As I ran deeper into to the forest the filthy bloodsucker's words echoed in my head. His voice was mocking and full of smugness.

When I finial stopped to see where I was it was pitch black but it felt as if I had only been running for a few minutes.

Then I could smell something, not like a bloodsucker but a sweet scent that filled my nostrils. Then I herd the footsteps that were coming closer to where I stood. I waited after 5 minutes a girl walked out from behind a tree. She was the same colour as me only a little bit lighter; her eyes were a soft brown and her shinny black hair fell down to her belly button. She got a huge fright when she saw me. She tried to scream but was too petrified by the fear that engulfed her to make any noise come from her mouth.

I ran behind the nearest tree and changed back into a human.

Her eyes darted around the area looking for the wolf that had frightened her a few seconds ago when I came out from behind the tree.

She lost some of the frightened expression in her face but still had some it showing.

"Did you see where that big wolf went to?" She asked in a tinny whisper, still not fully come over by the shock of seeing me for the first time.

"What big wolf?"

"A Second ago there was a big wolf standing right where you are standing now, then it ran behind the tree. Didn't you see it?"


"It went the way that you just came."

"Maybe you were just imagining it."

She shook her head then ran up to me wrapping her thin arms around my waist. She was obviously still scared that the 'Big Wolf' would come back.

"Why are you so hot? It's freezing out here and you're only wearing pants."

"I've been running for a while" It was the truth at least.

"Hang on where are you from? You don't have anything and were in the middle of the forest on the reserve and there isn't any road for hours?"

"I'm from Lu Plush, and I told you I have been running for a while. I actually didn't know where I was to tell you the truth. What reserve are we on?"

"You're from La Plush? That would explain your skin is darker than mine. We're in the forest on the Makah reserve. How is Sam?"

"How do you know Sam?"

"Emily is my sister. They were both up here a few weeks ago."

So that is where Sam went and wouldn't tell us where he was going

"Sam is good; I'm good friends with them both. What's you name?"

"My name is Emma. That's good to hear. Would you like to come to the village with me? You must be very tired and hunger."

"My name is Jacob Emma but I like Jake better. I'll come to the village."

We started walking the way the Emma had come and she told me all about herself and Makah. She asked me a few more questions about Leah and Emily and how

Sue was going.

Before we knew it we had reached the village.

I stayed there for 3 weeks, with Emma's family who were more than happy to let me stay with them.

But once the 11th of August came I Said that I had better get back to help Billy and that he would be wondering where I had gotten too. Emma's dad told me to say hi to Billy for him as he knew Billy.

"Will you promise to come back soon?"

"Ok I'll come back in a few weeks"

"Fine, but don't wait too long I have liked having your compony around. Can I walk you to the edge of the forest?"

"I should be fine you stay here and keep a look out for the 'Big Wolf'" I tried to hide the laughter in my voice knowing it would hurt her. I had finally gotten her to believe that she had imagined me being a wolf the other week and didn't want her to feel even worse for thinking that she was being picked on.

"Ok see you in a few weeks. Don't forget."

"I Won't"

I walked out the door of her house and ran into the forest. I changed as soon as I was sure that Emma couldn't see me from the window of her house.

I kept on running until I got back to Lu Plush.

I walked in the door and I herd Billy and Charlie screaming at the TV, a game must be on.

"Jake is that you?" called Billy through the house.

"Yeh" I wasn't in the mood for talking right now.

"Sam wanted me to tell you to talk to him when you got back. He said just to contact him the normal way and not to worry about the others."

"Ok I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Jake, Bella wanted me to ask you if you were coming tomorrow." This time it was Charlie who spoke.

"Where is she?"

"She is at my place with Alice, there going through a few last things for the wedding."

"I'm going to go talk to her."

Before either Billy or Charlie could say one more word I was out of the house and starting the Rabbit.