Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha


Chapter 3

Its six-ten am Friday and Kagome has just gotten up. After taking a quick shower Kagome turns her computer on. Once its done loading up Kagome signs in to MSN Messenger to see if she got any new messages. Luckily there were only two and they were both from Inuyasha and Miroku. After reading them Kagome turns her computer off then heads downstairs where Aiko has a plate of eggs sitting out and tells Kagome they are for her. After says thanks Aiko goes into the family room while Kagome eats. Once she done Kagome puts the plate in the sink and after giving Aiko a hug heads towards the bus stop.


As soon as Kagome gets to the bus stop Ayume asks Kagome if she got any new IM's from the mysterious stranger. Kagome answers yeah, but I left the printed messages at home. Ayme then says "Maybe I can come over sometime tonight for a while. And where's Inuyasha? the bus is here." As they are getting on the bus Kagome answers "Inuyasha sick, he sent me a message this morning, And Miroku wont be in school either he's sick as well." Ayume then says "Oh" then Kagome chimes in and says "it'll be boring without them" along with Ayume. As soon as they sit down Kagome asks Ayume if she's gotten any weird messages from the guy yet and Ayume says "No I think its just you". Kagome then says "oh I wonder why." Ayume then says "says me too" then asks Kagomes when she was going to report it to Sesshomaru. Kagome answers "this weekend maybe, ill have to tell my mom first." Ayume then says "yeah that would be a good idea." They continue to talk the rest of the way to school. Once at school, in front of Sango's locker, Kagome tells Sango she another IM from that guy. Sango then asks Kagome if she told anyone but them yet and Kagome answers "no not yet but I will this weekend." Sango then says "oh did you bring the copies with you?" Kagome answers "No but I'll email them to you. Sango says "okay" and they continue talking till its time to go to homeroom. The school day went well and Kagome got one of her three book reports back with an A on it.


Its now after school and after getting off the bus Kagome and Ayume decided to just IM each other that night instead of Ayume coming over. After saying bye to each other Kagome hurries into hers house because it had just stated pouring down rain. Once inside Kagome is greeted by Aiko who asks if she got any papers back yet. Kagome answers yes and pulls out the book repot and hands it to Aiko. After getting congratulated Kagome takes the paper back and goes to her room and after setting her backpack down she turns on her computer. Once the computer is done booting Kagome logs into MSN messenger and the person to send her an IM was Death961.


Miko: Hey

Death961: Did you miss me?

Miko: No

Death961: Well anyway I wish I was at the place I was staying at yesterday because then I could tell what you are wearing,

Miko: You know what that was just a lucky guess

Death961: No I could see exactly what you were wearing

Miko: Mhmm right

Death961: Well don't believe me bye.

Miko: Bye

As soon as he signs out Sango signs in.

Kiara-Hey. What's up?

Miko-Just talked to the guy.

Kiara-Oh you really should tell your mom and you two can go to Sesshomaru and tell him.

Miko-Yeah ill it tonight.

Kiara-Ok. So my mom had suggestion that we should have a sleepover just you, Ayume and I.

Miko-Cool when?

Kiara-Maybe next weekend because my brothers sick and we don't want to get anyone else sick as well.

Miko-Okay that understandable. That would be cool if we did get to do it.

Kiara-Yeah that would.

They continue to talk till seven o clock when Kagome gets called down to dinner. After saying bye to Sango Kagome logs off and grabs the IMs she printed out along the way. Once at the table Kagome show her mom the weird IMS. Once she looks at them Aiko tells Kagome they will have to tell Sesshomaru when he got back from chaperoning the Elementary School field trip. Kagome says "okay" then Aiko asks Kagome about the rest of the school day. Kagome send the rest of dinner telling Aiko about the day at school and once she done with dinner goes up and after putting her js on turns her TV onto Syfy and watches it till she falls asleep at eleven-thirty.


A/N: In the next chapters the IM's between Kagome Death961 will be longer.

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