Alright! They've blown enough steam!
"Listen up! As I said already, if you abort this mission, you will be released from your ninja duties!"
Without even bothering to look behind her, she shouted in annoyance. "Where do you rats think you're going!?"
Three young genins stopped their attempt to sneak out of the room while Tsunade's back was turned, and returned back to their seats in shame.
"Will our parents even let us do this?" Tenten asked loudly, others close by perked up at the question, wondering what the answer would be.
Tsunade nodded idly. "Your parents are being notified at this very moment. Our teachers are going around town passing letter-forms to let them know what will be happening."
Looking around the large space, Tsunade noticed all the confused glares from the young teens. "Any more questions?"
Sakura raised her hand, she was really starting to get creeped out by Lee who was crying rivers of tears, while shouting about how lucky he was to have such a beautiful maiden as his wife.
Tsunade raised an eyebrow at her quickness. "What is it?"
Stopping her constant waving, Sakura tentatively asked, "Tsunade-sama, why exactly must we be married to our partners?" She paused to take a deep breath to calm herself. "Is this an undercover mission?"
Tsunade nearly cackled. "I'm glad you ask, let me explain. This is not an undercover mission, but it's still highly important," she smirked. "And will probably be one of the most difficult things you'll ever do in your young pathetic lives. The reason you guys must be temporarily married is because it will provide a fake household feel and atmosphere, it will seem much more realistic. That and the fact that if you are not married, your spawn will turned out to be bastards."
Murmurs spread around the room faster than stampede of girls in a clothing shop during sale-season. They all continued to lean towards one another and whisper things in their ears. The boys, however, were less discreet about their conversations, not bothering to whisper.
"Did she just say what I think she said?" Sakura asked softly. Next to her, Ino raised her head and moved her chair as close as the two-person desk would allow her, obviously having every intention to gossip with the pink-haired.
"Yeah, I think she did!" She answered in disbelief. Curiously, she turned her head to check for any reactions for her partner, though, all the genius boy did was move his eyes under closed eyelids, probably having some sort of dream.
Lee threw a bandaged fist into the air. "This is very interesting! I would love to take care of a child and raise him or her into a wonderful adult and teach them the great moralities of the world just like our kind parents taught us during our childhood!" Tears begin running down his face. He did not seem to be bothered what-so-ever about his unwilling partner, since the bowl-cut teen was practically floating in heaven right now.
"This cannot possibly get any worse!" Kiba fisted brown tresses and pulled hard, his partner Shino watched through his dark-covered vision as small hairs fell on the desk.
It was obvious that Lee was alone in his opinions.
A raised plump hand stopped Kiba from complaining any longer. "Can we have a wedding cake for our fake wedding?" Chouji asked, not in the least shocked about the news. His partner, Tenten, on the other hand, gulped and nervously ran her soft brown eyes over all the pairs as if she was expecting them to attack her.
Yawning, Shikamaru tilted his head to the side until he heard a pop and leaned back into his chair, putting his hands behind his head. "It will have to be a fake cake though," he answered lazily, his eyelids slipped closed again.
"This is so degrading," Neji calmly retorted and frowned, crossing his arms egotistically. Hinata pulled at her sleeves of her coat nervously. Was her cousin now sorry to pick her as his partner? She thought that she finally had proven herself strong and not a waste of space after their match during the Chuunin Exams. She had lost, but she at least gave her cousin a hard time beating her.
"Let me explain." Tsunade brought her hands up in front of her as if that could shield her from the heated glares she was receiving. "Your teachers will pass a scroll, and with a kunai, you will make a small cut on your palms. You'll allow your blood to mix on the scroll. Then the husband, or whoever chooses to begin, will perform the jutsu on the other partner. Now, don't start panicking again, but that person will undergo a short pregnancy–"
"WHAT!" Naruto snapped his head up in astonishment; he didn't need to look sideways to see Sasuke's eyebrows shooting upwards. The raven-haired seemed to almost choke in surprise, even Neji's eyes widened in alarm.
"Oh my gawd!" a young kunoichi shouted before fainting.
"Ah, no fucking way!"
"Watch your language, Inuzuka! Everyone be quiet! If you guys don't return to your seats, I will tie you up to them!" Tsunade shouted, her voice booming over everybody else's panicking ones.
Reluctantly, everyone swallowed their worries and allowed the woman to continue, though many didn't have the choice since they had fallen unconscious once more.
Tsunade abruptly explained before she accidentally killed most the village's young generation with panic attacks. "When one of you becomes knocked up (everyone cringed at that word), I will monitor you closely to keep you in check. The pregnancy will be rather quickly. The fetus should grow about a month per day, which means it will be born in nine days," she showed her hands, counting off nine fingers in emphasis.
The surprised ninja didn't know whether sighing in relief or in terror.
"You guys are still much too young to experience a real labor, so don't worry about that, I'll take care of it. The baby will actually just 'poof' when he or she will be ready. After the baby is born (everyone choked), he or she will keep maturing at a fast pace, one year per week I believe. Once the child matures and becomes a legal adult, they'll just poof away and your mission will be complete."
She paused shortly to allow the teachers to hand out one scroll to every pair. "If you and your partner both pass this mission with great results, that means your spawn reaching adulthood, you will automatically move up a rank!"
Everyone took this with mixed feelings, was this that serious? They would become chunnin, jounin, or even ANBU just for taking care of a fake kid?
"However," she stressed out, drawing everyone's attention and away from their daydreams. "Both partners have to cooperate or neither will be promoted."
Naruto fidgeted in his seat, not knowing exactly what to think about everything. He was completely in shock, he couldn't even bear to look at Sasuke and see for himself how the other was coping.
The blond cupped his hands around his mouth and called out, "I rather do D-rank missions for a year!"
Following his partner's example, Sasuke inquired loudly almost in an irritated way, "Can we trade partners?"
Tsunade growled; she actually looked like she would chew them out at any moment. "I did warn you guys to think very hard about your decision to choose your partners, now you are stuck with each other."
Damn it, this is not good! Sasuke thought.
Saddened blue eyes stared at the Uchiha in surprise. He was a bit disappointed to find his best friend wanting to switch partners with someone else; he couldn't ignore the small pang of hurt in his chest. Well, he did select a reluctant Sasuke as his teammate, but if that was the case, why didn't Sasuke reject him? Oh yeah, there wasn't any time left to look for anyone else.
Naruto frowned and looked away, why should he care if the bastard wanted to change partners anyway? It's not like he expected any less from that stuck-up asshole.
Tsunade placed her hands on her hips and stared smugly at everyone especially at Naruto. "You all got four hours to complete the scroll. If you do not complete it in the certain amount of time, then you will fail and be asked to leave. Get started now!"
Naruto stood up. "Now wait a minute baa-chan why —"
"I said get started now!" the blonde woman interjected.
Naruto slumped into his seat, mentally exhausted. He just recently became Naruto Uchiha-Uzumaki and now they were going to have a kid?
Blue-topaz colored eyes widened. "Wait a minute! Which one of us is going to have the baby?" he asked a pensive Sasuke. The Uchiha however, did not seem to have heard him, since he was still glaring in dismay at Tsunade.
This must be some sort of joke! Sasuke thought. This mission is completely useless! I will never be able to defeat Itachi this way.
When the raven-haired still did not answer him, Naruto turned away, fuming. Now that his vision was Sasuke-less he concentrated his gaze on his other teammate. Pink hair was for once not nicely combed but actually was tousled and messy, probably because the girl's hands were ruffling it in frustration. Usually cheerful, light-green eyes were dull and opaque in betrayal and other emotions, and her alabaster skin had become a cadaverous shade of white.
Iruka slowly made his way over their table and nearly burst in tears of remorse as he saw how anxious and vulnerable his ex-student looked. Though he tried to look as normal as possible, he sent a sympathetic look at the kitsune, dropped a scroll on their table and moved on.
Naruto began to panic. He still did not know who will be carrying the baby, which would be a huge blow to their masculinity, and Sasuke still refused to talk. Looking over at the silent Uchiha, the blond-haired received a look which probably translated into 'no way in hell dobe!' Nearly hyperveleting, the whiskered-boy stood up abruptly, gaining everyone's attention.
"Baa-chan! Is this really necessary? Why do we need to do this dumb mission for anyway?"
Oh? He's already alarmed? I do believe Jiraiya owns me 85 bucks! Tsunade cheerfully mused.
"This mission will be serving sort of like an educative and learning experience."
"Learning about what? How to torture teens?" somebody said sarcastically.
Tsunade's head throbbed in pain. "No, this will teach you rowdy, hormonal teenagers about staying abstinent till marriage!"
The room grew very quiet.
"It means waiting after marriage to have sex!"
Murmurs and whispers echoed around now.
"I have talked to all of your teachers and they all agree with me that too many teenagers have gotten excused from their shinobi duties because of a pregnancy. This village can not afford to lose a talented genin, chuunin, or jounin because they had become parents at an early age. We are hoping this mission will teach you about staying abstinent and wait till you're married to do the nasty, or at least use a condom," she said with a shrug at the last part.
Shizune couldn't help but slap herself on the forehead, which Tsunade easily ignored.
Don't give them any ideas, Lady Tsunade!
"Does that answer your question brat?"
Naruto gulped, which was probably mistaken by a nod.
"But what about the people who have partners of the same gender? Who will have the baby?" a young, beautiful teenage girl in the back asked.
The Hokage shrugged indifferently. "That would be up to you to decide. Now get started already, time's flying!"
Groaning and murmuring, some of the partners opened their scrolls to read the instructions, others were a bit more hesitant, since they preferred to talk to their partners first.
In Naruto's and Sasuke's case, they glared and scowled at each other only momentarily stopping to open the scroll and read the instructions.
"Dobe, I am not going to be the mother!" Sasuke's jaws clenched hard, he was surprised that his teeth hadn't pulverized into sand in his mouth by now.
Naruto bared his teeth, showing larger-than-normal canines. "Neither am I, jerk. You're more feminine anyway."
"I am not, dumbass. Besides, you wouldn't be able to do the jutsu, you're too much of an idiot."
Naruto clenched his fist to keep from punching his spouse.
"What! I could do the jutsu if I want to bastard; I'm just as capable as you are!"
Sasuke smirked, pleased that the blond idiot walked easily into his trap. "This jutsu takes deep concentration and chakra control. If you do it wrong, we'll fail or we might even make a mutated child." He wasn't exactly sure about the last part, but it was a good way to catch Naruto's child-like attention span.
Naruto narrowed his eyes into slits; trying to picture a child with extra legs or with an extra head, while Sasuke just sweat-dropped at Naruto's serious expression. He didn't need to ask what the other was thinking about; he could already guess what kind of crass things were running in Naruto's mind.
"Let's get to work, dobe," he said, interrupting the other's thoughts.
Sasuke ignored the stinging pain in his palm as he watched quite intently as his blood dripped slowly over Naruto's own on the scroll. The two similar fluids mixed quickly before they were absorbed into the white paper turning a dark, crimson color before permeating it and vanishing. Sasuke rolled the parchment and while holding on to it, he performed the seals he had memorized after reading the instructions twice. Naruto watched nervously, feeling right on the center of attention for some reason.
Teens from all the four directions looked up from their work they were so obviously trying to stall and stared in awe at the brave pair who was willing to put an end to their single status and their responsibility-less lives, which are the things that most kids their age should not be bothering with.
Oh, Sasuke-kun! How could you do this to us?! Ino thought in astonishment.
"They are actually going to do it!" Tenten whispered to Hinata, while she just answered with a soft 'Naruto-kun' and sighed regretfully.
Next to her, Neji shook his head. "I don't think that Naruto will go through with it, they'll back off at the very end, you'll see." Hinata shyly looked at her cousin, it almost sounded as if he was trying to comfort her.
Almost as if Neji switched a button on, bets and comments started flying around, much to Sasuke's annoyance since he was trying to concentrate and Naruto's chagrin, who had been scared at the beginning of the project but now was paralyzed in fear.
The whiskered-boy raised a hand with great difficulty and wiped away a small bead of sweat running down his temple. He wished he could clamp his hands on his ears to stop the whistles and the cat-calls Kiba and Chouji were doing a few seats behind him. I can't believe I'm doing this! Why didn't I pick Sakura-chan, hell even Shikamaru would've been better!
He paused then grimaced. "Okay, maybe not Shikamaru, we are way too opposite. But may be that Shino guy, at least he doesn't complain much," he mumbled.
"Snap out of it idiot, I'll start the jutsu now, so stand up," Sasuke ordered, his eyebrow twitched when Naruto ignored him. Since his hands were occupied with the scroll, he effectively kicked the other's leg, smirking at the pained yelp.
"Stand up!"
Naruto rubbed his sore shin and pushed himself off of the table, cursing lowly about stuck-up assholes and domestic abuse.
Sasuke stood right in front of him, quickly scanning the boy's petite body. He reluctantly tried to picture his best friend pregnant, but the mere thought nearly made him shudder.
As always Naruto took the looks the wrong way. "What'cha staring at, bastard?! It's rude to stare you know?" He almost felt like covering his privates at the other's intense scrutinizing.
Meanwhile, in another corner, academy teachers and team-leaders were supervising -spying- their students behind a set of desks to avoid being caught.
Hurried whispers were exchanged, along with bets, gloating, and bragging on their students' hilarious reactions. "You see Umino-san, Sasuke is already eyeing his prize! And you said they wouldn't get along well," Kakashi said, grinning behind his mask at the blushing chuunin. The masked-man's only visible eye crinkled in an arch, waves of amusement and mirth coming off of him noticeably.
"Be quiet! They're going to hear us!" Iruka whispered back in mild irritation. The dark-skinned academy teacher brushed a hand over his eyes, the long scar over his nose darkened as the delicate tissue was rubbed harshly. He just couldn't believe this was happening to his old students, it was like he was allowing his children to steal and watch offensive, nasty videos or like watching them to get beat up by bullies and not doing anything about it. It was certainly disturbing for someone like him, who wanted kids to grow innocently and pure, to see this.
"At least they're not ignoring each other like Shikamaru and Ino, those two will never learn!" Azuma sweat-dropped at his uncooperative students, at least Chouji was making an effort even though Tenten looked like she was constipated when she smiled forcefully. Ino and Shikamaru weren't even making eye contact. He just knew that Team 10 would never be the same afterwards.
Gai-sensei joined to add his two cents. "Oh young love, it is the purest of all sacred loves! So innocent and youthful! I can proudly see Lee as caring and loving father!" Manly rivers of tears flowed down his cheeks.
"Maybe we should leave those two alone, you know, to give them some privacy…" Anko said, mockingly winking at Sasuke and Naruto. The teachers' lack of concern to lower their voices made it easy for the conversations to be carried over to the pair.
Thinking for a couple of seconds they agreed. "Nah!" Besides, it was their duty as mentors to watch out for the kid's safety just in case they decided to kill each other after the jutsu was done.
Concentrating and tuning out the voices of his annoying teachers, Sasuke finished the final hand signs and clamped his hands with the scroll on the spot just bellow Naruto's stomach, knocking the breath out of him.
Blue-red chakra emerged from the scroll and surrounded Sasuke's hands. Swirling around a still breathless Naruto, the mist floated around his waist, first slowly, almost lazily, then picking up more speed. The chakra grew thicker and thicker until the blonde was completely engulfed in a cocoon of mist.
Naruto gasped out for breath, too caught up with the pain to notice the live chakra been absorbed by his body.
Sasuke-teme didn't have to be so rough!
The swirling chakra dispersed. Naruto's body was finally visible again after a couple of minutes. However, the chakra remained near his waist. It almost seemed like it was giggling and making comical patterns and shapes until it fully disappeared. Only a small hint of grapes and peach fragrance lingered around for a few seconds. The two boys frowned in confusion. Something didn't seem right.
Naruto checked and patted himself all over bewilderedly, sighing in relief when his body did not change in shape. "I don't feel any different, how am I supposed to feel like?" As much as he wanted to be promoted to chunnin, he was secretly glad that it didn't work. He rather become a chunnin the right way anyway. Maybe it doesn't work with two guys! This probably means Tsunade baa-chan will excuse us from this mission!
Sasuke skimmed his eyes through the instructions. "Maybe we didn't do this right."
"What do you mean 'we'? You're the one who told me I couldn't do the jutsu 'cause I could mess up, but it was you who messed up in the end!"
The brunet's eyes begin to twitch. "Shut it, usuratonkachi!"
"Maybe I should've done this jutsu!"
"You moron! Maybe it's your fault this thing didn't work!"
"How is it my fault?! I didn't do anything!"
"Exactly! You were supposed to summon your own chakra!"
"The instructions didn't say that, teme!"
"Yes it does, you idiot! Read the fine printing!"
Naruto did as he was told. "Oh shit."
"Great! Now we're going to have mutated children." Sasuke because of the thought of a mutated child, but the thought of having children himself and with his best friend!
"Actually, you did it perfectly well Uchiha," Tsunade interrupted. "Congratulations, you both have passed the first part of your mission. I suggest, no, I order you both to come and see me in my office in two days to monitor your pregnancy," she said, smiling at Naruto and ruffling his hair. She blinked when the boy didn't swat her hand away like always.
Not that he could, Naruto seemed to have gone comatose, showing all signs of a vegetable patient.
Sasuke had gone an entire shade whiter. What had he done? He – they weren't ready for this at all. If only he would've rejected this damn mission, none of this would be happening! Being a genin was not so bad anyways.
One minute, they were calmly doing D-rank missions, and the next, they get this stupid mission, get married, and now a fake baby?
What the hell has their Hokage been drinking when everyone thought she was innocently drinking sake?
Sasuke narrowed his eyes in thought. How was he supposed to act like a parent if he hardly had time with his own? And Naruto wasn't any better, he never had parents to begin with.
Sasuke looked over at his partner with the corner of his eyes, the other boy had recovered some of his color and was now staring at the floor deep in thought. The orange-clad boy didn't even notice when he subconsciously placed a hand on his stomach.
Making him snap out of it, Tsunade flicked him on the forehead just like before she became Hokage, except now she put less pressure and force.
"So baa-chan, what do we do now?"
The blonde woman chuckled. "Wait here until the four hours are over or until every couple has completed the jutsu," she answered. With one final pat on both boys' backs, she left to mock other couples, and check on them of course.
"Man! This is going to take forever!" Naruto shouted frustrated. "And its bad enough I'm already starving!" he said miserably and nearly weeping, making everybody stare strangely at him.
Naruto glared coldly at the staring crowd. "Mind your own business!" he hissed. Apparently, having the last name Uchiha added to his name gave him the ability to glare like one, even Sasuke was secretly impressed.
"The usuratonkachi is already having mood swings, and it's barely been three hours!" The Uchiha prodigy cringed at the blonde's changing personalities. He couldn't imagine what could possibly be happening next, nor did he want to think about it.
"JUST HURRY UP ALREADY!" Kiba hollered, he was tired both mentally and emotionally, he was starving, and now he had a parasite inside of him. Why couldn't these asswipes move faster and finish already?
"I'm really, really, hungry!" Chouji complained softly.
"When is this going to be over?!" Ino growled out, a few shinobi in the vicinity winced and whispered good luck at the ninja who was stuck with her for eighteen weeks. Shikamaru didn't seem to be bothered, he had his arms tucked under his head over the desk and was snoring peacefully.
After being pressured non-stop by some of the already finished shinobi, almost everybody managed to complete the jutsu before the four hours were done. Although, that didn't mean that they managed to perform the jutsu correctly, most likely they would have to do it again or risk losing their shinobi title.
"Before you guys leave, I must say one more thing," Tsunade called everyone's attention again. "You should probably stay together with your partners or live together since you guys are legally married except without the wedding and all that jazz. This is after all teamwork and that means both partners must cooperate. Just because one person is carrying the child, doesn't mean they are completely responsible for everything; the father also needs to participate by helping their partner feel more comfortable, safe and stress-free! "
Groans and frustrated moans echoed swiftly.
"If you don't shut up now, I'll extend the pregnancy and the mission to 2 YEARS!"
Everyone grew quiet again.
"As I was saying, the person who is carrying the baby will need all the help they can get during those nine days and after. Come to my office in a couple of days so I can give you a check up, that's an order! Also if you people need any advice about pregnancy, I will more than happy to lend you a book about it. Now, if you all excuse me, I have a date with an aged bottle of sake!" and with that the leader of the village disappeared out through the exit with an embarrassed Shizune trailing behind.
Eventually, everyone left the room to finally take a break. Apparently, it was very exhausting to be seating for five hours straight. Not to mention that this new "mission" took nearly three years out of their lifespan.
Once everybody was out of the building, many couples followed Tsunade's advice and made arrangements to move in together, wondering how the hell they were going to explain this one to their parents. The simple phrase 'hey mom, I'm back. This is my new wife, and we are also having a baby in about a week' just didn't sound like the right thing to say.
Sasuke uneasily felt like he should at least try to lighten up the mood. "Alright dobe, your place or mine?" the raven-haired asked with a smirk.
"I'm not moving to your haunted mansion," the blonde sputtered, blushing at the implied question.
"Well, I'm not moving to your rat-hole," the Uchiha retorted, feeling his confidence return. "Besides, I have more space and money."
The blond-haired scrunched his nose in thought for a few seconds. "Fine!" Naruto grumbled. "But I am not sleeping anywhere near your brother's room!"
Sasuke's smirk widened. "Don't worry dobe; you can sleep in mine with me."
Before Naruto could open his mouth to answer, the Hokage beat him to it.
"You guys don't forget to use protection!" Tsunade shouted across the street at the two boys, making everybody turn to look at them.
Sasuke ignored her and walked past him, heading towards Naruto's apartment to pick up his things.
The blonde nearly choked at the comment.
"Wait up you bastard!"
"Tsunade-sama, must you drink this much?" Shizune asked, wincing as the other woman gulped down nearly an entire bottle of Sake without stopping.
Is she even breathing? Shizune stared.
The voluptuous woman burped and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, smiling widely. "Of course! How else does a blonde have fun at night?"
Shizune sweat-dropped. I'm not even going to answer that. "Aren't you at least worried about the kids?"
"What goats are you talking about?"
Shizune rolled her eyes. "I'm talking about our teenage shinobi! And what was that about cutting their palms?"
"Well, you need both parents' DNA to make a baby you know?"
Shizune gave an exasperated sigh. "But they didn't need to use blood they could have just taken a few strands of their hair and it would have given them the same result!"
The Hokage pouted, which hardly worked since she was half-drunk. "But that wouldn't be as fun would it?"
Shizune mentally restrained herself from hitting her head against the wall.
Tsunade tilted her head to the left, the dizziness was already kicking in. "Besides, I am confident they will do just fine! They have been trained by our best teachers in the village!"
Shizune disregarded the gnawing feeling in her head and nodded hesitantly.
This is going to be bad!
There you go! Another chapter done! As you all know, this fic will include a fake pregnancy and "fake-babies" but don't worry about the "poofing-away" part when they grow up, it will eventually make sense, hopefully.
Please review! We would like to hear what you guys got to say, unless those comments are flames…
Enjoy and review!