Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or YuYuHakusho. (I find this VERY obvious...)

Author Note: Okay, this is my first story so I hope you'll be cooperative with me and kindly inform me of any mistakes I make! And this will be a Kag/Kur pairing. I will be open to any other ideas as long as it sticks to pairing and my rating.

Oh yeah- as a side note for the story I'd like everyone to know that in the story it might sound like Kagome is wearing a wig- but she isn't! Actually I was informed by one of my friends before I actually posted this that it seemed that way- I didn't notice anything. (sorry if I spoiled part of the story, but I wanted to clear up any misunderstandings of the story before it starting.)




Chapter One: Meeting

A cold breeze blew against her, flinging her many black tresses of hair out of their previous neat state. Impatiently she pushed her hair down and settled into a bench facing the great ocean. She finally let her hair loose and the silky mass instantly flung some locks into her eyes. Pushing them aside the girl, Kagome, sipped on her quickly cooling coffee. After taking her first sip of coffee and she had her hair under moderate control she was completely calm, enjoying her surroundings. Kagome stared somewhat blankly out at the huge stretch of deep blue water in front of her.

Soon, though, her usual pastime of watching the scenery began to slowly bore her. Turning her head, trying her best to ignore the wind, she watched people go in and out of the coffee shop. However watching old geezers come and go wasn't exactly an interesting activity- that was until a young red headed teenage boy about her age approached the coffee shop. Her curiosity instantly was struck up as she watched the handsome boy go into the shop and waited to see if he would come back out. Her hopes were crushed after a while of waiting and she turned back to watch the old geezers again, figuring that the guy had come for his shift to work and had no time to talk to her. It was too bad, he had such interesting eyes and for just a second she had been captivated by their intensity.

Sighing Kagome realized he probably wasn't worth her time anyways. In her experience all the handsome guys she had met, including the demons she had met in the past, had been vain or a bastard in some fashion. Then again, how many handsome guys did you see walk into a coffee shop- around here it was rare. 'Maybe,' Kagome thought to herself dryly, 'it's because the only type of handsome boys we have around here are all bastards. A, simple yet explanatory hypothesis.' She took a sip of her now cold coffee glaring out at the setting sun not wanting to be reminded of InuYasha, the one who had betrayed her trust. Still the boy lingered in her mind like some sort of disease- but she had only seen him once. The sunset's beautiful array of colors had her briefly enchanted, but the moment was soon broken."You know, usually people prefer to hang out inside where it's warm."

Kagome jumped, surprised someone was able to approach her without her noticing. It was that green eyed boy from before. He was leaning to speak to her and had his hands on hers to prevent the coffee from sloshing out of the mug. Her face soon took on the shade of a bright red tomato when she felt his warm breath lightly blow against her sensitive ear. He stood up straight and drew his hands away, sitting next to her. Kagome glanced over at him, her gaze instantly caught by his emerald one. A slightly uncomfortable silence hung heavily in the air around them.

"So," He said, breaking the silence casually, "nice weather we're having today. A bit windy, though." Kagome looked away, breaking their eye contact and mumbled quietly, "Yeah... I noticed." He smiled at her before taking a sip of his own cup of coffee, seeming to have no trouble with his long hair getting messed up in the wind. He ignored her envious glare directed at his hair and spoke up again, "why are you out here?" Kagome put down her empty coffee mug and after a moment answered, "the scenery."

He looked out at the ending sunset and the ocean and his face seemed to soften slightly, "Ah, yes. The scenery." He sat silently with her, watching the end of the sunset. At the end a small satisfied smile lit up on her face. She turned to the boy who sat next to her and leaned back in the bench, and then began to speak, "I believe we haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Kagome Higurashi." The boy held out his hand and spoke, "It's nice to meet you, Miss. Higurashi. My name is Shuichi Minamo- I prefer Kurama, though." Kagome nodded, "Please don't call me that- friends call me Kagome." Kurama smiled, "Call me Kurama then." Kagome nodded.

Kurama looked over at Kagome, "you do realize," he said quietly, "that you see the scenery from inside, too. Though I must admit I rather like the change of being outside while drinking my coffee." Kagome laughed, surprising Kurama; the sound was music in his ears. "Well I like the experience of actually being outside- or else it doesn't feel real. So- are you normally here, drinking coffee? I haven't noticed you if you do." Kurama nodded, "observing often?" He asked with a smile, "I normally come in the mornings, but I decided to some in the afternoon today. I normally wouldn't drink coffee this late, but I've had a long day and I don't know if I'd make it home without a little caffeine right now."

Silently Kagome watched Kurama finish off his coffee before looking up into the darkening night. "So, why did you approach me?" Kagome asked curiously. Kurama shrugged, "I suppose it's because I noticed you watching me when I first came in. I thought you were another fan girl so I tried to ignore you- but when you didn't follow me in and I realized you were merely bored I suppose I got curious. Thus our little meeting." Kagome raised her eyebrows in disbelief, "fan girls? Wow- that bad huh?" Kurama shivered slightly, "yeah- at one point I was tempted to shave my head to keep them from stalking me but my mother stopped me."

They kept talking about their own personal stories for a while until Kagome said she had to leave. Kurama looked up at Kagome as she stood up , "Tomorrow night? Same time as today?" Kagome laughed lightly, "sure- Kurama. See you around!"


Kagome hurried home, she had talked with Kurama longer than she should have and now her mother was going to scold her for being home late. She ran through the cold streets as fast as she could without running into anyone. Kagome glared up at the shrine steps- loathing the hard work out she was put through just to get up to her house.

Kagome ran hurriedly up the hundreds of steps in record time- but totally exhausted. She sighed and looked up at the stars, collapsing at the top of the stairs. After a moment or so her breathing slowed and her skin turned a slightly less red than before.

"Nice to see you've calmed down." A voice from behind her. Kagome sat up quickly and looked around trying to spot who had just said that. 'Whats with people creeping up on me today?' Kagome wondered briefly before shrugging it off. Suddenly the 'stranger' stepped out of the shadows and Kagome's eyes widened considerably. There was only one thing she could say right now. "Father!"


Kurama watched Kagome go and sighed, she had truthfully caught his eye when he saw her sitting outside like that with the sunset setting off the scene. Yoko had recently been bugging him about finding a girl, but he hadn't actually thought he would be interested in someone. Sighing Kurama hoped that Koenma wouldn't send them on any more dirty missions that had anything to do with killing off hundreds of lowlife demons. He highly doubted it but he could always hope. He truly was interested in this new girl- Kagome.

Suddenly Koenma's walkie talkie that informed him of new missions began to beep- indicating a massage had come in. He listened to the message then walked off, slightly worried, the words from the message still ringing in his head. 'Hurry to the underworld- Yusuke and the others desperately need you right now!'

Author Note: Hope you liked it! Review please and tell me what you think of it. I'm willing to answer any questions you might have. I might have also messed up on spelling of some of the characters. If I have then please tell me the real spelling and I'll try to fix it.