Title: Watched Phones Never Ring
Theme: #07, Longing
Author: Nikki Kiraga
Rating: PG-13/R (Depending on how you see it)
Genre: Romance, Drama
Warnings: Kinda OOC-Sesshy (I think it'll be that way throughout the series), 1st person (present tense) Sango, some very minor sexual content
AU/Canon: AU
Pairing: Sango/Sesshoumaru (Series), Miroku/Kagome (Vague chapter mention)
Words: 738
Summary: She knew she wasn't good enough, but she had to hope.
I can't believe it. I miss him...already.
It all started on a rainy day. I found out that boyfriend had proposed to my so-called best friend. I was only walking to get over it...I didn't even care that I was getting soaked to the bone.
That's when he called out to me.
Kami, he was...perfect. His long, silver hair practically glowed, his golden eyes were so full of...well, everything. Just looking at them made me shiver.
He was so kind. He lead me inside, let me dry off...then actually urged me to tell him why I was out in the rain. He was probably one of those types who needed to know it all, but I never cared. I felt the words just spilling out, and before long...I found out perfection's name. Sesshoumaru.
After that, we talked all night. He was funny, caring, and even walked me home. We traded numbers, then...he left.
I could feel the instant pain at the separation. I wanted someone to be with me while I suffered. But, after I met him, I forgot all about my boyfriend. ...Wait, what was his name again? Oh well, it doesn't matter.
Now I'm just laying here. On my bed, staring at the phone. Damn thing...ring, won't you?
Then again, they do say a watched phone never rings. Maybe if I took my eyes off it...just a moment...
...Nope. Not working.
Why won't he call me? It's been a week. I thought he at least wanted to be friends. Maybe I was just kidding myself. I'm nothing special, after all. Why would someone so perfect want someone so...bland? After all, wasn't that why what's-his-name...Kami, still can't remember...dumped me? Surely that was why. Wasn't it?
Riiing. Riiing. Riiing.
The phone!!
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hello dear!" Ugh. My Mother. Great. So not who I wanted it to be.
"Hi Mom. What is it?"
"Oh, just checking up on you. How's Miroku?"
"Who?" The word spilled from my mouth before I could think of who she was talking about. Not my fault! He's one regular pancake, and Sesshoumaru's...he's a stack with syrup and whipped cream and...holy hell, I'm making myself hungry!
"Who? Sweetie, are you alright? You didn't bump your head did you? Miroku's your boyfriend! What a sweetheart he is, too...you should marry him, honey! He's a great catch!"
Oh,that's his name! Miroku! Wait, great catch? Yeah...for Kagome. "Oh, um...we're not together anymore. He broke up with me."
"Oh, sweetheart! I'm so sorry! Do you want me to come over there and kick his butt for you? I will, you know!"
"No, Mom. It's okay. Anyway, I'm kinda waiting on a call. Talk to you later, bye, love you." Click. Ugh, really. Does she really have to butt in all the time?
Yes. Of course she does. Anyway, back to Sesshoumaru...damn it, when will he call?!
Riing. Riing. Riing.
Damn her!!
"Mother, what is it now?!" I screech into the phone.
"Mother?" comes the deepest voice ever. Oh kami...it's him. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, Sango."
And then I blow it.
"Oh, um, uh...so-sorry, Sesshoumaru! My mother was bugging me and I thought she called back and I had no idea it was you and I'm so sorry!"
Open mouth. Insert foot. Shove it down throat and suffocate. I wish.
He chuckled. "Relax, it's quite alright. I apologize for not calling sooner--my father made me go off on a business trip the day after, and I have been too tired to call. I just came home, but I had to hear your voice again."
Okay Sango, compose yourself.
"Yes, really. Although, now that I have, I realize exactly how much I missed it during the business trip."
Note to self: Be sure to get vibrator after this. Damn!
"Well, um...hey! I have an idea! Why don't we go to the carnival? You know, kind of like a...date?"
I could already see his grin. Whether it was cocky or pleased, though, I had no clue.
"I would love that, Sango. I will pick you up tomorrow at three sharp. See you then." Click.
Oh kami...how can just his voice turn me on so much? Wait, three? Damn. That means I need to pick out my clothes today. Oh well...I get a date with the sexiest man alive!!
He grinned, setting down the phone. Their date tomorrow was going to be interesting, he was sure. Very interesting indeed.