Chapter 37: Madelyn's Wrath





Callie eventually found Erica in the cafeteria sitting in her wheel chair, she smirked at the sight.

Just when she was about to comment on Erica's wheels she was interuppted, "Aunt Callie" said a screech to her left.

"Aunt Callie?" thought Callie, "who is calling me that!"

But as she turned around towards the voice she was assualted when a little girl in bright red scrubs jumped into her arms.

Callie grunted as she caught the bundle of joy in her arms, "Why hello cheif" she said with a smirk, "how is are patient doing today?"

Madelyn giggled and answered, "Well it seems that are pateint is very stubborn."

"Ohh...she giving you problems" asked Callie laughing as she began to walk her and Madelyn towards Erica's table.

"Yes" said Madelyn still giggling, "but it was nothing I couldn't handle" she laughed. "Aunty Erica always does what I say, she says it because she loves me to much" said Madelyn with a giant smile.

Callie laughed as they found there way to Erica's table. Erica had a giant smile on her face as she say her niece and girlfriend.

"Hi, hun" said Callie as she took a seat and Madelyn sat in her lap.

"Hi" said Erica.

"Funniest thing this afternoon, I was up alone for one thing, and when I look for you the only thing I encounter is a very scared nursing staff" said Callie with a smirk.

"Hey don't look at me" said Erica densivily, "that was all her" pointing to the bundle of joy currently playing working on a new stitch that Erica's mother was famous for.

"Ohh..really" said Callie to Madelyn, "So you were the intimidator" she laughed.

"Well, those nurses you have here are so stupid, honestly everyone knows when you are shot you aren't supposed to walk" screeched Madelyn, "it is easy, you don't have to be a doctor to know that."

"Ohh really" said Callie, "but I think it is a little to hard for those nurses to get your Aunt Erica into one of those" said Callie pointing to the wheel chair, "actually the only people who can get her in that chair, is Dr. Baily, Cheif Webber, and now you."

"Well, aunty Erica can't say no to me" said Madelyn, "She loves me to much, and I can get anybodey to do what I want, I am just to cute" said Madelyn seriously.

Erica smirked at her niece, "I taught her well" thougth Erica.

Callie just cracked up laughing, "Ohh...I see you got your cockiness from you aunt here" said Callie indicating towards Erica.

Madelyn just shook her head and continued to stitch.

Callie just laughed, and was about to talk to Erica when she was interuptted, by 3 surgeon, Webber, Baily and unfortunalty Sloan.

"Dr.Hahn it is good to see you out of bed today" said Cheif Webber.

"Yes Richard, and I am all healed and I will be back on the job before you know it" said Erica smirking.

"Not before I sign the release papers" smirked Bailey, "I am you doctor and you still have to recover."

"Take as much time as you need Dr. Hahn" smirked Mark, "I for one am actutually enjoying your absence."

Before Erica could respond with a rude comment back she was beat to it, by her niece no less.

"Ahh...So you are the jackass" said Madelyn not even bothering to look up from her stitching.

Callie and Erica used every amount of will power they had not to laugh.

"Excuse me" said Sloan taken aback by the little girl.

"I said you are a jackass" said the girl slowly, " I can see why my Aunty Erica named her Donkey after you, because you are a jackass."

"Ohh...really you don't even know me" said Mark defensively.

"I know exactly who you are" said Madelyn finally looking up from her stitching,standing on her chair so she was almost eye level with Sloan. "You are Mark Sloan, world known plastic surgeon, not that matters anyways because everyone knows plastic surgery is a joke proffession." she said.

Erica could't hold her laughter and finally sputtered a bit, even the Chief and Baily were haveing trouble not laughing.

"Ohh..really, what do you know about Plastic Surgery, what are you like 4?" said Sloan.

"Actually I just turned six last week, and I know enough about plastic surgery to name every bone in the face, which is 14" said Madelyn.

"Ohh...really" said Sloan rudely.

"Ya, really want me to name them for you" said Madelyn just as rude back.

"Why don't you sit down with your banana and let the grown ups talk about things you could never understand" said Sloan growing tired of the annoying little Erica.

Callie was about to yell at Mark for crossing the line but Erica just held her hand up and shook her head no, and smirked as she watcher her little niece get mad.

"For one, I am not a kid, in websters dictionary under adult I believe it states a bieng of higher intelligence." said Madelyn not letting Mark win. "And if adults are measured by intelligence maybe you should sit at the kiddy table because I know for a fact that I have higher IQ than you" said Madelyn glaring that Erica Hahn glare, that makes anyone shake in their boots.

Mark was about to argue again but Madelyn interuppted him, "And two, I am not just simply playing with a banana I am practicing the Mendez stitch, which I don't if you tiny brain can even grasp was created by one of the best surgoens known to this world, who just so happened to be my grandma"

"I know what the Mendez stitch is, since I have used it on many occassions, and I know Dr. Mendez invented it, but if you think for one second that I am going to believe that you can create even a half way decent Mendez stitch, I will give you 100 dollars" said Sloan smirking at the girl.

"Dr. Sloan my family has never settled for anything but perfect" said Madelyn handing Sloan the banana, "And between my grandma and my aunt Erica, I will be third generation doctor in my family, and I can promise you this anything you accomplish in your medical career, will be nothing compared to what I will accomplish" said Madelyn hopping down from her chair while pulling and Erica and Callie away from the surgeons.

When they got a few feet away from the visibly shocked surgeons Madelyn stopped and turned to sloan, "And if you turn over the banana Dr. Sloan you will see that you owe me 100 dollars, and you are a jackass" and with that she walked away laughing with her two faverior aunts, leaving two very amused and one shocked surgoens in her wake.



