The Xenomorph Queen chased after Lex shattering the ribs of a long dead whale as she ran. Lex ran for cover underneath a large water tower. The Queen ran towards her and attempted to claw and bite at Lex. The water tower strained backward as the Queen put her weight on the water tower; the wooden foundations began to split and collapse.

Lex pushed herself back as far as she could to avoid the Queen's mouth. The Queen shot out its secondary mandibles at her, but it was a few inches short of reaching Lex's face. Frustrated, the Queen continued to push into the bottom of the water tower to get at Lex.

Suddenly, Scar leaped up into the air and threw his spear into the Queen's face causing her to roar in pain and rage. Scar landed next to the water tower and observed how his strike affected the Queen.

The Queen used her clawed arm to break off one side of the spear and then the other side. Yellow blood oozed from the wound; the spear that still remained inside the Queen's skull quickly dissolved.

Lex got out of her hiding place and saw the chain attached to the Queen's collar. She then saw how it could hook up to the water tower which was on the verge of falling into the cold Antarctic Ocean.

"Help me," Lex asked Scar who seemed to understand what she was up to.

The Yautja complied and assisted Lex with the chain. Lex wrapped the chain around the water tower's lock. Scar used all of his strength to pull the Queen backward toward the Ocean.

The Queen immediately resisted and roared as it realized what was happening. Lex and Scar soon realized a problem in their plan; the water tower was not falling over the edge. The Queen suddenly used her tail to slice into Scar's gut and out the other side.

Lex watched horrified as Scar was lifted off the ground; the Queen raised Scar to eye level. Scar gave the Queen a defiant roar; his mandibles fully extended. The Queen screeched at Scar and was just about to slice through Scar's head when she realized what Lex was doing.

Lex used a piece of metal to pry the water tower off its base so it would fall off the cliff. The water tower fell over the edge taking the Queen with it. The Queen screeched and flung Scar off her tail. Scar fell to the ground with a thud on his back. The Queen clawed the ground as the water tower's weight pulled her closer to the cliff.

Lex found herself frozen in stunned shock as the Queen attempted to kill her with its secondary mandible. The Queen missed her by an inch and fell over the cliff. The Queen and the water tower fell into the icy ocean and sank to the bottom. The Queen gave a last silent roar as she continued down into the dark cold ocean and disappeared.

Alien Vs Predator

The Female Warrior

Lex ran over to Scar's body; he was already dead. He had been stabbed through the gut; his spine broken. He had lost a considerable amount of green blood. Lex felt some sadness at the death of Scar even though he had contributed to the deaths of half her crew. Despite everything, she could not help but feel pride for the warrior alien.

Lex didn't have much time to consider the dead alien before her. A spaceship suddenly decloaked in the air a short distance away from her. The spaceship's engines blew warm air around her as it descended to the ground. Its lights came upon her and the dead body. Immediately other Yautja appeared out of thin air. A half-dozen Yautja suddenly revealed themselves and walked closer to Lex and their fallen comrade.

Lex watched in amazement and fear as four Yautja approached the dead body. They all wore various types of masks and were heavily armored. Lex could tell that each of them had a different type of mask or other feature that differentiated themselves from the other. The Yautja ignored Lex and picked up the dead body and carried it back towards the ship.

The eldest Yautja did not have his mask on. His eyes looked upon the dead body, but he showed no sign of sadness. He then looked upon Lex and stared at her face. There were two marks on her cheek; the same sign as a warrior's first kill. The Yautja considered the dead body and then back at Lex. He understood that the dead Yautja must have found the human worthy of the mark for a successful kill. If that were true, the human must have killed one of the Xenomorphs by herself down below in the pyramid.

The Yautja elder valued a kill just as Scar had. He took out a small staff with sharp points on the end. He then extended the blade so it reached one meter long. The Yautja Elder then threw the spear to her as a gift. It had not been the first time the Yautja had given a human a gift for a successful kill. In 1997, a Yautja Elder gave a pistol from the 1700s to a police officer who managed to kill a Yautja warrior in one-on-one combat.

Lex accepted the gift and looked over it for a moment. It was clearly alien technology; it was worth a fortune if she ever sold it. However, she didn't feel like it would be appropriate to sell such an artifact. Lex considered how she would even get back home; she was stranded on a desolate island in Antarctica.

The Antarctic wind chilled her; she suddenly realized the intense cold. She had thrown her jacket away when a Xenomorph's acidic blood got on it. She realized it was night; she was going to freeze.

The Yautja Elder then turned back towards his ship; his business with the human finalized. Lex realized with growing certainty that she would surely die from exposure in the cold. If she didn't die this night, she would surely die the next. She had no food with her either.

"Wait!" she called out to the Yautja Elder.

The Yautja Elder turned around; his mandibles clicking at her. Lex crossed her arms as she shivered uncontrollably in the cold. "Can you give me a ride?" she asked.

The Yautja Elder simply stared at her. He could see that she was shivering and that her clothes would not be enough to keep her warm. His body could sustain cold temperatures with little clothing but even he had his limits. He didn't want to stay outside for very long if he didn't have to.

"I am going to freeze to death," Lex stuttered. "Can you please drop me off somewhere warm, anywhere but here," Lex pleaded.

The Yautja was uncertain as to what to do; nothing like this had ever happened before. The prey was asking the predator for help; it was impossible. The Elder looked at the spear. No, she was now a predator just like him.

"What's the point of giving me this spear if I am going to die here?" Lex asked him as her lips turned blue and her hair began to turn white with frost.

Two Yautja warriors were at the Elder's side. The three clicked together in their own language and then looked at the human woman. The Elder finished his orders and walked back towards the entrance of the ship. Lex closed her eyes and knelt down in sorrow realizing she was doomed to die in the cold.

The two Yautja warriors suddenly approached her and lifted her to her feet. Lex struggled against the two aliens, but they were insistent. They dragged her toward the ship. Lex realized what was happening and stopped struggling. The three went into the ship as the doors closed.

The two Yautja warriors left Lex as the ship began to rise off the ground. Lex looked around touring the ship. One room was filled with capsules presumably for the purpose of sleeping during the flight. She then saw another room with various trophies of Xenomorphs, large beasts, and to her amazement human skulls. Lex saw the dead Yautja carried away to another location. Lex watched as his body was placed on an altar of a sort. The Yautja bowed respectfully before the body and then carried on with their work.

Lex felt a sudden vibration as the ship went into space and then nothing. Lex felt a powerful force push down on her. Falling to her knees, she struggled to get up. The Yautja noticed her struggle and made a modification on their computers. The gravity suddenly lifted; Lex could now stand again.

The Yautja Elder approached her and clicked at her. Lex shook her head not understanding. "Grav-ity….is… for us," the Elder said with broken English. Lex nodded understanding.

The Elder invited her to the viewing screen. Lex was able to see Earth in orbit for the first time. A swell of emotions went through Lex as she saw the oceans, land masses, and the cloud cover of Earth. She had never believed she would be able to see Earth from space in her lifetime. She wondered how the Earth didn't see them. Was it the cloaking device?

"They…cannot see us," the Elder said referring to the human populations below.

"Why do you hunt?" Lex

The Elder looked at Lex curiously. "I…will help…you to…understand," the Elder said.

Meanwhile, the dead body of Scar began to move slightly. Something was pushing upward from his chest and then suddenly exploded out of the dead Yautja's chest. The creature resembled an infant Xenomorph but with a small difference. The jaws of the Xenomorph contained the mandibles of a Yautja. The creature gave a small screech as it worked its way out of the dead Yautja's body. And then it started to consume its host's body and grow.

The Elder and Lex were in the control room and were unaware of what was occurring in the other room. The viewing screen of Earth began to tilt as the spaceship went into orbit around the planet. Lex saw the North American continent come into view.

"You can drop me off there," Lex said pointing to the continent.

The Elder made some clicking sounds to two others; the two went into another room and disappeared from view. Lex got the impression that the aliens were being sent off to drop her off. The Elder said nothing to her as the spaceship stayed in one spot above the North American continent.

"Why we hunt?" the Elder repeated.

The Elder pointed to the Earth. "We create…civilization…we hunt it," the Elder began.

"I understand. You created human civilization with the pyramids," Lex said.

The Elder nodded. "By hunting humans…they become stronger…so that they can defend…themselves…from others," the Elder said pointing to the stars.

"Humans may begin to challenge us," the Elder added.

Lex frowned; she didn't like the Elder's explanation but decided to remain silent. She didn't understand why they felt compelled to hunt. Wouldn't it be simpler for them to share their technology with Earth instead of hunting? They nearly wiped out the human race so that they could hunt those alien serpents.

The spaceship began to turn away from North American and towards the Pacific Ocean. Lex gave a look of confusion as the spaceship orbited away from North America. "That's where I live. What are you doing?" Lex asked confused.

"You are chosen," the Elder said.

"What the hell does that mean?" Lex asked becoming angry.

The Elder waved his hand and walked away as two other Yautja warriors took hold of Lex. The Yautja dragged Lex to another room and kept hold of her arms as she struggled against them.

Lex yelled in protest and attempted to beat the two Yautja with her fists. Finally, the Yautja threw her into a room. Lex took her spear and extended it. The Yautja looked at her curiously as she pointed it at them. The two clicked in amusement at her defiance.

"I will use this thing," she threatened.

The two Yautja continued to click as if laughing. Lex suddenly swung at one of the aliens. The Yautja blocked the spear with his wrist guard. The other Yauntja kicked Lex to the ground; the spear fell onto the floor.

The two Yautja picked up a fighting Lex and placed her on a medical table of a sort. They then strapped her down so she wouldn't be able to move her arms and legs. Lex could see various cutting tools off to the side. Realizing she could die soon, she fought as hard as she could against the metal restraints.

A Yautja took out a needle and raised it so that Lex could see it. "Stay still," one of the Yautja ordered.

Lex knew that if she fought while they were injecting her, it would rip her arm open. She decided to keep still and if she died she would die painlessly. The Yautja inserted the needle into her vein in her arm. Lex hissed in pain as the needle punctured her arm. The Yautja carefully emptied the needle's contents and then quickly withdrew the needle.

The two Yautja released Lex's arms and legs and waited for her to get up. Upon her release, a furious Lex tried to attack one of the Yautja. "What was that? What did you inject me with?" she demanded.

The Yautja ignored her weak punches and then proceeded to drag her back towards the Elder in the next room. The Yautja rudely pushed Lex before the Elder's presence. "What did you do to me?' Lex demanded of him.

"Air…not safe for you," the Elder explained.

Lex simply stared at the Elder and then softened her expression. "You could have asked," she said annoyed.

The Elder turned away from her dismissively. Lex considered the air for a moment; from the moment she was on board she found the air heavy and humid. She didn't think it was toxic but who knew in an alien ship.

1:00 AM

An hour had passed since Lex had been picked up by the Yautja. During that time, the Yautja gave little explanation on their future plans with Lex. The spaceship simply orbited the Earth as if scanning for more suitable hunts.

Lex began to feel sick from the injection. She was sweating in the humid environment and ached all over. She felt feverish and experienced a migraine headache. Her dark skin started turning a sick looking yellow.

"I think I need a doctor," Lex said to the Elder.

The Elder stared at her but didn't reply. "I'm sick. I have to leave this ship, or I will die," Lex said weakly.

The Elder looked at the other two Yautja and motioned for them to take care of her. The first Yauntja held the weak Lex down while the other injected her with another batch. Lex squirmed slightly as the needle punctured her arm. The two Yautja then walked away from Lex.

Lex felt dizzy and couldn't see straight. Whatever they had injected her with, it wasn't helping. The Elder turned his back on Lex and was preoccupied with his work. Lex looked over to the control panel.

"If he won't send me back home, I will," Lex thought to herself.

Getting back to her feet, she struggled to walk over to the control panel. The Elder didn't seem to notice her as she wrapped her arms around the control panel. Lex looked at the controls and didn't know what any of them meant. There were red marks that looked like some sort of alien language. There were pads where she would presumably push to obtain a response.

Lex began pushing on the pads; the ship immediately responded and went off course. Lex wasn't sure what she was doing but at least she was getting a response. The Elder turned around and roared in displeasure at her. Lex ignored the Elder and continued to work the controls. The Elder smacked her off the control panel.

Lex glared at the Elder and punched him as hard as she could on his bare chest. The Elder didn't seem to be affected by the blow and pushed her away from the controls. He then worked to correct Lex's damage on the control panel. Lex grabbed a hold of the alien's shoulders, but he shoved her to the ground.

Finally, Lex got back to her feet and punched the Elder hard to the jaw. The Elder was stunned by the punch and took a step back to steady himself. Lex smiled as she realized she had surprised him. The Elder roared at Lex; his mandibles fully extended, and his arms stretched outward. Lex curled her lips showing her teeth and stretching out her hands in a similar motion. She didn't notice that her nails had grown an inch longer.

The Elder swiped at Lex, but she quickly dodged the attack. She then punched the Elder to the gut hard. The Elder pushed Lex aside and then jumped next to her and away from the control panel. Lex went for another punch but was blocked by the open palm of the Elder. The two stalemated as the Elder held her fist back. Lex glared at the Elder and punched him to the face with her left hand. The Elder reflexively kicked Lex to the ground stunning her.

Lex got back to her feet and tried to fight the Elder again but was restrained by the Elder's hands. Lex struggled against the Elder but couldn't free herself. "Good," the Elder said and let her go. Lex fell to her knees exhausted.

2:00 AM

Lex gave up on attempting to get back home. She stayed in the control room with the Elder watching over her. She continued to feel sick from the two injections. Her dark skin was slightly lighter with small dark spots. Her hair began to rescind back but began to grow out longer in the back. Her muscles were also tightening and becoming stronger. Lex had always been in top shape but now her muscles were expanding and become more concentrated.

Lex would have noticed these things, but she could barely concentrate. The third time the Yautja injected her, she didn't even resist or become aware of what was happening. Fatigued from her ordeal, Lex went to sleep.

5:00 AM

Lex woke up crying out in pain. Her entire body spasmed in pain as it began to change. The Elder and some of other Yautja youths watched her as she writhed in pain. Her red ice hiking suit began to burst and tear as her body began to grow. Her boots busted open as her feet grew larger. The Yautja watched in fascination as she grew a foot higher.

Her body quickly increased in mass and her nails extended longer. Her arms expanded surpassing a male human body builder. Her legs also became much more muscular and firm; any fat on her body became pure muscle.

Lex panted as the changes continued on her body. "What have you done to me?" she cried.

"You will soon join our species," the Elder said.

"Like one of you," she said pointing her clawed finger.

"Yes, although female, of course," the Elder said.

Lex simply stared at the Youtja as another wave of pain went through her body. She suddenly realized that she could understand the Elder clearly. He was speaking with clicks and grunts, but she could understand him.

"Why?" Lex asked with her still human mouth.

"You were given the mark by one of our clan. He would have not have given it to you unless he acknowledged you as a warrior. The mark is only given to those worthy of becoming one of us," the Elder explained.

"But…I have a life to go back to. I have a job and a bank account," Lex said lamely; she realized bitterly that she wouldn't be able to access the million promised to her by the Weyland Corporation.

"Those are pitiful concerns compared to the hunt," the Elder said dismissively.

"You had no right to do this to me," Lex said angrily.

"We could have left you to die in the cold," the Elder replied.

Lex was about to protest when another spasm of pain hit her. Her skull began to change as her brain expanded. Lex clutched her head in pain as her forehead expanded slightly. Her teeth began to become sharper and her jaw expanded for a more powerful bite. Her eyes had already changed from dark brown to yellow.

"Come," the Elder motioned for her.

Lex struggled to get back on her feet as pain still surged through her body. She kicked off her cumbersome boots; her feet had become larger and ended in claws. Lex considered the red hiking suit; they were torn beyond repair and were effectively rags. Her tattered clothes were more of a nuisance now with her six-foot six-inch height. She hesitated to take them off and walk around the space ship in the nude.

"Can I have some clothes?" Lex asked embarrassed.

The Elder turned to look at her. "It is warm enough," he replied and then walked into the next room.

Lex frowned at his response and reluctantly threw her clothes aside. Totally nude, Lex looked at her changed body. Her body was larger and was higher in height and yet it still resembled curves and a slender figure. Despite her increase in weight and height, her body was still proportionally athletic. She noticed with some satisfaction that her breasts were larger but muscularly firm. Her stomach went from smooth to firm abs.

Lex considered her clawed feet. They still resembled human feet but with some difference. They were larger than before but were flexible enough to allow her to leap and stand up on her toes. Lex felt her face with her hands. She could still sense a human face with a mouth, cheeks, eyes, and a brow. However, her lips were clearly gone and her ears were shrinking.

The Elder motioned her to move with his hand while she was distracted. Lex walked forward without difficulty on her new feet and legs. The Elder gave her a look as she passed by him into the next room; he hadn't seen a female in some time.

The room was lit by a strange orange light. The floor was covered in a layer of fog. Lex looked at the walls and could not help but receive the impression that the walls were alive. Lex looked over to a wall displaying various skulls of beasts killed in previous hunts.

The Elder was quickly joined by four other Yautja youths. They each gave Lex a look of fascination before giving the Elder their full attention. "Fight her," the Elder commanded one of the youths.

Lex wasn't familiar enough with the Yautja language, but she could tell that the others were snickering at the volunteered youth. The youth gave off the body language of displeasure and humiliation at having to fight a female.

"I don't want to fight," Lex said in English still.

"You will either learn to hunt or become a breeder," the Elder told her bluntly.

Lex stared at the Elder as the full ramification of what he was saying sank in. "Okay, I'll fight," she gave in.

The youth rushed Lex and clasped her arms. Lex threw his arms off and backed away. The youth spun around and used his momentum to backhand her to the chest. Lex fell to the ground stunned.

"Get up," the Elder ordered.

Lex did what she was told and confronted the youth. She attempted to punch the youth but missed. Lex continued in her attempt to punch the youth, but she was unsuccessful every time. Finally, the youth counter-attacked punching Lex hard to the face causing her to fall backward.

Lex looked up at the ceiling dazed. The youth dragged her by her feet. Lex tried to fight the youth, but he was too strong. Lex finally managed to get free and got back on her feet. The Elder watched curiously as Lex and the youth continued to fight with punches and kicks. Lex had some knowledge of martial arts from her previous training. Although her body had changed, the rules still applied.

Lex blocked some of the youth's punches and blocked a kick that would have landed in her gut. Lex backed away exhausted and hurt from the fighting. The youth extended his mandibles in victory. His victory was short lived as the other older youths mocked him from behind with clicks.

Lex looked at her hand; it didn't resemble a human's anymore. Her skin had changed to a tougher material than before. It was neither human nor reptilian. She looked over at the male youth; his nails were not nearly as long as hers. Inspecting her fingers, she noticed that her claws were significantly longer than his.

"Fight," the Elder ordered.

The youth rushed Lex for another attack. Lex held her hands out from her body and waited for the youth to approach. When he finally came within range, Lex slashed his chest with her nails. The youth backed away surprised; light green blood escaped the wounds on his chest. Lex smiled and fully extended her fingers. The youth was now on the defensive as Lex swung with her sharp bladed claws. The youth attempted to retaliate back only to find his arms and upper legs slashed with her claws.

Lex advanced on the youth and with a burst of effort kicked the youth hard to the gut. She then fell on top of the youth and held her clawed hands at his throat. "Give," she threatened.

The youth said nothing as he considered his options. He could throw her off and remove the pitiful threat or he could stay where he was and experience the pleasure of a female on top of him. Even as she held her clawed hands at his throat, Lex could sense a sort of arousal flow through her as she kept the male firmly beneath her.

The youth suddenly realized that he was being made fun of by the other youths. His pride at stake, the male youth threw Lex off of him with his legs. The Elder looked at the youth with disapproval; he knew what he was doing. Lex was on her back stunned.

"Good, you have learned the female's advantage in fighting," the Elder approved.

The Elder motioned for one of the youths to retrieve some equipment for the next training exercise. Within a few moments, wrist blades were sent over. "Hold out your wrists," the Elder commanded.

Lex cautiously did as she was told extending herself. The Elder took the wrist blades and clasped them over her right wrist. There was a slight sting as it clasped around her wrist. The Elder seemed to realize her pain.

"The wrist blades connect directly to your nervous system. You can extend or retract the blades by your own will," the Elder explained.

Lex waited as the Elder placed the next wrist blade on her left arm. There was a similar sting as it clasped on. "Practice it," the Elder said.

Lex concentrated and suddenly two blades slid out of the holster and became fully extended above her wrist. Lex looked over the blades; they were extremely sharp but crafted in such a way that they could be used as a saw for cutting meat. Lex tried with her left arm and also extended the blades. She then concentrated once more and retracted the blades safely inside their holster.

"So, I did it," she said.

"Now you will fight with them," the Elder announced.

Another youth came forth and quickly extended his blades. Lex raised her bladed hands in a defensive stance. The Elder motioned for the youth to fight. Lex and the Yautja clashed with their blades. Lex backed away a few steps as the youth advanced on her with his blades. Their blades suddenly clashed causing sparks to fly. Finally, the youth slashed her arm.

Lex backed away clutching her right arm. Dark green blood with small traces of red flowed from her wound. The Elder motioned for the youth to stop. He complied and took his place next to the others. Lex glared at the youth and then at her wound.

"He nearly took my arm off," she exaggerated to the Elder.

The Elder ignored Lex and opened a compartment on his wrist. Inside were small tools used for healing wounds. The Elder walked over to Lex and examined the wound. He opened a bag on his waist and took out a piece of blue rock. He crushed the rock over her wounds. Lex felt a stinging sensation as the mineral burned her wound; the blood stopped flowing. The Elder then took out a small fire lighter and ignited it.

"This will hurt a little," the Elder said.

Lex nodded and looked away. The Elder ignited the crushed mineral in her wound causing a painful sensation in her arm. Lex cried out in pain as her wound was completely sealed. Her cry was no longer that of a human woman but closer to a Yautja, the sound amazed Lex.

The Elder put his tools away and closed his compartment on his wrist. "Come with me," he requested of her.

Lex walked with the Elder to another room that hosted several types of weapons. The Elder took out a circular orb and showed it to her. He pressed on the edge of the orb and immediately four blades shot out of the shuriken. The Elder motioned with his hand had to use it. Lex watched as the Elder pretended to throw the device.

"Watch your fingers when you use this," the Elder advised and then closed the blade.

The Elder took out a projectile weapon of sort. It was a small device with a nozzle. Lex had seen the device before when she was inside the pyramid. A Yautja had killed a security officer by trapping him in a wire net that slowly stopped him from moving. The Yautja then proceeded to stab him through with his spear.

The Elder showed her had to pull the trigger on the weapon and then placed it down on the desk. The Elder then took out a vial of blue fluid. Lex looked at it with wonder. The Elder took the cap of the vial and then demonstrated its properties on a knife. The fluid immediately dissolved the knife.

"It's like acid," Lex guessed.

The Elder nodded. "It dissolves everything it touches. The prey cannot know we were here," the Elder said referring mainly to humans.

The Elder then took out another weapon. It resembled the gun that was hosted on top of the Yautja's shoulders. The Elder showed her the weapon and pointed to a screen on the top of the weapon. She watched as symbols appeared on the weapon and then stopped.

"It's charged," he told her.

The Elder deactivated the weapon and then took out a mask. Lex had seen the mask before; it resembled Scar's mask. "The mask is a replication of a beast on our planet. A Yautja youth must kill this beast before they are to receive their own mask and hunt on other worlds," the Elder explained.

"In your case, you have already proven worthy of a mask," the Elder allowed.

Lex wasn't sure whether to feel proud concerning this. "The mask filters the air so you will be able to breathe on other worlds. You will still be able to breathe on Earth, but it will be more difficult for you now," the Elder said.

"The mask also provides a multitude of sight: night vision, motion detection, visual targeting, infrared scanning, and it records everything that the hunter sees," the Elder told her.

Lex nodded in understanding; her own vision was beginning to change as her body became more like a Yautja. "The mask sends visual information directly to your brain. You can then target prey with this plasma cannon with your mask," the Elder said showing her the plasma cannon.

"Why do you use the plasma cannon? Isn't that cheating?" Lex accused.

The Elder was taken aback by her words. "The plasma cannon can only be used for self- preservation and if the prey possesses a projectile weapon," the Elder said.

"So, if the prey doesn't have a gun you don't shoot him?" Lex asked confused.

"Correct. If the prey is armed with a knife then we fight with our blades. If the prey does not possess a weapon, we fight hand to hand," the Elder lectured.

"The only exception is under grave circumstances where the objective is to kill all prey within a small amount of time," the Elder added.

The Elder then picked up another arm-band made of metal. He opened the compartment and revealed the computer hardware inside. "This creates a cloaked field around the person who possesses this," the Elder said showing the device to Lex.

Lex understood the technology; in the pyramids, she saw three Yautja disappear and reappear as they attacked the security forces. "It will become temporarily deactivated if liquid touches it," the Elder warned.

"The device is also a thermal detonator. After the countdown is completed the device will cause an explosion that will destroy everything within a small radius. The device will only detonate if it's attached to your nervous system," the Elder continued.

"So, suicide," Lex clarified.

The Elder nodded. "It's honorable to destroy yourself if it kills a powerful prey or saves the life of another. If you are mortally wounded it is expected that you destroy yourself to prevent other civilizations from discovering our presence. You will know when the time is right," the Elder told her.

Lex simply stared as the information sank in. Suddenly she felt a spasm of pain causing her to fall over. The Elder simply watched as she continued to change. Lex clutched the sides of her face as her ears slowly disappeared and her skull began to change shape. Her jaw pushed out and two sharp teeth erupted from her upper lip. Another two teeth erupted from her lower jaw and pushed forward. The mandibles pushed forward and created a thin but tough piece of skin that connected the two sets of teeth. With her mandibles fully extended, the upper teeth hung down and the lower teeth went straight up. The Elder watched in fascination as a pattern of spots appeared on her back, upper legs, shoulders, and the sides of her face. No single Yautja, with the exception of twins, had the same skin pattern. Her upper chest, breasts, and abdomen were a pale white, but the rest of her body was a light tan. Her spot patterns were black. Her hair was still a wild black, not yet braided.

When the changes were complete, Lex was a genetic Yautja. The Elder observed her in order to see if her changes were complete. Satisfied, he assisted her to her feet. "Will I ever be human again?" she asked softly.

"Why would you want to?" the Elder asked.

Lex thought quickly; she found thinking was faster than before. "If I am to find a powerful adversary on Earth, I will need to blend in," she said.

"Your clocking device will allow you to observe the humans without being detected," the Elder replied.

"I know…but sometimes the best way to collect information on someone is to get real close to them," Lex said.

Lex demonstrated her point by caressing the Elder's shoulders and standing within inches of the Elder. The Elder simply stared at Lex; the female Yautja's presence was intoxicating and confusing. Lex became surprised at herself as she realized she was flirting with the Elder. It was true that he was the strongest of all them and as of right now the most worthy mate.

Lex tried to snap herself out of it, as sexual urges nearly overwhelmed her. She felt a powerful urge to intertwine her mandibles with him; a possible Yautja kiss. The Elder realized what was happening and stepped back and presented himself as her superior.

"You will be given your armor now," he said as she was still nude before him.

Lex wrapped a belt around her hips. The belt contained a metal plate that covered her crotch. An armored cape was attached to the belt; the cape covered the back side of her legs and backside. Lex took two knee guards that were strapped around her upper legs; the guards covered her upper thighs. She then strapped leg guards to her lower legs below her knee cap. Next, she put on her boots, a welcome fit for her larger feet. The boots seemed to mold around her foot as she put them on; they didn't require strings or buckles.

Her next set of armor was for her upper chest. She took a metallic bra of sort and covered her breasts with them and then strapped them behind. It was a tight fit but still comfortable. Her shoulders were also covered in armor. The metal seemed dense but did not weigh her down. With her new strength, she could barely feel the weight of the armor. Finally, she put on her wrist blades, cloaking device/thermal detonator, and medical kit on her arms.

Once she was done, the Elder looked over her. He tested the firmness of her armor by touching her shoulders, breasts, and thighs. If not for the seriousness of the situation, Lex would have found his touching inappropriate. The Elder looked up and nodded his approval.

The Elder then placed her mask onto her face. The mask covered her entire face so that the only thing visible from her head was her long strands of hair. At first, Lex couldn't see anything but eventually, a new kind of sight went through her mind. She could now see the infrared of the Elder in front of her. His body was glowing in various colors of red, orange, and yellow. Lex instinctively understood that this Yautja was healthy.

She soon realized that her air was being filtered. Lex had taken scuba lessons before but this was different. There wasn't a cumbersome tank or regulator. She was able to breathe as usual through the mask. The mask fit tightly against her face; she fought a sense of claustrophobia.

"You will become used to feel of the mask," the Elder told her.

The Elder then attached a plasma cannon holster on her shoulders. The holster attached itself to the mask allowing Lex the ability to target. Even without the actual plasma cannon, she was able to begin targeting.

"Target my finger," the Elder instructed.

Lex did as she was told and concentrated on the Elder's fingers. A red triangle appeared in front of her vision and immediately targeted the Elder's finger. The holster on her shoulder moved accordingly.

"Good. Now track,' the Elder ordered.

Lex's red triangle followed the Elder's finger; her holster moved in a circular motion as if aiming for the Elder's finger.

"Good, you have done well for a beginner," the Elder praised.

Lex attempt to speak but the mask blocked her ability to speak clearly. The Elder seemed to realize her problem. "You must speak our native tongue to communicate with the mask on," the Elder said.

Lex considered what the Yautja language would be. As her brain had expanded, she seemed to have gained the ability to access language and comprehension faster than as a human. Lex mimicked the clicks of the Elder.

"Good, have done well a beginner," Lex said in Yautja.

The Elder gave Lex an amused look as she tried to mimic him. "We are called the Yautja," the Elder began.

"Yautja," Lex mimicked.

"We have a few simple but important principles. We hunt civilizations so they don't die of widespread starvation and disease. We preserve the species of many civilizations by hunting them," the Elder stated.

Lex had heard the same speech before but from human hunters. "On occasion, we may hunt big game to sharpen our skills and bring honor to ourselves and families," the Elder said noting exceptions.

"The prey is to never know the hunter exists until the last moment of life," the Elder said.

"We hunt for honor and skills," Lex repeated.

7:00 AM

The Elder gave Lex a complete tour of the ship including the chamber holding Xenomorph face-huggers. Lex stared in amazement as a half dozen canisters filled with liquid held the little monsters. The face-huggers pressed their mouths up against the glass so as to sense them. Some of the others were motionless and would move on occasion.

"Why have?" Lex asked.

"They will be used for the next hunt," the Elder said simply.

"World, not safe, almost died before," Lex objected.

"The world's population has always been threatened by Xenomorphs for hundreds of years as we hunt them. It is a rite of passage to kill a Xenomorph," the Elder explained.

"Humans…almost all died for a hunt," Lex said.

"Perhaps if only those three were hunting," the Elder said referring to the dead Yautja. "We were observing the hunt during the entire time. The humans faced no danger," the Elder said confidently.

"Still think they be destroyed," Lex said.

"In time you will appreciate what we do," the Elder replied.

8:00 AM

The youths had each taken a glance at the new female on the ship. It was their first time seeing a female in some time. They each gave respectful nods as they approached her; the Elder was typically with her the entire time and teaching her the Yautja language.

Meanwhile, an alien life form had shed its cocoon and had totally consumed the body of Scar as he lay on the altar. The Xenomorph was larger than usual but not as large as a Queen. It held some characteristics of a Yautja; its face held four mandibles. It was common knowledge among the Yautja that Xenomorphs would often take characteristics of their hosts.

The Hybrid was over seven feet tall; higher than a typical Yautja male. It had a long tail behind it that had enough force to penetrate right through the body of a humanoid. Its head was larger containing eyes and a larger brain cavity. It was roughly twice the size of a Xenomorph spawned out of a human.

The Hybrid used his hands to tear the door down and then quickly ran through the halls looking for something to kill. It could smell food everywhere. A Yautja youth walked around the ship unsuspecting as the Hybrid rushed him. Before he could defend himself, the Hybrid sliced through his head with its secondary mandibles. The Yautja fell to the ground; green blood flowed from his forehead.

Another Yautja youth spotted the brief fight and immediately activated his targeting computer. The Hybrid snarled at the Yautja as he targeted it. A plasma blast went through the hall but missed the target. The plasma bolt blasted the hull of the ship causing a small explosion.

Lex heard alarms ring through the ship as the ship lost altitude. "Stay here," the Elder told her.

Another unsuspecting Yautja was sliced through the back by the Hybrid's tail. The Hybrid threw the dead Yautja aside and went after the next one. The second Yautja slashed at the Hybrid with his blades causing small wounds on the Hybrid's chest. The Hybrid retaliated by knocking the Yautja to the floor. The Hybrid then pinned the Yautja to the floor and blasted his head with its secondary mandibles.

As the fighting continued, more plasma blasts went through the ship causing large explosions. The ship began to drive toward the planet as it lost control. The inexperienced youths were firing madly at the Hybrid causing more damage to the ship. Lex could only watch in horror as the ship reached Earth's atmosphere and was descending rapidly toward the ground.

The Elder finally confronted the Hybrid as it killed another Yautja warrior. The two roared at each other and clashed with their blades. The two slammed each other into the walls. The Hybrid shot its second mouth at the Elder in an attempt to kill him. The Elder kept the Hybrid back and slammed it against the wall. The Hybrid swat the Elder with its tail, but the Elder sliced deep into the Hybrid's gut. The Hybrid screeched and slammed the Elder with its forearm.

The spaceship hit a hill causing massive damage to the belly of the ship and causing dust to fly up into the air. The spaceship flew across a large lake and slammed into the forest. The ship immediately halted on impact; Lex was thrown off her feet.

Pieces of metal went flying on impact; the Elder and the Hybrid were thrown across the length of the ship. Lex got back to her feet and looked herself over. Seeing no injury, she looked around. She started changing her vision scanners as she looked around her.

Seeing no one, she ventured outside half thinking the ship would explode at any moment. The last Yautja youth programmed his thermal detonator as he was dying from his injuries. The Hybrid looked over the youth and saw the blinking arm-band. The youth stayed perfectly still to give the Hybrid the impression he was dead. The Hybrid walked over to the Yautja and sliced through his mask with its second mouth killing him. The timer was deactivated as he died.

The Xenomorph canisters had been blasted open upon impact. Xenomorph face-huggers crawled out of the ship and raced into the forest. The Hybrid followed the face-huggers into the forest and was gone.

Lex walked around the ship and found the Elder pinned in the wreckage; his chest was covered in green blood. "What happened?" Lex asked.

"Scar must have had a Xenomorph inside him. The Xenomorph grew inside the ship and attacked us," the Elder said.

"What do I do?" Lex asked.

"You must hunt the Hybrid and kill it before it creates more of its kind. This planet depends on you killing it," the Elder said.

"What about help?" Lex asked.

"Once this ship crashed, the home-world was notified. They will send another but by the time they show up, it may be too late. The humans must not know about the Xenomorphs or the Yautja," the Elder stressed.

"Why not?" Lex asked.

"It will interfere with the progression of the human species. If humans are aware of us, we will have no choice but to incinerate the atmosphere of this planet," the Elder said.

Lex stared at Elder stunned as she realized what that meant. "Get as far as you can from here," the Elder said as he programmed his thermal detonator.

Lex watched as the red dashes began to blink and slowly disappear. Lex nodded and ran as far as she could from the spaceship. Within a few minutes, the spaceship was completely destroyed. Lex took cover behind a fallen log as the explosion ripped through the forest.

Once the explosion had settled, Lex looked back and saw nothing but a large crater. Any evidence that an alien spaceship had landed was erased. Lex was alone; no one else had survived. Lex looked around and saw large mountains in the distance. It was hard to tell with her vision, but she was confident that the mountains in the background were the Rocky Mountains in the United States.

Realizing time was not on her side, she went to work to track down the Hybrid and the other face-huggers. Hopefully, a town would not be nearby.

Meanwhile, a hunter and his son were out hunting for deer. The explosion of the spaceship a distance away scared the deer off preventing a perfect shot. The hunter looked in the distance and saw smoke rising nearby.

The son eagerly ran toward the explosion to investigate. The father followed his son but was more cautious. "Don't get too far ahead," he said.

As the two came closer to the explosion, face-huggers moved quickly towards them. Suddenly, one appeared before the hunter. The hunter stared at the alien monster with uncertainty and then it struck. The hunter instinctively fired on the alien blasting it to pieces as it jumped into the air.

The alien's blood showered the hunter's arm and immediately started dissolving his arm off. The hunter cried out as his arm fell off. The son stared in horror as another face-hugger leaped up and attached itself to his father's face. The son looked over his father uncertain as to what had happened. Suddenly another face-hugger attached itself to the boy's face knocking him to the ground.

9:00 AM

Lex quickly found her speed greatly increased, and her endurance was enhanced from that of a human's. She ran through the forest scanning everything she could but found no trace of her target.

Lex suddenly found herself looking down on a small Colorado town. Lex quickly programmed her cloaking device and made herself invisible. The town appeared to have a population of a few thousand, enough for those aliens to create a large hive.

Lex went back into the forest hoping she would be able to find the aliens before the townspeople did.

12:00 PM

The face-huggers had detached themselves from their two hosts and died nearby. The hunter got up and wondered what had happened to him. His son likewise was now awake. The hunter realized his arm was missing but something else was wrong. Suddenly he felt enormous pressure in his chest. Before he could know whether he was having a heart attack or not, an alien head blasted through his chest.

The son looked at his father in horror and then experienced the same pressure. Another alien blasted through his chest and screamed as it reached the outside. The two slumped as Xenomorphs escaped their chests and ran off.

Yautja Outpost

Thousands of light years away, a Yautja warrior looked at his viewer screen. The planet had an orange atmosphere and a desert terrain. There was a small settlement planted into the rock. The Yautja warrior could see the damage Yautja spaceship descending into Earth's atmosphere. Deactivating the view screen, the Yautja warrior got off his chair and collected his weapons for battle.

Within a few moments, the Yautja warrior was in his own ship. The ship blasted off and headed toward Earth at maximum speed.


Lex found it easier to scan on the top of trees. A previous hiker, she had no fear of heights. Using her blades, she expertly climbed up the trees and looked around. Lex felt a sense of invulnerability in her more powerful body. She found that she could leap from one branch to another with ease.

As she leaped from one tree to another, Lex realized that her body might be ideal for hiking and climbing. With the proper gear, she would be able to climb the highest peaks in half the time. Lex looked at her blades as her feet rested on a branch.

"I could probably climb without any gear," she thought to herself.

As these thoughts entered her mind, she suddenly realized what she had become. She was a monstrous creature, an alien from another planet. She would never be able to interact with humans. The closest she could get was observing them with her cloaking device. She felt some bitterness with the Yautja for what they had done to her.

Still, she was the only one who could stop the Hybrid and save the planet. With that thought in mind, Lex continued her search through the forest.

3:00 PM

Lex became frustrated with her lack of success and went back towards the crater for any clues. Back where she started from, she used various visual scanners to track the face-hugger's movements. To her surprise, she was able to find small traces of identifiable fluid that created a trail.

Lex carefully walked through the forest and continued to track the fluid marks. Eventually, she came upon the bodies of an adult male hunter and his son. Lex saw that their chests had been blasted open. Lex had seen similar scenes before when it came to her crew. An alien had burst out of them.

Lex remembered what the Elder had told her: no evidence. She took out the vial of blue liquid and carefully took the cap off. She then poured a small amount on both bodies. The liquid immediately dissolved the bodies removing all traces of them. Lex felt a sense of disgust as the young boy's body was completely dissolved.

Putting the vial back in her belt, Lex found a new trail of blood and fluid.

6:00 PM

As it became evening, Lex continued to track the trail. Broken branches, small footprints, and destroyed vegetation gave her small clues on where the face-huggers were going. It became clear that the face-huggers were moving towards the city.

The start of the night made no difference to Lex; her infrared scanners were able to see everything as if it were the day. The fluid the face-huggers gave off was a slightly different color than the rest of the environment.

After a long search, Lex sat down and turned off her cloaking device. The only food provided for her were these injections. Lex considered the small needle and sighed as she injected herself with nutrients. Lex estimated that within a few days, she would run out. She wasn't sure what she would do then. Hunt for deer or elk? The idea was not overly appealing.

Lex considered the idea of using her cloaking device to go grocery shopping. The absurd idea made her smile on the inside. She needed to keep her sense of humor alive if she were to stay sane through this ordeal.

Standing up, Lex looked around and readied herself to resume the tracking. Lex quickly turned around; she had heard something. She faced a sheriff officer a small distance away from her.

"How did he sneak up on me?" Lex wondered and then kicked herself for being so careless.

The sheriff gave a stunned look and pointed his gun at her in fear. Lex wasn't sure if the sheriff's gun would hurt her new anatomy, but she wasn't going to take any chances. She extended her right blades; hopefully, the sheriff would run off.

The sheriff instead cocked his pistol at her. Lex knew the only way to solve this problem would be to reason with the man. She walked over to the sheriff. "All I have to do is get him to shut up and realize we are on the same side," Lex thought to herself.

"Don't get any closer," the sheriff said fearfully.

Lex gave an annoyed expression underneath her mask. The sheriff was white and not physically impressive. Lex put her hands up in a defensive stance but the sheriff was still pointing his gun at her.

"Please put the weapon down," Lex said.

The sheriff didn't budge. Lex quickly realized she was talking in Yautja. Lex walked closer to the sheriff putting her hands up so he wouldn't shoot her. Maybe she could get close enough to take his gun away and reason with him.

Lex got close enough to the sheriff that she would be able to take his pistol away from him. Suddenly he shot at her; the bullet bounced off her mask harmlessly. Lex instinctively shot out her blades into the sheriff's chest. Lex quickly removed her blade but the damage was already done; her right blades were bloodied from the sheriff.

The sheriff looked at her in shock and then fell to the ground lifeless. Lex could see two slice marks through the sheriff's chest. She checked to see if he was alive; he was dead. The blades had sliced through a lung and his heart.

Lex felt a sense of panic wash over her as she realized what she had done. A man was dead, not just any man but a sheriff. Immediately, she began to rationalize the event. The sheriff attacked her first right? It was a reflex, it was self-defense. What would they do to her? Lock her up?

Lex looked around to see if anyone was around. Her long-range scanners detected a crowd of people walking in the area. Why was the sheriff so far out in the forest? Maybe it was to search for the hunter and his kid. Lex considered putting some of the liquid on the sheriff but thought better of it. She would need to conserve it if she was going to hide all evidence of the aliens.

Still, she couldn't just leave the dead sheriff on the ground. As she looked at the dead sheriff, she found herself feeling apathy for him. She was no longer human and that fact made her feel less connected to the sheriff for some reason. Lex looked up and saw a tall tree nearby.

Moments later, Lex dropped down from the tree. She had hung the body up in the tree where he would not be easily discovered. She didn't have time to bury him or hide him away someplace safe; it would have to do. Lex then turned on her cloaking device to avoid a similar incident.

Lex reflected on the killing. The sheriff was the second human she had killed. In the pyramid, she had killed one of the crew members as an alien burst from his chest. She had been human back then with Scar watching over her. She had pulled the trigger on her pistol ending the man's life. It was a mercy killing; the man died before he could feel the pain of his chest ripping open.

Lex sighed as she realized her life had fundamentally changed. Leaping up into the trees, Lex went from one tree to the next towards the crowd of people. With her cloaking device, she would not be detected by the crowd. Lex could see the warm bodies of the crowd as they passed her way. They had bright flash-lights and were shouting the names of the two presumably missing.

Lex could see an advantage in the authorities looking for the two missing people. If they continued to search for bodies that would never be found, she would be able to work easier without interference.

9:00 PM

Lex cautiously stalked through the sewers in the search for Xenomorphs. Her mask was able to provide night vision in the pitch black sewers. As she walked through the sewer system; she found herself oddly unaware of her former distaste for them. Normally, she wouldn't ever consider walking through the liquid surface of a sewer, but things were different now. With her mask firmly in place over her nose, she could not sense the smells found in a typical sewer. Even if she took off the mask, she was uncertain if it would make a difference.

Her vision system kept constant track for heat signatures throughout the sewers; the majority of detections were rats. Finally, after a period of searching, she found evidence of a Xenomorph nearby. A human body lay on the ground dead. As she examined the body, she realized that his chest had been punched out by a Xenomorph. Lex looked around and found two more bodies; they were all homeless.

Lex felt a slight emotion of pity for them but then remembered her mission. Taking out a blue vial, she poured the contents on the dead bodies and watched as they completely dissolved. Lex was spared the bloody sight by her vision sensors that denied her the specifics of the acid dissolving flesh and blood.

Realizing she was close, Lex continued down the sewer looking in every direction for a sign. Suddenly a green flash showed up on her vision sensors. A Xenomorph appeared hugging the ceiling of the sewer. It stared at her as if observing her and then snarled with its mouth. Lex immediately felt a surge of hormones as she became excited. She had never fought a Xenomorph one-on-one before.

With her mind, she activated her targeting system which immediately zeroed in on the Xenomorph. "Gotcha," Lex said to herself as she fired.

A blue blast of plasma went through the air and hit the Xenomorph causing it to explode on impact. What was left of the Xenomorph fell to the ground in the water. Lex put her hands together in pleased observance of the dead alien; her second kill.

The death of the first Xenomorph caused others to come to investigate. Lex quickly found three more Xenomorphs crawling towards her. Looking behind her, she realized that more Xenomorphs were headed toward her from the opposite direction. Lex fired off another blast hitting a Xenomorph critically. The two other Xenomorphs scrambled away and took to either side of her.

Lex extended her wrist blades and kept track of both aliens. The two Xenomorphs hissed at her and whirled their tails in a threatening gesture. Lex fired but missed causing the floor of the sewers to explode upward. The first Xenomorph leaped at her with its second mandible extended. Lex blocked the Xenomorph with her right arm knocking the alien away from her. The second curled its tail around her foot and caused her to fall to the ground. Lex fell with a thud.

The second Xenomorph leaped on her and snarled at her with its two mouths. Lex put her two hands up and kept the Xenomorph at bay from puncturing her mask. The Xenomorph whirled its tail to strike her. Lex kicked the Xenomorph off her causing it to slam into a sewer wall. Amazed by her strength, Lex got back to her feet and was immediately attacked by the first Xenomorph. She fired off another shot which missed. The shot blasted a hole into the sewer wall but caused the Xenomorph to cautiously move away from her.

The second was not so cautious and sprung at her once more. Lex turned around and punched the Xenomorph down to the ground and then fired at it. The blast hit the Xenomorph's head causing it to explode. Lex turned around and fired at the first Xenomorph hitting it in the chest. The Xenomorph fell to the ground dead.

"I think I got the hang of this," Lex thought happily.

A Xenomorph tail suddenly slammed into her back dropping her. Lex moved out of the way as the tail almost struck her again. She fired at the third Xenomorph causing it to explode. Its acidic blood got on her causing her tough skin to burn. Lex felt some discomfort and used the sewer water to get it off her. As she sat in the water, she saw more Xenomorphs approaching her.

Getting back to her feet, Lex targeted the Xenomorphs one by one. Plasma blasts hit three more causing them to explode on impact. Lex looked around and saw several Xenomorph corpses. She didn't have enough of the vial to get rid of all of the bodies. Lex then saw another reading on her computer vision screen.

It dropped down and held her tightly in a wrestler's grip. Lex stared at the Hybrid as it snarled at her. It was taller than her and more muscularly built. Lex had never seen it up close before; it was nearly as impressive as the Queen. Lex tried to target the Hybrid, but she was too close to it to get out a shot. Instead, she tried to punch the Hybrid away. The Hybrid swat at her smacking her masked faced. Lex was stunned by the blow but stayed on her feet. Had she not been masked it would have created heavy damage.

Lex kicked the Hybrid in the gut causing it to roar at her. Lex attempted to target the Hybrid causing blue plasma blasts to fill the sewer in random directions. The Hybrid decided to leave the scene and sprung up through a hole Lex had made in the sewer ceiling. Lex looked up and realized that the Hybrid was now retreating to the surface. Bending her knees, she launched herself up to the surface and looked around.

It was dark and there was little traffic. Lex lost sight of the Hybrid as she looked in all directions. Realizing she was exposed, she turned on her cloaking device and ran off down the street.

A Yautja ship soared through Earth's atmosphere and landed in a large lake close to the crash site of the first ship. The ship quickly sank into the lake avoiding all detection. After a few moments, the Yautja Warrior known as Wolf sprung out of the water and calmly walked onto the shore.

He was masked, heavily armed, and about the same relative size to that of the Elder that had taught Lex. Turning on his invisibility cloak, he walked towards the crash site. Once he got there, he saw a large crater where the ship should have been. His vision sensors picked up a type of radiation only associated with a Yautja wrist detonator.

Walking around the perimeter of the crash site, it was not long before he found the dissolved remains of the hunter and his son. His vision sensors detected the chemical substance commonly used by the Yautja to get rid of the evidence. A Yautja survivor had survived the crash.

12:00 AM

Lex sat in a tree in a cemetery wondering what to do as time passed. The town seemed to be moving again in another attempt to find the hunter and his son. Suddenly, the power went off in the entire city. Finding this peculiar, Lex looked around and saw people walking outside in a panicked fashion.

"Had the aliens destroyed the power supply?" Lex wondered.

Lex heard some shouting close by. A man with a gun in his hand was threatening a woman and her child. Lex listened intently as it appeared the man was demanding all of their belongings. The man suddenly cocked the gun and aimed it at the child.

Lex had a quick second to react. She targeted the man and fired. The blast hit the man's head causing it to explode. The headless body fell to the ground among the tombstones. The little girl screamed as she saw what happened. The woman, the mother took the child away from the body and took her to another location.

Lex considered what she had done. She had saved a life, hadn't she? This has been her third human kill and she felt terrible about it. She glanced at the headless body, but it didn't seem to affect her. Her vision was in night vision green; she could not see the blood.

1:00 AM

Xenomorphs were on the loose in the town. Sightings had been spotted all over the town and now suddenly the National Guard had been called in. Convoys of soldiers entered the city with automatic weapons. Lex tried to stay clear of them in case she was spotted. She was certain that the National Guard would be all too willing to shoot her down.

Observing the town, she saw some people entering a sport's store. Xenomorphs then raced toward the store; surrounding the store they then went inside. Alarmed, Lex leaped from building to building as she got closer to the sport's store.

Inside the store, humans were attempting to fend off the aliens with various weapons found in the store. Once Lex got to the scene, some of the aliens were dead while others had escaped. She found two headless men on the floor along with a few other humans. Some had been killed by Xenomorph stabs to the head while others were clearly killed by a plasma blast.

Lex felt the human side of herself become chilled as she realized that another Yautja was in the area. Lex left the scene and searched for humans and Xenomorphs.

2:00 AM

Wolf ran down the halls of the hospital as he killed several Xenomorphs. His plasma cannon had been damaged in the battle at the sport's store. He now used it as a gun manually fired by a trigger mechanism. As he went about his work, humans would on occasion get in his way. He swung a shuriken into the air that was supposed to slice into a Xenomorph. Instead, it sliced through a human female killing her instantly.

Lex reached the hospital and saw plasma firing from the windows of the top floor. An experienced climber, Lex raced up the stairs to the top floor. The humans retreated to the top floor where a helicopter was perched. Xenomorphs engaged them from all sides. One of the humans had confiscated Wolf's plasma gun and was now firing it at the Xenomorphs.

Lex reached the top floor and saw the battle before her. Aiming her red beam on the Xenomorphs, she fired at them killing them. The humans, numbering a half-dozen survivors, looked at her with frightened expressions.

"I am here to help," she told them.

Her tone resembled a computer through her mask. It was masculine sounding and mechanical, but it got the message across. The humans simply stared at her in fear. The one named Dallas still held his plasma gun at her.

"I think we can trust it," the one named Kelly said.

Lex appreciated the vote of confidence but not in being referred to as an "it." "We have to get out of this town. I think they're going to bomb it," Kelly told her.

Bomb the town? Who and why? Lex then considered the situation; the other Yautja might be willing to destroy the entire town to get rid of the infestation. If that was the case, she would have to stop him.

"I can't believe the military would bomb the entire town," one of the humans expressed with dismay.

"Is it really that far-fetched?" Kelly argued.

The military? Would they actually nuke a town to control the situation? Do they know about aliens? Lex didn't have the answer to these questions but for the time being, she needed to concentrate on survival and saving these humans.

"Get the chopper ready," Lex ordered.

The humans nodded in stunned amazement. Kelly entered the helicopter and worked to activate it. Suddenly, Lex saw him above her a short distance away. Wolf looked down her with his mask; he was no longer cloaked.

"That's the other one," Dallas said holding up his gun.

Lex pushed Dallas gun down. There was no need to antagonize the Yautja. She barely noticed it, but her strength and power were at least double a human male; it was unreal. She could over-power Dallas with ease as well as the other humans.

Wolf dropped down closer to her and began clicking at her. Lex understood the clicking in part. She understood his emotions. He was angry at her for getting in his way. He extended his wrist blades in a threatening manner. The humans stared at Lex wondering if she would kill them or defend them.

Lex looked at the humans and then back at Wolf. The male Yautja was bigger and more experienced than her. If she couldn't win, she could at least stall him until the humans left. Lex extended her wrist blades and took up a fighting stance against Wolf.

Wolf clicked amusement at her downplaying her abilities. Lex became annoyed with his attitude and fired off a plasma burst at him. The blast nearly missed Wolf's head and shot off into the air; an intended miss. Wolf stared at her; his clicking ceased.

Lex engaged in some clicking of her own presenting her emotions of anger at him. Wolf clicked back; he was no longer amused but greatly angered by her. Wolf extended a spear and held it above his head. Lex targeted Wolf for the kill this time.

Wolf whirled his spear over his head and then threw it at Lex with amazing accuracy. Lex froze up as the spear hit her plasma cannon. The plasma cannon fell off her shoulder and hit the ground; it was damaged and unusable. The spear punctured an air conditioner unit behind her.

Wolf dropped down and rushed Lex with his blades extended. Lex kept her arms outstretched as she braced for impact. Wolf attempted to slice at her neck in a killer blow. Lex dodged the attack and tried to slice at his chest. Wolf blocked the attack with his other blade. Wolf sliced down on Lex slicing her right arm. Lex retaliated by slicing his leg.

The two circled each other for a moment and then Wolf went in for another attack. Lex dodged the blow, but his wrist blade sparked off her mask. She punched him hard to the face knocking his head aside. He then kicked her to the ground. He sliced down nearly missing her; she sliced at his ankles causing him to roar in annoyance.

Lex got back on her feet; her wounds bled green. Wolf also bled green blood from his wounds, but he didn't seem affected by them. Wolf stared at Lex for a moment and then decided to take off his mask. Lex watched as his mask slowly came off revealing his true face. It was similar to other Yautja from the ship, but she could also see differences more clearly. Wolf dropped the mask on the ground and then roared at her. Lex decided to like-wise take off her mask; it just seemed like the right thing to do.

Lex took off her mask and dropped it on the ground. Her vision changed dramatically as the mask fell off her face. She realized that her vision was rather poor and the colors were different. Wolf seemed to hesitate to attack her and then looked at the humans near the helicopter.

He dismissed Lex and rushed the humans, especially the one with his gun. Before he reached Dallas, Lex pulled him back keeping him from getting closer to them. Wolf elbowed her hard to gut causing waves of pain to flow through her. Lex retaliated by punching him hard to the back. Wolf whirled around and smacked her to face. Lex grabbed a hold of Wolf and head-butted him stunning both momentarily.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the floor of the roof. Wolf and Lex turned to see the Hybrid climbing onto the surface. Wolf looked at Lex and then at the Hybrid. The Hybrid snarled at them both with its salivating mandibles. It whirled its tails in an aggressive manner. Wolf went into a fighting stance and confronted the Hybrid.

Lex watched in amazement as the two titans dueled before her. Wolf sliced upward into the Hybrid's head but the Hybrid sliced into Wolf's gut with its tail spraying green blood on the floor. Wolf gave a roar in pain as he continued to struggle with the Hybrid. Lex looked around her and saw the spear still inside the air conditioner unit. She ran over to it and pulled it out.

Wolf saw Lex take out the spear and decided it was time to acknowledge his destiny. He clasped onto the Hybrid even as it sliced more into him. Bearing the pain, Wolf continued to hold on as the Hybrid slashed at his chest and arms. Lex ran with the spear and sliced it through the Hybrid causing it to screech in pain. Lex dodged the Hybrid's tail as it swung around her. Keeping her grip on the spear, she attempted to peal the Hybrid off of Wolf. A bloody Wolf sank his blades into the Hybrid's neck spraying acidic blood on him.

Finally, the Hybrid fell to the ground dead. Wolf fell to the ground severely wounded from the fight. He reached for his wrist to activate his thermonuclear weapon. Lex knelt next to him and realized what he was about to do.

"Activate that and I will cut your arm off," she threatened in English.

Wolf seemed to understand and closed the lid on his bomb. "Plan?" he made out in English.

"I will take you back to your ship," Lex offered.

Wolf said nothing and then activated another device. Lex looked at it cautiously ready to kill him if he tried anything. "Ship….come to me," he said.

Lex nodded giving him permission. Within a few moments, his ship decloaked above their heads. The humans stared up at the ship in amazement as it descended down on the rooftop. "Take my body," Wolf requested faintly.

"I can't pilot that thing," Lex protested.

"It knows where to go," Wolf replied.

Lex looked upon Wolf as he closed his eyes and died. Lex looked back at the humans. Could she go back with them? Lex looked at her reptilian looking hands and then at Wolf. No, she was no longer human. She didn't belong here.

"Go!" she told the humans.

The humans got into the helicopter and took off into the air. Lex grabbed a hold of Wolf's body and dragged it towards the ship. Eventually, she managed to get it on board. The ship became active and took off from the hospital roof. Rapidly accelerating, the ship went through the atmosphere with ease and floated into space.

Lex watched in amazement as the alien ship headed away from Earth. As Earth became smaller, she saw a small flash of light in the Western United States where she had left from.

The Yautja ship picked up speed and headed toward an unknown area of space. Earth was far behind and now the Sun had become no different than any other star. Lex considered Wolf's body; its wounds had sealed up. Lex picked up the heavy body and put it on a table. She was now alone on an alien ship.

As the ship sped towards its final destination, Lex used her medical tools to heal her wounds. When she had sealed all of her wounds; she explored the ship. It was similar in design to the first ship she was on, but a little smaller. She explored Wolf's trophy room; it was filled with various skulls of alien life forms from all over the galaxy. To her dismay, she found a large collection of human skulls.

She also found a table filled with various weapons. Some were familiar to her while others were new. Feeling the weight of her equipment she stripped it off and placed it on the table. She then entered Wolf's private quarters and found a small reddish hologram of several Yautja. Some were female and some were children; Lex determined the hologram to be Wolf's extended family.

Looking around the room, she found what resembled a bed. It was not all that different from a human bed except there was no need for blankets; the ship's temperature was comfortably warm for her. Exhausted by her ordeal, she rested on the bed and went to sleep.

Lex woke up with a start as alarms sounded through the ship. Getting to her feet she entered the bridge and found out what was happening. The ship was descending into the atmosphere of another planet. Lex stared wide-eyed as she saw another alien planet for the first time.

She looked at the controls but didn't understand them; she assumed it was on auto-pilot the whole time. The ship proceeded to land in what could be described as a desert environment. The ship perched on a landing pad and then its engines shut off automatically. The doors of the ship opened allowing Lex to leave. Lex was uncertain as to what to do. She had never been to another planet before. What if the air was toxic?

Looking at the window a group of Yautja gathered around the ship. None of them wore masks. Lex decided to risk it and went outside to meet the group. As she exited the ship; she did, in fact, find the air breathable. Immediately, she was given a barrage of clicks from the Yautja as she exited the ship. She could sense confusion and anxiety in their tone but couldn't make out any real sentences.

A half dozen warriors approached her with wrist blades extended and spears ready. They surrounded her and then clicked at her. Lex shrugged her shoulders in a very human expression as they clicked at her. The Yautja warriors looked at each other and then decided to detain her. Two went inside the ship and found Wolf's body.

Lex watched as the two Yautja warriors brought Wolf's body to plain view. The crowd clicked furiously as they saw the body but allowed the warriors to take the body into the city nearby. The crowd respectfully created a path for the two warriors to carry the body away.

The remaining warriors then glared at Lex and clicked at her. "I didn't do it," Lex said lamely in English.

The Yautja warriors brought Lex into the city and then detained her in a cell. The bars were strong enough to keep her locked up. Lex considered her miserable existence as she sat in the cell. Was she blamed for Wolf's death? What would happen to her now? The prison guards rarely clicked at her and when they did she could barely understand them.

After several hours, the jail cell became unlocked. Lex was taken to another room and sat down in a chair. An elder Yautja seemed to prepare a weapon of sort and came near to her. Lex immediately began to struggle, but the other warriors kept her down. The elder took the weapon of sort and then punctured her skull. Lex felt an intense pain in her forehead, but she realized she wasn't dying.

The elder then started clicking at her and she immediately began understanding what he was saying. "Do you understand me now?" he asked.

"Yes," Lex clicked.

"A universal translator has been installed inside your brain. It will allow you to understand us until you can learn on your own," the elder told her.

Lex nodded in response. The elder stared at her; he was not familiar with human expressions. "I am sending you to a doctor for examination," he said and then dismissed her.