Hey you guys this is my first hsm fic so please review it, i want to know if i'm any good. Thanks

Chapter one - Start of a new school

Troy, Jason, Zeke and Chad were in East highs gym, playing two on two. Chad and Troy against Jason and Zeke.

"Chad goes for the hoop, he shoots he scores! We win!" Chad commentated as he made the last shot of the game. Chad had dark skin with a bushy Afro and brown eyes. He was in his wildcat basketball uniform.

"Chad had better stop commentating or Chad's gonna get his ass kicked in." Troy laughed. Troy was captain of East highs basketball team. He had short dark brown hair and cobalt blue eyes.

"Good game Zeke, Jason." Troy congratulated. He wasn't a sore winner. Besides they only won by two points.

"Yeah yeah." Zeke and Jason laughed as they shook hands.

"So hey, I got some news. You know my mum and dad split?" Jason said as the boys walked over to the benches to refresh themselves with a drink.

The guys nodded.

"Well, dads been living in Spain with my little sister and he's coming home which means Gabriella will be able to come to East High." Jason cheered.

"Dude I didn't know you had a sister?" Zeke said.

"Yeah, you never talk about her." Troy added.

"You never asked." Jason replied.

"Is she hot?" Chad asked dreamily.

All the boys whacked Chad around the head.

"She's my sister which makes her…" Jason said slowly.

"Off limits." The boys sighed.

"Good." Jason smiled.

The guys went to change as free period was over.


"What I've been looking for." Sharpay and Ryan ended their song with a pose.

"Sounding good you guys, great song Kels!" Taylor squealed as she entered the drama hall.

"Thanks!" Sharpay and her twin, Ryan said in unison.

"So, what is this I'm hearing about a certain someone and Jason Cross?" Taylor asked grinning.

Kelsi immediately turned scarlet red in the face.

"KELSI! Why didn't you tell me?!" Sharpay squealed running to hug the girl behind the piano.

Kelsi had short brown hair and wore glasses. Sharpay had long blond hair and usually wore sparkly or pink clothes. Taylor was dark skinned like Chad and had medium length brown hair; she was head of the scholastics. And Ryan was Sharpay's twin so he was blond but usually wore a hat.

"You can talk miss "I heart Zeke Baylor!"" Taylor added. This time it was Sharpay turn to blush.

"What about you Taylor, miss "omg Chad like totally asked me out!"" Ryan spoke up.

Both Sharpay and Kelsi looked to Taylor.

"Well, err, that's why I came here…to err tell you guys." It was silent for a moment then the whole group burst into laughter.

Later (lunch)

"So what's your sister like?" Kelsi asked when the whole group were seated at their usual table.

"Well, she's smart, she sings, she loves to dance, and she's pretty good and gymnastics. Oh and she speaks fluent Spanish so miss Rodriguez will like her." Jason laughed.

"Wow, sounds like our type of girl!" Sharpay said.

"So when does she arrive?" Zeke asked.

"Their plane lands tomorrow morning so I won't see her until after school, but she starts east high on Thursday."

"Cool." The group said.


"Hey mom? Is Gabriella and dad here yet?" Jason shouted, panting as he had run home from school in excitement.

"Jason?" A girls voice called from his living room. A second later a petite brunette appeared from behind the doorframe.

"JASON!" she squealed as she ran to hug her brother.

"Gabby you look so different from when I last saw you." Jason stated returning the hug.

"Oh how long has it been? Four years. Oh my goodness I've missed you so much!" Gabriella cried. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

"So…" said Jason pulling away from the hug. "…you start East high tomorrow, I can't wait, you get to meet all the guys, the girls including Kelsi, my girlfriend, she's so great, then there's Chad and his girlfriend Taylor, Zeke and his girlfriend Sharpay and Troy, oh and Ryan and his girlfriend Martha but they don't really hang around us so often. It will be so cool, I'll show you round, and did mum say who your homeroom teacher was?" Jason said extremely fast.

"Whoa whoa Jason, calm down, it'll be great meeting all your friends. Mum said it's some woman named Darbus or something."

"Great! She's my homeroom teacher!" Jason cheered.


"Excuse me miss Darbus, this is my sister Gabriella Montez, she's new here." Jason said dragging Gabriella behind him.

"Hello, you must have your fathers name or something yes?" Miss Darbus questioned.

Gabriella nodded.

"Very well, welcome to east high, please note that the drama club welcomes the newest of people with particular talent into the drama club, please don't be shy."

"Yeah, I'll err think about it." Gabriella said unsurely.

"Hey Gabriella sit next to me down back!" Jason said as he pulled her to the seat. They had arrived to homeroom early to speak to miss Darbus. Students came filling up the room.

Jason and Gabriella were speaking across their seats to each other when Jason noticed the group walk in laughing at a joke Chad had just told.

"Hey you guys! Over here!" Jason called over.

"Oh no Jason, what if they don't like me?" Gabriella panicked as the group started to make their way to the back of the classroom.

"Chillax, they'll love you!" Jason assured her.

"Hey Jason, you must be Gabriella, that's such a pretty name, I'm Taylor!" Taylor greeted cheerfully.

Gabriella took the hand that was extended to her.

"Thank you, I love you hair, it's so shiny!" Gabriella complimented.

"Oh my goodness we are going to be such great friends!"

"Hey I'm Chad, Taylor's boyfriend, great to meet you." Chad welcomed.

"Nice to meet you too!"

"Hi I'm Kelsi…"

"Jason's girlfriend!"

"Yeah, Jason told you huh? We are going to be such good friends, I'm sure you have some interesting stories about Jason to tell me." Kelsi laughed.

Jason coughed loudly and gave Kelsi evils.

"Only joking,…" she laughed. "…we'll talk!" she whispered to Gabriella.

"Hey I'm Sharpay Evans, president of the drama club and over all fashion Goddess of East high! And that boy sitting upfront with the brunette is my twin brother Ryan and his girlfriend Martha. I love your shoes, where'd you get them, I want some…Oh my gosh you can so come over one day and I can show you my shoes, they're so similar…or I could go over yours and see your clothes…or better both!" She squealed.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too!" Gabriella gave Jason a worried look. Jason just laughed.

"Hey I'm Zeke, sharpay's boyfriend, though sometimes I do wonder why." He said, Sharpay gave him a quick peck on the cheek before taking her seat near her brother.

"Oh yeah that's why. He he, so anyway yeah, great meeting you Gabriella. Need any help with school or cooking or something, don't be afraid to ask. Okay?"

"Yeah thanks Zeke."

"And lastly I'm…"

"Mr Bolton please take your seat, homeroom has begun." Miss Darbus called out. The basketball captain walked over to his seat disappointed that he didn't get the chance to tell Jason's sister who he was.

After Homeroom

"Hey so Gabriella what's your first lesson?" Jason asked.

"Err I have…Art."

"Oh well I don't have art, but I think Troy does, he'll take you. Hey Troy!"

Gabriella looked and saw an extremely handsome boy walking over; she was practically lost in his eyes.

"Yeah I have art, yeah I'll take her. Hi, I was about to introduce myself before Darbus interrupted me. So hi I'm Troy Bolton. Nice to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." She said confidently, breaking out of the trance his eyes had put her in.

"So you ready to go to art. I can help you catch up with the rest of the class if you would like, we've basically just started a new project." Troy offered.

"Yeah thanks Troy."

"Well then lets go."


"Thanks for drawing the nose troy, I'm no good with noses." Gabriella laughed as her and Troy walked out of Art together.

"No problem, you have a perfectly shaped nose anyway."

They had learnt that they actually had quite a lot in common. They both liked basketball (troy more then Gabriella) and they both liked art and the same music.

"Wow that was some compliment." Gabriella said sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah, now what to call you?" Troy pondered.

"What you want to give my nose a name?"

"No you need a nickname. Gabriella, as lovely as it is, is quite long. How about Gabby?"

Gabriella shook her head.

"Taken, my family call me Gabby."

"How about…Brie!"

"Yeah…Brie… I like it. Thanks troy."

"Your welcome." He smiled one of those signature smiles. Gabriella smiled back.

Wow, she's really pretty when she smiles. Troy thought to himself.

"So Brie, what do you have next?"

Hey so what do you think, okay please review, i love reviews they are very nice. OH AND DISCLAIMER - I DO NOT OWN ANY HSM CHARACTERS ONLY THE IDEA FOR THSI STORY.

