Alright, I suddenly had this very weird and random idea when I was doing basically nothing. I'm going to do a Christmas edition although it's nowhere near Christmas and all. But this Christmas thing is going to be rather special - there shall be games and all. I thought of Truth or Dare first and I could only imagine the hilarious, not to mention embarrassing, things that could happen. This would also give me a chance to finally write A/A instead of only J/T all the time. Hmm, I guess this is going to be really weird and all, but please review all the same!
Disclaimer: Class of the Titans does not belong to me. All I have is a keyboard and a computer to write stories, unfortunately.
An Idea
The orange-haired girl paused in front of the window of the shop, her eyes shining with delight. The mannequin in the middle of the display window featured a pale blue shirt with the words 'Closet Poet' in italics printed on the front.
"Atlanta!" Theresa smiled triumphantly, pointing eagerly at the display as her groaning friend dragged herself off the nearby wooden bench and reached her best friend's side. "Look! The perfect gift for Archie!"
Atlanta smirked as she looked up at the shirt. Somehow, it didn't strike her as something Archie would actually appreciate, but she kept her mouth firmly shut. Theresa had been hunting for Archie's present, which was the last one they had to tackle, and Theresa had spent more than an hour scouring the shops for something suitable. And she had insisted on Atlanta coming along. Theresa might have been her best friend, but she did have some faults at time, and shopaholic was listed as one of them.
"So? How about it?"
"Umm..." Atlanta gave her a shrug, then nodded. Well, at least to save herself from the agony that she had been put through for the past four hours. "It's alright. Go ahead. Buy it."
Theresa nodded seriously. "Alright, Lanta, wait here. I'll be right back." With that, she walked into the shop.
Atlanta sighed and settled herself comfortably on the wooden bench once again. She could only imagine the profanities that Archie would pour out once he saw the shirt. Not that Theresa had bad taste, though. Archie probably wouldn't exactly like to proclaim his secret to the world. But then again, picking a shirt that said "Hey! I'm afraid of water! Did you know that!" would be a far worse choice. So he should be thankful.
She yawned tiredly and stretched. What a boring day. She was about to stand up and plead for Theresa to hurry up when she was suddenly struck by a great idea, albeit a random idea.
Theresa emerged from the store, bags in hand, and grinning happily, she walked over to Atlanta. "There, there's the last of them," she said as she slipped the brown package into one of her many bags.
Atlanta rolled her eyes - discreetly, of course - then she motioned for Theresa to join her to sit.
"You know... We've never had a single proper Christmas party with proper games before since the team have gotten together," she started, feeling a rise of excitement bubble within her. "So, I was thinking, maybe we could like, try to make one?"
"Hmm..." Theresa cocked her head to one side. "Maybe that'll do. But somehow I don't see the guys playing any games. What kind of games?"
Atlanta grinned. "Let's say Ten Fingers, Truth or Dare, you know?"
Theresa grinned back, ideas starting to form in her head. Maybe this could be interesting. She could maybe find out things she'd wanted to know before... "Yeah... That could be a great idea." Then she frowned. "The only hurdle would be getting the guys to participate. You know them. They hardly have any game spirit at all."
Atlanta shook her head, crossing her arms. "Don't worry about the guys. I don't think there'll be strong objections, since we'll be putting a lot of effort into this. And we won't tell them. It'll be a surprise party. They won't know till the party starts. And they won't exactly have the chance to back out. They can't, because they wouldn't want to waste all our effort. I hope."
Theresa looked thoughtful, then she bobbed her head enthusiastically. "Alright then," she declared. "Let's put to work this great party! After all, they need to lighten up and do something lame and random once in a while. Especially Jay."
The two girls shot each other affirmative smiles, gave each other a high five and walked away with ideas in their mind already.
Oh, Christmas party was going to be a blast.
Coming up next will be random idea after random idea, with all those traditional games you used to play when you were a kid. What's a little random now and then? It won't kill, right? It's time for nonsensical writing to begin!