It was hard waking up this early in the morning. When you had been doing so for a while it was much easier, but the sisters had been on a relatively lax sleep pattern. So when they were supposed to wake up at 6, or at least, that's what Saya thought would be a good time, she had just barely managed to do so. Diva, of course, wouldn't be woken up by a nuclear bomb. Saya had spent almost half an hour trying to get her younger twin to wake up. She'd tried everything from shaking her and speaking to the girl to turning the TV onto something loud and obnoxious and pulling the blankets off her. But nothing seemed to work. She was considering getting a cup of water and splashing it on the sleeping girl's face if nothing else worked, but luckily something happened that had more strength to it than a nuclear bomb; Dante yawned. It was in his room across the hall, and both their doors were closed, but somehow the yawn penetrated everything and Diva's eyes slowly opened. The girl sat up and inhaled deeply, bringing a hand in front of her mouth while letting out a tiny little yawn, barely louder than a cat's, as her hand came back down and she looked at Saya.

"Saya, aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" She asked.

She frowned, belying her deeper frustration that the girl who'd just woken up was acting like she was the unprepared one.

"I was trying to wake you up, but I couldn't."

"That's nice." Diva spoke as she began to lay down again, but at the last second her wrist was grabbed by her sister.

"Oh no you don't. We both have to get ready for school. Mom and dad are at work, which means we've got to walk there ourselves."

"Aren't Dante and Vergil going too?" Her sister questioned.

"Well, yes. But-"

"Okay, let's go!" She announced happily, grabbing Saya's wrist and dragging her to the bathroom.

"Wait, we didn't bring any new towels or clothes!" She told her sister, who shrugged.

When they arrived in the bathroom, however, they discovered that there were already towels and clothes in there.

"Did mom do this?"

Diva didn't pay attention to Saya and turned the shower on, though her sister had to quickly close the shower curtain so water wouldn't get everywhere. Her sister was undressed and in the shower almost before Saya could even blink, but at the very least that meant she was eager to go to school. Had Diva been in a different mood, one she luckily hadn't been in yet while they were here, she would have just lay in bed for the whole day and refused to do anything. Saya closed the bathroom door and made sure they indeed had everything they needed before getting ready to get into the shower herself.

"Let's go." Vergil said, approaching the foyer.

"Keep your hair on, they'll be down soon enough. It's not like the world's gonna end just because you don't get to school early."

His brother turned around, agitated.

"I never get to school early. Because I always have to wait for you to be ready." He retorted.

"Awww. Can't walk to school by yourself? That's okay, I'll protect your from the big bad scary wind."

"Your hand is going to have to protect your nose from my 'big bad' hand if you keep that up Dante."

He chuckled as they heard their sisters' bedroom door open.

"See? There they are. And you were getting all impatient over a few seconds."

"Be quiet already."

Soon after they heard the door open the door closed as well and their sisters came walking down the stairs.

Vergil started to look away but Dante just yanked him back to look at them.

"I know, it's hard for you to interact with any girl other than mom but try to keep from blushing too much."

"Danteā€¦" He seethed, fuming.

When Saya and Diva came down the stairs however, Vergil's hatred lessened and he simply stood there, not doing anything.

"Sorry we took so long. I'm still not used to waking up this early."

"Oh it's no problem at all. I didn't want to stare at Vergil the whole way to school anyway." He joked.

Saya gave a humorous smile and Diva giggled as Vergil growled at his brother.

"So, we ready to go?" He asked them, both nodding.

He nodded back and turned around, seeing that Vergil had already opened the door. Dante shrugged and headed out, his sisters following behind him. Despite his stern-as-a-catholic-school-teacher expression, Vergil held the door open for all of them, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Diva when she was the last one out. The teenage boy didn't really know how to respond to that and just caused Diva to giggle from how "cute" he was being.

"Let's just go." He spoke, walking extra quick so that he would be at the front, using Dante as a "shield".

They walked down the path to the driveway and then walked to the sidewalk, taking it to school.

"I'm glad we're all in the same class together." Saya spoke appreciatively, though their parents weren't here.

"Yeah, mom and dad thought it'd be if best we were around you this year to you help with stuff. You can always be in separate classes next year if you get tired of us." He joked.

"Oh no, never." She spoke almost apologetically.

They walked into the building, thankfully with no assholes in their way or bumping into them today.

"It's been a while since we went to school. It almost feels strange doing this."

Dante shrugged.

"It's not that big of a deal; just don't do your work and beat up everyone you don't like."

Vergil sighed.

"Or you can just take the less-Dante approach and do your work and try not to get into detention every day of the school year. That might be better start."

Diva giggled as they walked up the stairs and to their homeroom.

"I guess it'll take another day or two before the school can free up some lockers near our room, so for now you can just put your backpacks in one of the cabinets." Dante explained as the sisters sat down at a table, the brothers remaining standing since they had to go put their unneeded stuff in the lockers.

"You could put them in Vergil's but it's so full of random posters of swords and Bruce Lee and stuff that you couldn't fit a water bottle in there."

"And yet I fit a whole backpack in there each day. Besides, I doubt they'll relate to having pictures of-"

He was cut off as Dante grabbed him by his backpack's shoulderstraps and dragged him out of the room.

"This'll just take a minute." He told them.

Once they were out in the hall Vergil freed himself and pushed away, undoing the combination lock on his locker. Dante did the same and for some reason both of them finished the combination at the same time, opening the doors of their lockers.

"Make sure not to leave without them okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. You've told me to do that about a thousand times."

"Seriously. They've only walked here once, with us. I don't want to find out they didn't make it home because you didn't feel like waiting again."

"Don't you forget, I still have my suspicions about them. But, like I said every one of those thousand times you mentioned it, I won't leave them behind."

His brother's statements gave him mixed feelings so he just nodded his head as he grabbed what he needed and closed the locker door.

"I'm counting on you, Vergil. Rememberā€¦ if you're wrong then anything that hurts them would just be torture. Don't let me down."

"Have I ever let anyone down when I said I would do something?"

Dante just walked back into the classroom and over to the table his sisters were sitting at.

"Hey, where's Vergil?" Saya asked casually as she put her books up on the table and set her and Diva's backpacks into an empty cabinet.

"Eh, he's slow. Too busy ogling over the latest platinum steak knife."

She chuckled and Diva looked up over her living environment book, taking a moment from reading about the "cute" spiders to see if Vergil had returned yet. Within a minute he came back and sat down at the table as well, though on Dante's side.

"Vergil, isn't this cute?" Diva asked him, showing him her science book. He didn't turn his head, but looked in the corner of his vision.

"A spider sucking the blood of a paralyzed, helpless victim. Yes, it's adorable." He spoke in a sarcastic tone she didn't seem to notice. Instead the girl nodded and read more.

The siblings talked for a few more minutes, with the majority of Vergil's dialogue being to correct what Dante said and Diva's "dialogue" being more pictures of spiders in the like that she forced Vergil to look at. Eventually the bell rang and they got up, picking up their books and heading off to class.