The Sickness


Her hands gently traced the vase.. Her blood poring along the sides, almost as if creating veins. Her eyes twinkled in the moon light that shown threw the misted window. She felt free, eccentric except for the Burdon that lurked in the back of her mind. It filled every moment of peace, every thought, it was always there. She had to help………………………… But how……….

Chapter 1: Cursed, or the Sickness

She felt the cool sweat beads pored down her face, soaking her body, as if drowning her. Her body curled further into the sheets, the chills would just not go away. The gentle creak of the wooden door, the old woman coming to check on her, set her into a coughing fit. Blood poring from her nose, her mouth, everywhere. She began to regurgitate as the old woman placed her hands on her body. "You'll be okay." the old woman said brining her hands threw the brown hair.

"No it won't, he left me." she said coughing more blood. The regurgitated food soaked her lap, as more came out.

"You know as well as me, this is not his fault, but the sickness." she pulling her head towards her chest.

"He cursed me!!" she snarled whipping the blood and puke from her face. The gray long hair trailed across her face as she set her into the warm bathtub by the bed side. The old woman removed the sheets, then continued to help her bath. They both hobbled, her from sickness, the woman from her brittle bones, to the bedside. The old woman pulled the sheets to cover her chin, then continued to the hard cot were her frail thin body slept.

Her body thrashed in the bed as the pain and feeling of death creped further over her. Her throat seemed to close shut as she gasped for breath, her face went a deep shade of violet as the old woman rushed to her side. "Breath Bella, breath!!" she command pushing her forward. The air gently eased back into her throat, and the coughing began again. "How long is this going to last!?" she managed to Ask threw the coughing.

"I don't know." the old woman said sadly. "But you will make it threw!" she coughed once more then her head hit the pillow.

The time from when her head had smacked the pillow, was the worst. She thrashed, she didn't dink, her skin became clammy and her eye's never opened once. The regurgitation came more frequently until her body became thin and pale, and it was going to be the end.

The light was dim in the room, the bed sheets were already filled with the throwing up nothing, her stomach was empty, but she continue to throw it up. This seemed to go on forever, until all hope was lost. It had to be her last day alive, she was so frail, so sickly. I said my goodbyes, her family had already been lost to this, I kissed her forward, blowing out the candle, thinking that would be the last time I would blow out the candle with her alive. I slowly walked on the creaking floorboards, back to the cot. I would be all alone once she died, and most likely die for myself. For food was getting low, and the end would finally come……

My eyes slowly began to peel open, the crust falling from my lashes and the corner of my eye. I felt nothing, no pain, no heat, no cold. Was I dead? I slowly sat up leaning against the cold metal frame, I rubbed my eyes. I was still in the old dusty room, I was alive, I had survived. I saw the old woman across from me, her body did not move. Her chest no longer rose and fell but it was still, I slipped my feet from under the covers and onto the smooth floor. I placed my hand on her chest, and put my ear to her frail rib cage. Nothing.

" Wake up." I said shaking her body, she had to be alive.

"Please." I whispered, my head slumped forward and I began to weep. I was alone, to fend for myself. I shook her one more time, the my body began to slide towards the floor. It hit the floor, the tears became faster, warmer saltier. I was all alone.

Well I hope you enjoy!!



Yes its very confusing the old woman is a minor character but the sick one is Bella.. This is very OCC it is like Edward has left her in New Moon, but then I blended the book Fever 1793, this may not go well but hay whatever! Enjoy sorry if I missed any mistakes…it should become less confusing after awhile.