Katie stared at the ring with her eyes widened. She was speechless, she didn't know what to say. Yes would be a good answer of course but she didn't know if she was ready to get married to him yet. She loved him to death but couldn't help but have Hunter on her mind. They've been best friends, practically brother and sister for years. With saying yes would their friendship be over forever? He made a mistake by trying to make sure Randy and her never got together but she couldn't help but miss him.

"Katie?" Randy asked.

Katie looked up coming out of her thoughts and looked at Randy.

"Yeah?" Katie asked.

"I just asked you a serious question, a yes I would love to marry you would be a good answer." Randy said.

Katie closed her eyes and couldn't believe what she was about to say.

"No." Katie muttered.

Randy looked at Katie with shock and hurt in his eyes.

"What?" Randy asked softly.

"I'm sorry Randy I'm just not sure if I'm ready and I need a friendship to be restored." Katie said.

"Hunter, of course. Why does he even matter?! Look at me, he's the reason why I'm in this stupid hospital!" Randy yelled.

"But he's still like a brother to me and I know it was wrong but he was only trying to be protective of me. I've heard that you're a ladies man, who knows if you would have cheated on me." Katie said.

"I would never cheat on you Katie! I love you with all my heart and I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I didn't." Randy said.

"I'm sorry but…I need to sort this out with Hunter." Katie said before she turned towards the door and put her hand on the handle.

"Maybe I should find someone else." Randy muttered with anger.

Katie felt tears in her eyes when she heard what Randy said.

"Great just like before. I can't make one decision without hurting someone."

She held onto the handle as tears rolled down her cheeks. Katie was too afraid that if she opened the door she would have to forget about the time her and Randy were together. Sure most of it was rough but they both had some beautiful moments together.

Randy looked at Katie as she just stood there.

"Are you going to leave or not?" Randy asked.

"Randy…I don't want to lose you." Katie said with emotion in her voice.

Randy stood up from the bed then went over to Katie. He turned her around and his heart broke in half when he saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. Randy gently wiped away the tears from her cheeks with his thumb then rested his forehead on hers.

"Listen sweetheart I was acting really stupid. I love you so much and if you need to time to think this over and to restore your and Hunter's friendship then I'll give you that time. You're the most important thing to me and I don't want to lose you either."

Katie gulped as she listened to Randy's words.

"I love you." Katie muttered softly.

"I love you too." Randy said before he softly but passionately kissed Katie on her lips.

Shawn walked into the room then smiled.

"Aw Katie said yes to the proposal." Shawn said.

Katie looked at Shawn.

"Do I didn't." Katie said.

She then looked at Randy.

"At least not right now." Katie said.

Katie looked into Randy's eyes and bit her lip gently before she stepped away from him. She walked to the door then opened it and left.

"She didn't say yes?" Shawn asked.

"No she didn't, Katie for some reason feels like she needs to restore her and Hunter's relationship before she can possibly do anything." Randy said.

"Well they are pretty close." Shawn said.

Randy sat down on the bed.

"I just hope everything settles so we can get married. I think the only thing that really is holding Katie back is Hunter." Randy said.


Katie got into her car then sighed as she started driving to Hunter's house. As she drove all the memories of what they did with each other came running through her mind. One she loved the most was when she became the DX Girl and helped cause trouble with the two guys she was closest to in the WWE. She then remembered her first night as a WWE Diva, the same night she met Randy. Katie smiled as she thought that night. She never would have guessed that just by choosing to date Randy now would cause such a big problem.

"If Shawn can get over it why can't Hunter?" Katie asked herself.

She watched as the rain fall onto her windshield as she continued driving. Katie sighed when a couple minutes later she stopped right in front of Hunter's house. Her heart started beating faster as she got out of the car and started walking up to the door. Katie took a deep breath in before she rang the doorbell.

"Stop freaking out Katie, It's not like you're at the door of a murder."

Katie heard footsteps inside the house and voices before the door swung open. She looked at Stephanie with a small smile.

"Hey Steph, is Hunter home? I really need to talk to him." Katie said.

"Yeah, come in and I'll go get him." Stephanie said with a smile before she walked away.

Katie walked into the house then closed the door before she waited nervously by the door. Within minutes she saw Hunter slowly come out of the kitchen and staring at her.

"Hey Katie." Hunter muttered.

"Hey." Katie said softly.

"What do you want?" Hunter asked.

"To have our friendship restored. I've missed you Hunter and I'm willing to give you a second chance if you accept Randy and I being together." Katie said.

Hunter looked down as he pondered what Katie said. He truly missed Katie too but he never liked Randy and never will no matter what Katie says. Hunter looked up then nodded.

"Fine I'll accept it." Hunter said.

Katie smiled then hugged Hunter.

"Thank you, I really want you to be at our wedding." Katie said.

"Whoa wedding?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah I don't have a ring on my finger yet but I will soon." Katie said.

"I'm happy for you." Hunter lied as he tried his best not to yell.

Katie's smile widened not realizing that Hunter lied.

"Thank you. I better get going." Katie said before she left.

"I'm guessing by the smile on Katie's face you both are friends again?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeah…we are." Hunter said before he stormed upstairs.


Katie ran into the hospital then into Randy's room. She saw him asleep but was so excited that she grabbed his good shoulder and shook it like crazy.

"What the…" Randy stopped when he was suddenly taken off the bed and forced onto his knees.

"Propose." Katie said with a smile.

Randy looked at Katie and couldn't help but chuckle before he grabbed the ring that was on the bedside table.

"Katie will you marry me?" Randy asked.

"Yes!" Katie yelled before she got down and hugged Randy.

"That was the answer I was looking for before." Randy said as he slid the ring onto Katie's finger.

"Well I needed to do something important and now that I did we can get married." Katie said.

She smiled before she kissed Randy passionately on the lips.

I just want to let everyone know that the next chapter might be the last one. I'm not certain yet if it will but I just wanted to warn everyone who loves this story. :)