AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello everyone! I am so sorry for not uploading so soon enough! I had my mid-term exam last week, Thursday to Saturday... I had to study hard for those exams and I had to stop seeing my computer. I am so sorry everyone! I really am! To make it up to you, I hope this chapter will just do... By the way, I have a feeling that I'll have to rewrite the whole story... There were some events that I had missed in this story and I kind of think that the whole setting is not leading to the main point of the story.... So, technically speaking, I was planning on changing the whole course of this story. I know its kind of bad and disappointing but... the whole set up of the story was off road... I find this story quite boring and therefore made a decision that I should change it... I'm not sure though... Please send me some reviews about this certain matter... Tell me if you think I should change some parts of the story.

To those people who had faithfully read this story and reviewed this, I am sorry to disappoint you.... I really appreciate those reviews! Thank you everyone! :D

Lidi-chan: Sorry for making you worried... The exams, the whole study thing! It made my brain go loco and I had to study really hard...Thanks for the humor, I really laughed hard... honestly... Sas is not a gay in this part... His hair just makes him look a bit childish since it's a bit shorter and tied in its usual style... It's a bit messy too... I would never dream of Sas being a gay, even he looks like one... :::coughs::: Sorry, that went wrong... He might look like one... :::smile:::

The Blood Thirsty Silver Wolf: Thank you so much for being patient... I'm sorry if I had to upload this story so late and I am genuinely sorry if I made a sudden announcement about changing the whole set up of the story... Sorry... Hope you enjoy this chapter...

CrAzYaNiMeFrEaKgUrL: Thank you for the review... Hope you love this chapter! :D :::wink:::

Renee-chan: Thanks for the review... hope your cousins will love this... :D

CraizyPet: I'm sorry if I left you slightly confused... Sakura did that so that they could enter the premises of Konoha... She didn't know him, that was certain but she took advantage of it... She's mean! :D hehehe... Sorry if I hadn't really mailed you lately. I'm kind of busy... :D

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto and it's characters, but I do own Jin! :3

REMINDER: If you read this story, please don't forget to send some reviews...

I would really appreciate that right now.

I would also like to apologize if I have cause any OCC in this part too... or if there are any wrong grammar for that matter...

Okay everyone! I would like to say my special thanks to my beta-reader and friend: Craizypet... I wouldn't gone this far if it wasn't for her! :D

"...." - talking

'....' - thoughts or well.. it will just say thoughts or something like that... :D


Itachi stared at Sakura for quite some time now. He gave a soft smile while staring at Sakura. God, he looked like a stupid person. He was smiling with no apparent reason behind it. This wasn't an emotion he was anticipated with. But right now was not the time to be happy with. During her 'solemn hour' of prayer, Sakura had convulsed as she saw another vision. She had denied the fact that she was scared of the vision and she was pale at that time. The entire Akatsuki were witnesses to it.

But as a strong and willed heart as she, she unselfishly proclaimed that she was alright and fine. It wasn't long before she fainted from exhaustion. They had panic from the sudden unconsciousness.

Itachi's smile falter as he gingerly chaste the back of his hand across her soft and pale cheeks. He knew that she had deserved a better life than this. Sakura didn't have to suffer everything. She didn't have to go so far that it would lead her to her objective to seek out her own remaining memories. But he now knows that there were less than 5 pieces remaining. It had hurt him, even though he showed a placate face, to see Sakura struggled so hard for the better of everyone and for herself.

Looking for her memories was a partial part of her mission. The main objective of her life was to deal Orochimaru and bring peace to the surviving Espers out there that is if there was one alive. Itachi was inspired by her fighting spirit and passion. He knew that somehow, it was only her that could save the world from the abomination Orochimaru was going to create.

"When is Sakura-nee going to wake up Mitsuomi-san?" a boy around 12 years old asked Itachi from behind.

Itachi turned his head around to see the grandniece of the late third Hokage staring at him with calculative eyes. "Soon," he answered softly to the boy who made his way towards her.

"You know," Konohamaru started. "When I used to be very young, Sakura-nee would always sing me to sleep. She had been terribly ill at that time too. Sometimes she would convulse at night and would lose her consciousness. I didn't understand her ways at that time and I was afraid of her."

Itachi gave a soft smile. "But she's not so ill anymore," he assured the boy. "As you can see, your sister was just exhausted from the trip coming here."

"Why did you take her?" Konohamaru interrogated. "Why didn't you turn her over to us that time?"

"Actually," Itachi begun with uncertainty, how was he going to explain to the boy? He should come out with an excuse. "You see, when we found hime, she was almost… gone. We didn't have time to turn her over so we… took her in. It was the only way we could save her, fortunately when I took her, my immature leader just so happened to be her brother."

"I hate her brother," Konohamaru spat out bitterly.

Itachi had to raise a brow at this point. This child, even though at a young age, had been so protective of Sakura and nevertheless attached to her in some sort of way. "Why would you say that?" he asked, amused at the thought that Konohamaru was angry at Jin.

"Because my grandpa said to me once that Sakura's family had hated her. They resent her. They didn't accept her in the family. That's why I hate him." He answered firmly with a hint of anger.

"Some things are misunderstood," Itachi explained to Konohamaru with a dull face. "Jin didn't hate hime. He had loved her in the most loving way a brother would do to a sister." He defended with a vein protruding in his head. He couldn't believe that he was defending Jin. He had wondered why.

"Does this mean you love Sakura-nee too?" Konohamary asked innocently. "What is your relation to her anyway?"

Itachi gave a soft smile. "Yes," he answered with no hesitation. "I am willing to do anything for her, even if it means to break the rules for her."

"Wow, I'm sure Sakura-nee is really lucky to have a person such as you." Konohamaru smiled. "But I guess you're going to have some competition here."

"What do you ever mean by that?" Itachi asked.

Konohamaru gave a soft chuckle. "You see, I heard from Naruto-nii that Sasuke-san really liked Sakura-nee ever since they were young but he wouldn't really admit it because she's his weakness... But apparently he had to go somewhere to train so that he was capable of protecting Sakura-nee even more. When he came back, he was shattered at the thought that Sakura-nee was missing."

"He must be really faithful," Itachi complimented his little brother. But deep within, he had been very disappointed with him. First of all, he had left Sakura for power and he doubt it was for her protection. If ever it had to be for protection, he should have never left Sakura in the pavement under the rain. Who knows that she might actually get sick or catch a cold? Apart of him wanted to believe that Sasuke had came all the way back because of Sakura but he had seen enough.

Itachi somehow knew that Sasuke needed a potential wife to expand his lineage and that perfect 'woman' would be none other than Sakura herself. Giving Sakura to Sasuke would cause his demise. He would never hand Sakura over to him knowing that he wasn't ready to be her guardian. Sasuke wanted nothing but power, Itachi didn't doubt that. He knew that, and he was sure of it.

"Yeah," Konohamaru said. "But to tell you the truth, I don't really think Sasuke-san is the one for Sakura-nee. I mean he's strong and handsome and all those stuff but something in me tells me that Sakura-nee deserves more than that. She had suffered a lot of trials in life and I'm just glad that she found you."

"Are you approving me for your cousin?" Itachi asked interested to see how the boy would answer.

Konohamaru nodded with a big toothy grin. "Of course!" he answered excitedly. "I may not know you very well but I can see it, based from your answers that you have sacrificed a lot. I bet you have sacrificed a lot just for Sakura-nee and you've been with her the last 6 years. I'm more than certain that Sakura-nee deserves the likes of you."

Itachi had to chuckle at the boy's answer. Here was another close relative of Sakura and had approved that he was good for Sakura aside from the other Akatsuki. But apparently, someone had to be so stubborn and refuse to give his sister her deserved freedom. "Too bad," he said curtly after his chuckle. "Her brother doesn't approve the likes of me. You can say, he's not ready to give his sister away yet."

"Don't worry," Konohamaru assured. "I'm sure you'll get Sakura-nee one day and persuade Jin-sama to give her freedom. If you were ever to have her, I would consider you to be the luckiest person ever!"

"Yeah," Itachi muttered before staring at Sakura in bed, sleeping peacefully in bed.


"Damn!" Shikamaru cursed. No matter how much they've been tracking Sakura, she would just disappear with her companion.

The time they arrived at the church, however, they weren't able to locate or track even the slightest scent of Sakura. How was she able to pull that trick? He thought with calculative eyes before standing staring at the altar of the church. They should have caught up with Sakura and her companion the moment they came here but he underestimated the situation.

"Hey Shikamaru," Kiba called not from afar. Shikamaru stared at the altar in thought before scurrying towards the Inu-ninja. "I'm sorry but I can't locate the scent of Sakura anymore."

"It's either Sakura doesn't want to be found or her companions had found out about us and decided to erase her scent in here. They're smart." Shikamaru muttered the last part to himself as he thought of possible reasons why Sakura of her companions didn't want to make her known to them.


All of the Rookie 12 turned to see Konohamaru smiling happily at them. "What's the matter Konohamaru?" Tenten asked with concern.


Sakura opened her lids. What had happened? She couldn't remember a thing. Gingerly, Sakura sat down from bed and turned her head from side to side, exploring the room. "Aniki?" she called but to her dismay, no one came. "Itachi-kun? Anybody?" she called with fear slightly clenching her heart.

Sakura was about to get out of bed when she felt someone entering the premises. A smile graced her feature when she saw her one and only personal guardian, Itachi. Although she never admits it out loud, she had to say he looked splendid in that kind of suit.

He was wearing a white shirt under a blue polo. His cocky pants were a dark shade of blue and his black hair was flying in different ways. At the sight of him made her heart churn inside her chest. She would bet if he were to be in his real appearance, he would be the most handsome person she saw in Earth.

"You're supposed to be laying on bed, not sitting." Itachi said before closing the door to her room.

Sakura gave a soft laugh. "I'm sorry Doctor Itachi but it seems to me that my body is fine. I'm capable of walking." She teased with a smile.

"Hn," Itachi muttered before taking his seat on Sakura's bed. "Your brother is sick."

"What?" Sakura asked with concern. "How come?"

Itachi shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know," he answered. "He was probably sick when we came but never gave heed of it. Just after we finished catering you, he fainted with a fever."

"I must see him," Sakura said with a crease of brow. Her brother didn't want the others to know of his condition. They were too blind to see that he was sick.


"He looks horrible Konan-chan," Sakura concluded while looking at her brother in bed. "He looks green and pale and I don't mean figuratively, I mean literally!"

Itachi had to chuckle at this point but softly. True to her words, Jin's color was a bit paler than usual mixed with green, indicating he was either nauseas or just plain sick. He was resting in the bed with a small towel on his forehead and a thermometer in his mouth.

"You idiot of a brother!" She scolded her brother, sleeping peacefully in the bed with no problems. "Why did you have to keep this to yourself?"

The Akatsuki had to sweat drop at her statement. Although she was right, but wasn't she also selfless as Jin was? In fact, if they were to compare Sakura to Jin, Sakura was more selfless than Jin himself.

"Sakura-chan," Deidara gave a nervous smile. "Aren't you like that too, yeah?"

"Hmph," Sakura muttered before crossing her arms. "I'm not like my brother. At least I tell my needs but he doesn't… or do I?" she thought silently while staring at the ceiling.

The Akatsuki sweat drop again, staring at their mistress. She was too innocent for her own good. It was a good thing Itachi had been there to help her in all of her needs. "Anyway," Sakura started with a smile, forgetting the recent topic. "I'll go to downtown and buy some food for Aniki and I'll cook for him. I'm sure he would really like to drink soup for dinner. The rest of you are dismissed but Itachi-kun, you are to remain here until I come back."

Itachi glowered silently at the girl. 'Damn,' he cursed silently before staring at Jin in the bed. 'You're lucky that Sakura gave me a direct order. If it wasn't for her order, I would really leave you behind, you immature leader of the Akatsuki.'


Sakura walked along the narrow road of Konoha with a small shopping bag in her arms. Her face solemn in deep thought. No, it wasn't her brother that really concerns her that moment. Her brother's health was the least problem she had. Her big problem was about her the recent vision she saw.

Thinking about it made her heart sank in tears and sorrow. If that were to happen, she would have to avoid it in all cause. She didn't want to be the cause of his demise. It was too painful. Sakura clenched the grocery bag in arms. She didn't realize that she was glaring at the road for quite some time. 'Please, Kami-sama,' she thought sadly, fighting the urge to cry in the midst of the road. 'Let there be enough time for me to prepare… I couldn't handle the future if this happens.'

Sakura blinked her eyes as she felt her tears at the barrier of her eyes. She quickly closed her eyes and stopped from her tracks. Who would have thought that something so grave would happen to him? He had done enough for her and so she would do something for him.

'I'll have to let him go,' she thought sadly. 'If he were to remain in my presence, it would guarantee his death. I wouldn't want to risk that.'


Her thoughts trailed off and she quickly turned her head around to with glistening eyes from the tears that threatened to fall. "No way," she thought in shock. How could he be here? When did he come here? Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at people in front of her. "When did –"


"Man," Naruto grumbled with his arms crossed behind his back. "Every time we track Sakura-chan, her scent leads to nowhere but to the place where she last went."

Hinata cast her gaze down, disappointed that she wasn't able to see Sakura this day. She was really expecting to see Sakura because the villagers had been talking about her a lot. They were saying that she had grown into a very young beautiful woman with gentle attitude. It's as if fate itself didn't want them to connect to Sakura. Why was that so?

The townspeople had also gossip about Sakura's constant companion during her walks and the other people trailing behind her. The women, who saw Sakura's companion, said that he was utterly the most handsome creature they saw. They even indicated that his attitude was like Sasuke but he had been gentle and very over protective towards his mistress. Hinata didn't know what to believe anymore. These talks they were having, all seem to be so good to be true. But since Genma had seen her, they were determined to see Sakura.

"Hinata," Naruto called to his girlfriend, successfully catching her attention. "We'll find her. I'm sure of it, believe it! I won't give up on her and you won't give up on her either. We can do this, right Sasuke-teme?" he asked.

"Hn," Sasuke answered that made Naruto convulsed in anger.

"Why you!" he shouted in rage only to stop when he saw a streak of pink followed by a satin yellow dress. His eyes widened in excitement. He raised his arm and waved it. "SAKURA-CHAN!"

Hinata and Sasuke turned their heads to see Sakura in time, turning her head with glistening eyes. Her long pink hair was silky and braided in two. (Just like Aerith's in FFVII) Her fringe had gingerly touched her eyes and her long bangs framed her pale cheeks down to her chin. A small circlet settled in her forehead.

She was beautiful… no, breathtaking.

Sasuke smirked when he read her lips from afar. "No way…. When did he-" she trailed off. Her brows creased downward in anger. Sasuke knew she would get angry to him since he left her alone. But God, when he came back looking for Sakura, she was gone. He wanted to kill and slaughter the whole of Konoha for letting this happen.

Sakura drop her bag of grocery and immediately sprung towards them. Sasuke could see at the corner of his eyes that Naruto was smiling like an idiot while Hinata felt tears prickling her eyes. He was caught off guard when Sakura just passed by them, forgetting their very existence.

Naruto fell comically, expecting her to jump to them and greet them but instead she just passed them by like they were not even there. The threesome turned around to see Sakura kneeling and hugging the ill handsome man. Despite of his illness, he was charming and handsome.

"You idiot!" she scolded before hugging him. "Why did you follow me?" she asked the man.

"I couldn't leave you behind… Do you think I would engrave you after your collapse?" he countered back with a weak smile.

Sakura smiled back but glared at Itachi who just shrugged his shoulders. "He was persistent. Don't look at me like that. I tried." He reasoned out only to receive a blow in the shoulder.

"But I gave you a direct order!" Sakura seethed. "I don't care what you would do to him, just let him stay in bed for all I care is that he needs his rest. Tie him, chain him, or do whatever you wish to do but don't harm him!"

Sakura sighed. "Just… let's just bring him where he really belongs." She suggested.

"Where does he belong?" Itachi asked although he knew the answer.

"Bed…" she said before lifting Jin's arm and Itachi the other arm.

The threesome stared at Sakura in utter shock. Who were those men she was with? It was… different. Sasuke recovered immediately and went to pick the forgotten groceries of Sakura. "We better bring this back to her." He suggested.


"What do you think you are doing!?" Konan asked, enraged at the thought of Kisame cooking. "Are you planning to kill our leader?"

Kisame stared at his cooking. The food was bubbling with steam. There was a fish bone inside the porridge he made. The appearance was very uninviting and it sends shivers to your spine. The color was the worse of them all. The porridge color was green in color, making it look deadly and toxic.

"But this is my secret recipe," Kisame argued. "I place my very emotions to it!"

"HAHAHAHAH!" Deidara laughed out loud, clutching his stomach in the floor. "You… putting your love in… that porridge? What are you? A female type of fish!?"

Kisame glared at him. "At least I don't eat clay," he spat out bitterly.

"What did you say, Fish face?!" Deidara challenged.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Konan seethed angrily, staying in the middle between both males. "You do know that our only leader is ill and yet you took the liberty to fight like misbehaving children in the midst of an intense atmosphere. Unbelievable!"

The door of Jin's room opened revealing Sakura and Itachi. "Is something wrong?" Sakura asked after closing the door behind Itachi. "I heard noises and shouts. Is there something you wish to let me know?" she asked innocently to the Akatsuki.

"Sakura-nee," Sasori called, removing the lollipop stick in his mouth. "Deidara and Kisame were fighting and this time, I think Kisame plans on poisoning your brother."

Kisame paled, feeling his soul practically reaped out of his own body. Why was this day so… aggravating? He thought incoherently. Sakura stared at Kisame's homemade soup with a weird look. This was what they call porridge? Why was it so… creepy and scary looking? She didn't understand. Sakura turned her attention to her expecting audience.

"There's no problem," she dismissed. "As long as my brother didn't eat a partial part of the food then I guess everything's alright…"

"He didn't eat a thing yeah." Deidara assured with a smile. "But I'm not sure if everything's alright, yeah."

Sakura gave a soft chuckle. "Fishy-kun, there is nothing to be afraid of. As long as you have pure intentions, there wouldn't be a problem about it," she assured with her infamous smile. "I know you've really worked hard on that but I guess… um… its appealing look don't really catch people's appetite."

"But no one ever dare try to eat one of my cooks," Kisame said sulkily. "Does my cooking really taste bad?"

"I don't know Kisame-kun but I'm sure it'll be really tasty."

Everyone shot a 'you serious?' look at Sakura. The last time Kisame was in charge of the cooking, his cooking just tastes so bad that Konan and the rest of the Akatsuki had to be in bed for a whole week. They didn't know what the ingredients are and they wouldn't even want to find out what he placed in his recipes. Finding his recipes would bring them nauseous if they were ever to find something they dislike.

Sakura just shrugged her shoulders before taking a seat on a chair adjacent Jin's bed. Gingerly, Sakura took hold of his cold hand and stared at him with solemn eyes.

"I think I'll try healing him," Sakura muttered softly.

"You know you're not allowed to do as such hime," Itachi intrude. "We are not sure if you can heal him completely and you'll strain yourself hard if he doesn't. The consequences of pushing yourself in the edge will result to your memory loss again but this time, your memories will be permanently gone."

Sakura closed her eyes. "But seeing him like this is… excruciating. Mostly, he's the one who makes everything fine and order but now that he's like this, the Akatsuki is not in order."

"We have Pein to take over. There won't be a problem about that." Konan assured the young woman with a nod. "I'll help him if he's having problems. I give you my word."

"Thank you, Konan." Sakura said with gratitude. "I wish to be alone with my brother."

Everyone nodded and headed of downstairs, except Itachi.


Konan and the others were in the living room, discussing matters in hand.


"I don't think answering the door would be a good idea, yeah. It's the ninja friends of Sakura-chan and I'm thinking Itachi-sama's little brother is in there, yeah." Deidara voiced.

Silence filled the awkward tension in the air. All of them staring at each others' eyes, trapped in their own thoughts. They wouldn't want to let them enter, not because they were after them but because they wouldn't want any trouble. They knew why they came here and that was because of Sakura. They wanted to see her.


"Hm," Konohamaru muttered, confuse than ever. "That's weird. Sakura-chan said that this was the address to her new home and apartment… Maybe she gave us the wrong house."

Sasuke creased his brows. Something was not right. "Wait," he called to his comrades. "There are at least 10 people in this house. Three in the second floor and six in the living room, it seems to me they don't want to cooperate." He hissed.

"Well," Tenten said with a nervous smile. "Let's just try again… I'm sure Sakura-chan would let us in, after all, we've been a part of her life."

Naruto nodded and went to the door porch. His hand idly reached the door bell. As he was about to press the door bell, the door opened revealing a blonde boy with a short trim cut. His hair was messy and he had tied some parts of his hair in ponytail. His eyes were tantalizing brown.

"What can I help you, yeah?" he asked with a warm smile. "I'm sorry for not answering the door so soon, yeah. We were having problems with Jin-sama, yeah."

Everyone raised a delicate brow in wonder. Who was this guy and where was Sakura? Most of all, what's with the weird grammar? Why does he still have to add the 'yeah' word at the end of his sentence?

"We've came here to see Sakura-chan." Naruto said with a huge smile.

'This man must be the Kyuubi Vessel, the one Sakura-chan is so fond of back in the days' Deidara thought for a moment before letting them enter. "Please make yourselves at home yeah. Sakura-chan is still busy at the moment, yeah."


Konan appeared to the visitors in the living room with a tray in her hand. "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience," she apologized before setting the tray of glass and Nestea in front of them. "My brother-in-law had been very ill and apparently his sister had been restless too, watching him every moment."

"It's okay," Chouji said with a smile before eating the brownies on the platter.

Ino nodded in agreement. "I understand what it feels to see a relative of yours sick." She said knowledgeable. "We've gone through that all the time in the midst of our missions. But unlike ours, we get to deal with bruises and wounds." She humored.

"As long as you have each other, there won't be a problem." Konan politely said before leaving them alone.

Shikamaru narrowed his vision against Konan's back. Where have he seen that girl's face? He couldn't remember but he would try to find out. Somehow, her presence was vaguely familiar, just like her face was. But he couldn't remember anything. Maybe he had seen her in one of his missions.

As soon as Konan was gone, the Rookie 12 roamed their eyes around the living room. The living room was huge with 4 couches facing each other in a square pattern. There was a glass table situated in front of them with a vase full of flowers. The tray had sat idly beside the vase with some delectable foods and drinks.

"They don't seem to be like bad guys," Naruto said with a relaxed smile. "I mean look, they welcomed us with warmth and nevertheless, leaved us alone in here while we wait for Sakura-chan. I guess you're assuming wrong, Sasuke. Believe it!"

Sasuke ignored Naruto while staring at the staircase leading to the hallway of rooms and bedrooms. If he had the chance to ditch his party, he would gladly do that and search the 2nd floor of this apartment for Sakura.

"Hey," Naruto growled. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Hn." Sasuke replied before closing his eyes, letting his aura search the apartment for Sakura's whereabouts. He opened his eyes and a smirk made its way on his face. Thinking about Sakura's face and her body made him drool. She would have him, he would make sure to that and no one will stop him.

"Sick is an understatement hime," a man said while climbing down the stairs. "It wasn't my fault if he went back to unconsciousness."

The stairs was followed by anger thumping. "Yeah right," a woman muttered. "He wouldn't be unconscious if you hadn't hit him square in the face. What came into your mind to treat my brother like that?"

"Self-defense." The man answered plainly. "If I didn't hit him, he would throw the vase towards you."

"Are you assuming that my brother would throw something to me as such? I know my brother better than that…" she hissed.

The man finally was on the ground floor and stared at the woman following him. "Of course you do but did you ever get to see him in rage and anger? Especially when he sees his little sister with another man."

"I guess not," the girl muttered silently before shifting her gaze towards the visitors in the living room. "Oh," she said, startled. "I didn't mean to startle but I apologize for the fuss we've been causing a little while ago."

Naruto stood up from his seat and immediately ran pass his group mates and hugged his long gone friend. Sakura stared at him, shock at the sudden hug. Heck, she had tolerated it when it was Genma so that they could pass but this time, she was confused. She felt Naruto took a sniff of her before the sudden protectiveness of Itachi broke them apart.

"Who are you, sneaking inside our apartment without gruesome intentions?" Itachi hissed the question that made Naruto quiver in his stand.

Naruto gave a nervous laugh. "I… didn't mean to-um… We came in and the sister of Sakura-chan said that we should wait for her here until she has finished her business."

Sakura stayed quiet. She was really confused. What had happen between her and this group of people when she had no memories of her family? She had wondered how they treated her and everything. Sakura cast a glance to Itachi who closed his eyes in resentment.

'Seems like I'm on my own.' She thought sadly before turning her head towards the group of people. They were all smiling and she could see that they were happy to see her. If only…

"I would have been very thrilled to see you." Sakura said with a sad smile.

Hinata raised a brow. "Would have?" she quoted.

Sakura cast a sad and solemn look at them. She studied them for a moment, hopefully it could bring some sense to the reason why they had been desperate to see her. She studied Naruto, Hinata, Chouji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Tenten, Neji, Ino whom she had bought the flower from the Yamanaka Flower Shop, Rock Lee, and the man who was at the very far end. Sasuke.

Her eyes widened a bit. This man was just exactly like Itachi. Sakura turned her head back to Itahci who wasn't paying really attention to her. Who was this man? She thought for a moment.

"Sakura-chan, are you okay?" Rock Lee asked, in concern.

"Stop asking those things," Sakura said with confusion. "Why do you keep on saying these things? Why do you keep on worrying about me?"

Itachi turned his gaze from the window porch to his mistress. She was trying hard to stop the rage of her emotions, he could tell. He could see she was struggling to stay calm and collected. This was the first time he had seen her struggle like this. Normally, she would let her emotions roam around her face freely but right now, what was holding her back?

He slid a hand on her lower back, to ease her tension and to calm her. Sakura felt his comfort and inhaled softly.

"Sakura-chan, we were just worried." Tenten said.

Sakura shook her head. "Yes, I can see that but why worry about me? Why worry just like the man in the front gates?"

Sasuke narrowed his gaze. 'What the hell is she talking about?' he thought. Of course they would worry about her because she had been gone without a single trace of her whereabouts. When they went to find her, there were some sighting reports but it wasn't specific.

"You don't have to worry for someone like me." Sakura said. "It's not bad to worry but why worry about me when in fact I don't even know who you all are."

Everyone was left speechless as they stared at Sakura. Sakura has forgotten about them.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay you guys... Now, first of all, tell me what you think about this particular subject and then, tell me what you think about changing the story... If I were to change this story, the plot will still be the same but I would have to add somethings that you hadn't read in this part of the story... Sakura's past in this story is only explained and if I were to change everything, I'd put her past and everything about her family and how she'd lost this and that and how Itachi became this and that and so is the Akatsuki...

Thank you for being very patient with me. This time, I really need your reviews containing your thoughts about his section of the story and more importantly, the part were you agree or not... If not much reviews are sent about this thought, I'm afraid I'll have to delete this story and proceed with my plan. This is not a threat, this is just something I need help from. I'm just so confuse and I need your help....

Thank you again! :D

Lily :3