
Chapter 3: First Night Alone

I stared at the blood for sometime, remembering how he would have been so concerned for me, how he would have cared, how he would have looked at me with his eyes, most likely the same as that night.

I finally remembered the shard of glass, the shard that stung and burned stuck in the middle of my palm. Tear coming from my eyes again but was it from the pain, or him. I yelped as I placed my hand on to it, I yanked it free, the wound was clean, but deep. I took the end of my dress and wiped the dampness on the wound. It did not help, it did not sooth it just made it worse.

I Put my lips to the wound, feeling the raging heat pulse from it tasting the metallic blood, I licked it to cool it repeatedly in a circler motion, it helped a little. I stood up placing my other hand on the table for support, the ground was still scattered with the glass. I found the bucket that I knew would always be by the door way picking it up with the hand not in my mouth, sliding it up my arm, so I could also open the door to the outside world.

Once outside I made my way to the well, that was located on the side of the small cottage/house. I let go of my hand the air making the wound sting, I took the rope and tied it on to the bucket. The wood-like strands splintering into my hand, making the cut only worse. Finally getting it tightly fit on the rope, I lowered it into the pitch black hole. Hearing the splash as it hit water, I was so relived that the water had not dried up in the blistering heat.

I let it go for a few moments, then grabbing the handle again, pulling it up with all my might. I felt my muscles strain, I was in no shape after laying in bed so long.

After a long struggle I finally got it out, I carefully undid the knot placing my arm in a odd position under it to make sure it did not fall back in, then I'd be really out of luck. I grabbed the thin metal handle with one hand, and my wrist in a like way with the other. I began to shuffle back towards the house slow steps at a time, my wrist aching.

I sat the bucket in the dirt, and opened the door. Placing my left foot by the threshold to keep it open. I leaned over grabbing the bucket, picking it up in the same odd manner, pulling my self back up and going into the house/cottage. Water spilling onto the floor.

I tipped the bucket up, slowly and carefully poring some of the water on my face, hair, and into my mouth. With half of the bucket left I placed my hand inside, letting it relax.

My eye lids soon fell heavy, and my body slouched back onto the door, soon slipping onto the floor. The remaining contents in the bucket, fell onto the ground, seeping into the back of my dress. It would be my first night with know one left.

To be continued……………………..

Well I hope you enjoy!! I did it WOHO!! Hear you go!! Please help me fix my mistakes see any error TELL ME!! Thanx Oo and leave comments critique and compliments


