For disclaimer and other stuff, see part 1. Thank you to MissWickedWitch, TillIlltryIllneverknow, JesseMacGirltheFlindaFreak, XxXxIcePrincessXxXx, Akasharogue, Someonerandone, gilgrissomlover, Love that Wicked, Rosie85, LaurenneTiggular, xXetcetereaXx, danderson, Lydia Monroe and anyone else I haven't namend for your reviews. I am glad that you enjoyed my little story. As soon as my betareader returns the chapters for my new fanfic, the sequel to CHILD OF THE WICKED, I am going to post them. Finally I found the right title, look out for FINDING HER WICKED ROOTS.

Chapter 22

As Glinda walked into the house, she intended to talk to Elphaba and forget about her break-up with Fiyero. She wanted both her friends to be happy and would get over the pain of leaving Fiyero. Someday she would meet her prince charming since Fiyero wasn't hers, but Elphaba's.

Even from outside the room Elphaba was staying in, she could hear two women talking, arguing. Glinda stayed outside the door, unseen by the women, to listen to their argument.

"I can't stay. Fiyero is in love with Glinda. He has to realize that I am not the right woman to marry!"

"My son loves you. Yes, I feel sorry for Glinda. She is engaged to someone who doesn't really love her and she deserves all the loving she can get but not from my son. He deserves the happiness you can give him. Don't deny that you love him."

"Even if I do, I don't deserve his love."

Now it was Glinda's turn to interrupt the two. She entered the room in a dramatic manner, her skirt billowing, smiling, even squealing when she saw her best friend alive and well.

"Oh Elphie! I am so happy that you are alive!!"

Elphaba was thankful for the distraction but she couldn't know that Glinda intended to talk to her about Fiyero too.

"I am sorry that-" Elphaba started.

"Don't be. We all made mistakes. I shouldn't have believed Madame Morrible or the Wizard. Did you know that I am now ruling Oz?"


"Yes, but that is a story for another day. I just had a talk with Fiyero," Glinda told her.

Elphaba stifled a groan. She was sure Glinda would give her a piece of her mind and tell her that it was irresponsible to keep Fiyero away from his daughter. But when Glinda continued talking she was in for a surprise.

"I gave him the engagement ring back."

"Why?" Elphaba gasped. She had always believed that the prince would get the fair maiden in fairytales, meaning Fiyero and Glinda would get married. But it seemed that their life was a fairytale gone bad.

"I was never meant to wear the ring. He doesn't love me, not the way he loves you," she said as she looked at Elphaba.

"I am sorry that this happened. I never wanted you to get hurt Glinda. I don't deserve him or his love. I should have never stayed here this long. Maybe it would have been better if I had died in the cell," Elphaba said, looking down at her daughter.

"You stop this nonsense right now! Don't you dare pretend that you are unworthy of love. It was me who ended the engagement and not the other way round. Fiyero would have done the noble thing and married me. Elphie, I read the letter he wrote to you, the one you have kept in Nessa's bible. You wouldn't have kept the letter if you wouldn't still love him. Don't lie to me."

"I wanted something to remember all the people I care for," she answered instead.

Sighing, Glinda sat down on the bed and looked at her friend. Both were too stubborn to realize that they were meant to be. Now it was up to Glinda to make it right and make sure that both would end up together, as it was meant to be.

"Elphie, tell me, do you love him."

Kaikoura stood nearby, looking at the two friends. She knew the answer to Glinda's question. She knew that Elphaba still loved her son.

"I can't," Elphaba said.

"It's a simple answer, yes or no."

"Glinda, don't you understand? I did things I am not proud of. I denied him any chance of getting to know his daughter. He must hate me."

"He still loves you and he forgives you what you did. I know that you had your reasons not to tell him. Elphie, he was the only one who believed in you from the beginning. Even I had believed you to be the Wicked Witch of the West. Fiyero was the one who told me that you are still our friend and that everyone believed the lies the Wizard and Morrible were making up. He was the one who planned to save you from the beginning. He knew that he risked his freedom and life in doing so. Tell me, do you need anymore proof that this man, who is now sitting outside doubting everything he has ever believed in, still loves you?"

Neither Kaikoura nor Elphaba had ever heard Glinda talk like this. Glinda believed in true love and she had promised herself to make sure that Fiyero would get the love and happiness he deserved. It would hurt to see her friends happy together but Glinda believed that her prince charming was somewhere waiting for her.

Elphaba pondered Glinda's words for a moment. There wasn't anything she could say. She knew that her angry words had hurt Fiyero deeply. Yes, she had lashed out at him in anger, but it had been when she had still believed that he was only interested in her being his mistress. She had wanted her happily-ever-after too, but never believed that she would ever get the chance and now she wasn't sure if she had lost her chance on happiness.

"Help me outside," Elphaba said suddenly as she swung her legs out of the bed. She needed to see him, to talk to him even though she didn't know what to say. She hoped that she would get the inspiration when she saw him.

Supported by Kaikoura and Glinda, she made her way outside. When she reached the front door, she let go of the arms holding her upright. She needed to do it alone.

Carefully Elphaba took her first step without help.

"Yero," she said.

Fiyero, who had been still sitting outside, turned towards the source of the voice. Elphaba was leaning against the doorframe for support, wearing a long white nightgown, barefoot, her dark hair flowing around her.


He stood up and walked towards her, stopping a few feet away from her. He was looking at her. Both not saying another word until both said, "I am sorry," at the same time.

Both looked at each other, and for a moment, the words spoken in anger were forgotten. Fiyero was looking at her and knew that this was the chance he had waited for. Maybe it was the only chance he would ever get in making everything right. Glinda had left him. She had been right in giving him the ring back. He still loved Elphaba and would never stop loving her. Fiyero hoped that they would still have a chance. He hoped that maybe his dreams of a future together with Elphaba and Tanith would come true.

"I don't know what I would do if I have to go through the rest of my life without you in it. You have to come back to me. You have to stay and never leave me. You have to," he said, nearly begging her.

Fiyero's eyes welled up with tears and he leaned his head down as he began to sob. All the emotions of the past weeks came rushing through Fiyero and he cried.

"Don't leave me," he whispered brokenly.

She acted on instinct. All thoughts about talking were forgotten as Elphaba gathered him in her arms. Words weren't needed anymore. She knew that she couldn't leave him. She would stay, forever.

And then, Fiyero felt a hand run through his hair softly. He looked up, disbelieving. Her eyes looked at him with warmth and love. She was smiling but she still looked quite tired. Fiyero found he could not say a word so he did the next best thing.

He kissed her and when they parted due to lack of air, she looked at him with eyes that were full of tears.

"I could never leave you. I love you my Yero."