Hello again. You know my name, May Maple, Princess of Petalburg. I am still living with Mr. Maialis, but he's no longer my teacher. I am 14 now, and it has been about three months since the stone incident in Petalburg. Soon, I'll be entering Hajime High School with Misty, Ash, Dawn, and Deven. It'll be SO cool, new adventures and everything! Plus now that Kira's no longer my guardian, I don't have to hide my stuff at home, since Mr. Maialis is the Strongest Sage. He currently teaches Dawn in the arts of magic. Misty is still the smart, water-inventor she always was. Drew teaches Deven and Ash about their swordsmanship. I join them occasionally, when I'm not tending to my royal duties as Princess with my grandma.

"Can you believe the summer's already over?" I asked as I look through my school bag, making sure all my stuff was prepared for the first day of school.

"Not at all," Deven replied.

"I still can't believe you and Drew and still dating," Misty said. "How long has it been already? Three months?"

"That's right," Dawn added. "Relationships usually last for a little while, a week in the least. But you May, you've gone a long time."

"Well, they were best friends," Ash reminded, turning off his Pokemon Game as his Pikachu jumped onto his shoulders. Oh yeah, over the summer, we all got Pokemon of our own, real ones. Ash got a Pikachu, obviously. Dawn got a Priplup. Misty got an Azurill, Deven got a Shinx, and me, I have Torchic. I occasionally bring her to the present for her to be my Pokemon and so the officials can mark her officially my Pokemon.It it being the present and all, you know how they need records for just about everything.

The following day, I dressed up in my high school uniform. I never had to wear a uniform back in middle school. Oh guess this was one of the new big changes.

"Couldn't the changes not involve short skirts?" I asked no one as I tried pulling down my school skirt. I was used to wearing my usually pants and sneakers, not a skirt with school shoes and knee-high socks. "I'd rather wear one of those puffy over-sized dresses."

I then heard a knock on my door. "May, are you ready for school yet?" It was Mr. Maialis.

"Almost!" I answered, jumping up and down as I tried to slip on my shoe. "I'll walk!"

"If you say so," he said. I heard his footsteps go on and his car drive out of the drive-way downstairs. He was still a teacher in Hajime Middle School.

"Are you ready Torchic?" I asked. She was sitting on bed. She chirped happily and I returned her to her pokeball and miniature-sized it. Then I placed it in a bag that strapped about my right thigh. All of the Pokemon trainers, in the present, wore these bags on their thigh to carry their pokeballs. I tied my bandanna around my head and I slung my bag over my shoulder. I opened my huge window. I slid down the long pipe and landed on the lawn. I started walking to Hajime High School. I would meet the others there.

"Morning!" I greeted as I popped my head into my classroom. All of my friends, gathered a few desks, waved at me. I walked towards them, taking my seat.

"About time you got here, May," Dawn said.

"Sorry," I apologized, scratching my head. "I had a hard time putting on the uniform."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Ash said with a small laugh. I hit him upside the head with an anime vein. Pikachu was sitting on his desk. Pikachu didn't like being in pokeballs, but had to be with Ash at all times. So the school let it the rules slide for him.

"Idiot," said a voice next to us. Ash looked and saw another student. He had purple hair and a cold look in his eye.

"And who are you to call me an idiot?" Ash asked with a vein.

"I don't even know you and I can already tell you are one," he answered. One of his eyes open were looking at us. Ash's head grew red with anger until Misty and Dawn slapped him upside the head.

"Don't cause a scene," they said strictly while Deven and I sweatdropped.

"Well all's normal I guess. Ash makes enemies, we get embarassed," I said.

"You got that right," Deven said with a nod.

"You guys seem like a fun bunch," said a girl's voice. Deven and I turned around, seeing a girl with orange hair. "Name's Zoey."

"Hi, I'm May."


"I'm Zoey, nice to meet you," she said.

"So are you a freshman here?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I know the place pretty well. My uncle made a of of trips here so I came with him when I could. My parents thought it'd be a 'good experience'."

"Wow, what kinda of things do you know?" Deven asked.

"For one, this homeroom is the best you could get in the entire school. The teacher is Brock."

"What, no Mr.?" I asked.

"No, just Brock. And that's the cool thing about him. he's pretty awsome as a teacher. His class teaching about Pokemon and battle strategies." Zoey explained.

"Awsome, a class that teaches something you'd want to learn," Deven commented.

"But he can have some... embarrassing down points too," Zoey added.

"What kinda down-points?" I asked.

"Well," she started, tapping her chin. "He falls easily for women who look good. Usually when that happens, his Pokemon, Croagunk, hits him in the stomach. It's funny how it happens, haha."

"Wow, a Croagunk," I commented. "He must keep it out all the time like Ash does with his Pikachu."

"I guess so," Zoey said. "Who's Ash?"

"Let me at him!" Ash yelled. Two of his arms were being held by Dawn and Misty, struggling to keep him from attacking the purple haired student.

"Ash sit down!" Dawn shouted.

"Yeah! Everyone's starring!" Misty added. Pikachu sweatdropped by us.

"That's Ash," Deven said with a nervous smile.

"I see he already hates Paul," Zoey said with a sigh.

"Who?" I asked.

"That guy Ash is fighting with, that's Paul," Zoey said, pointing. "He was one of my classmates in middle school. And let me tell you, he's pretty hard to get along with. He's also one of the top Pokemon Trainers. Really strong Pokemon."

"Wow," I said, starring at the stranger.

"He can be pretty cold too," Zoey added.

"You don't say," I said sarcastically. Just then, another student walk in through the door. And to my surprise, it was Drew. Deven saw too. "Um, I'll be right back," I said, quickly getting out of my seat. I ran up to Drew and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey May," he greeted.

"You too," I said. "I can't believe you're here, in the future. What are you doing here?"

"Well, the Royal Court speaked with Queen Somei. To further Pokemon Research, they needed to send someone to your time, spend some time here and take in some info about what goes on the the present," Drew explained. "Queen Somei recommended me to come here. After she arranged a meeting with Mr. Maialis, they got all my stuff ready and here I am.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. "Mr. Maialis never told me any of this."

"He said he wanted to keep it a surprise for you," Drew replied.

"He likes to keep everything a surprise for me," I said, rolling my eyes. "But since you've got your uniform and your school bag, I guess there is some truth."

"Thanks," he said. "I'll be staying at your place for the time being."

"No problem," I said. "So do you have any idea what you doing here?"

"Um... learning?" he asked, unsure. I slapped my forehead.

"This is gonna be a long first day of school."

The first couple classed weren't bad. I guided Drew through most of it. If I weren't in one of his classes, at least one of the others were there to help him. Kinda ironic actually. Usually, it was Drew who showed us the ropes in survival. But now he's in our territory, and he's clueless when it comes to school. At least it was lunch period now. I brought myself and Drew lunch and we sat at a table.

"I don't know how you get through all this," Drew said, sitting down with his tray.

"Well, this is my world now. Get used to it," I said with a laugh.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up," he said with his eyes closed.

"You couldn't even add decimals during math class," I mentioned.

"Hey, I'm a peasant. I didn't have any use for math in the fields," Drew said as he over looked his lunch. "Besides, we don't get that much education unless your a noble... And what is this stuff?"

"It's called pizza, try it," I said, taking a bite out of mine. He shrugged and began eating. Sooner or later, Ash, Misty, Deven, and Dawn sat with us, talking about their first couple of classes. Then Zoey came.

"Oh, hey Zoey," I greeted.

"Who's she?" Dawn asked.

"That's Zoey. We met her at homeroom this morning," Deven said.

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked.

"Not at all," I said. She sat beside me, so I was in the middle of Zoey and Drew. "Zoey, you know Deven and me. This is Ash, Misty, Dawn, and Drew."

"Nice to meet you guys," she said.

"Like wise," Misty said with a smile.

"At least not all of the students here are jerks," Ash said as he drank his water.

"Oh will you let it go already?" Dawn asked in annoyed tone.

"Oh you mean Paul?" Zoey asked.

"So that's his name," Ash said. "I'm gonna battle him with Pikachu, and I'm gonna win!"

"You're sure confident," Drew commented.

"That's one thing that hasn't changed," I added.

It was now after school, and I was walking back home with Drew.

"So how long can you stay?" I asked.

"Dunno," he said. "They never really said. I guess until something happens."

"Well that was one informative answer," I said. He chuckled.

"I don't know what you want," he said. "Should there be another big evil villain that we'd have to defeat?"

"There always is you know," I reminded.

"That's true I guess," Drew said, thinking about it. We went inside the house after I opened the door with my keys. We let out Torchic and Roselia.

"So how are Max and Soladad?" I asked, sitting at the kitchen table. "I haven't seen them in a while."

"They're fine I suppose," Drew replied. "Soladad's the same obsessive older sister, but ever since she blabbed to Max that we're... you know, he won't stop."

"Won't stop what?" I ashed with a short laugh, aready knowing what Max was doing.

"He keeps teasing me about it. If you were there with me, he'd be even worse," Drew said, remembering the moments.

"Haha, that doesn't come to me much as a surprise," I admitted. We both laughed, grabbing an apple form the counter. "At least we don't have any homework yet."

"Homework, those questions you answer from those textbooks right?" Drew asked, unsure of himself.

I laughed again. "Most of the time that's what homework is."

"Oh stop laughing. I'm new to all this," he said with crossed arms. My laughter died down finally and then I heard the doorbell. Drew was startled at fire he almost fell out of his chair. I broke into laughter yet again.

"Don't worry Drew, that's just someone at the door," I explained, standing up. We walked to the door and opened it, seeing Ash and Deven. "Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?"

"Didn't Drew tell you?" Ash asked.

"We have to work on a science project. The teacher put us in a group together," Deven explained.

"So that's it," I said, looking at Drew.

"What? I forgot," he said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and let them in, shutting the door. We all walked to the living room and sat around a coffee table.

"I can't believe you guys already got a project," I said, corssing my arms.

"Whatever," Deven said. "We're just lucky we're in a group with Drew. If he went with anyone else-"

"They'd fail," Ash finished. I slapped him on the head, resulting with a usual "Ow" from Ash.

"Hey, didn't Dawn and Misty have that class too?" I asked.

"Well, they said they did," Deven said. "That's what they told me at lunch, but they never showed up."

"Maybe they got lost and couldn't find the classroom," Drew guessed.

"Could be," Ash said. "In fact, Pikachu and I haven't seen them at all after lunch."

Pikachu nodded in agreement. "Pika pikachu."

"I hope they're alright," Deven said, opening his book bag for some books.

"Well May, looks like you got your wish for another adventure," Drew pointed out, giving me an anime vein.

"I'm sure they're alright... right?" I asked. Everyone remained silent. Then Torchic walked up to me, pushing my cellphone towards me with her beak. "Good idea Torchic. I should call them."

"Even Torchic knows more about the future than you Drew," Ash joked.

"Oh shut up," Drew said with a sweatdrop. I speed dialed Misty's number and all the others remained silent, curious about the call and if Misty would pick up.

"Hello? Misty here," Misty said. I took a big breath of relief.

"Oh thank heavens, I thought something happened to you," I told.

"Oh something happened alright," she said with a giggle.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" I asked worryingly.

"Well, right after lunch, Dawn and I got together so we could walk to history class, then we met up with this hot guy."

"Um... hot guy?" I asked with a sweatdrop. The guys behind me look bewildered. I would have too if I weren't on the phone. It wasn't like Misty to be a fangirl. Dawn maybe, but not Misty.

"Totally! He's so cute and hot!" she squealed, making my eardrums burst. I distanced my phone from my face while she screamed. I think the others could hear it.

"And you ditched history class for that 'hot guy'?" I asked as if she were some crazy woman.

"Yeah, and not just history class, the rest of the school day," she added. "He took us to the mall and it was, like, sooo awsome!"

"Misty you're scaring me. You're beginning to sound like your older sisters," I commented.

"Yeah whatever, gotta go. My nails need to dry. Chao," she said as she hung up. "Chao"? What kind of Misty Waterflower uses the word "Chao" to end phone calls? I could only imagine how boy crazy Dawn had gotten.

"Well what happened?" Drew asked.

"Is Misty ok?" Ask asked worried for his long-time friend.

"Yeah, that was a weird phone call you just had," Deven added.

"You have no idea," I said. "Misty actually ditched school, even Dawn. All for some guy they met in the halls."

"Well that doesn't sound like Misty and Dawn," Deven said.

"Are they at least safe?" Drew asked.

"Physically, yes. Mentally... I have no clue," I answered, slumping onto the couch. "For the time being, this is yet again another mystery we'll have to solve."

"Um, is this normal for a first day of school?" Drew asked.

Ash shook his head. "Not one bit."