Seventeen year old Hermione Granger grinned as she fingered the sparkling gold badge that she had just tipped into her hand. Moments ago she had received a letter from new Head Mistress, Minerva McGonagall informing her that she'd been appointed Head Girl of Hogwarts. It was the news she'd been anticipating all summer. Although she felt boastful to admit it, she had known that she was the obvious choice. Being the smartest witch of her age, there wasn't really much of a competition

This summer had been an eventful one to say the least. Considering Voldemort was currently in hiding there had been no 'big adventure' for the Golden Trio. Due to this fact, Hermione had decided to spend time at home with her parents. However, what was waiting for her at home was a bigger shock than seeing Draco Malfoy with a tan.

Returning Home, Hermione had to come to terms with the fact that her parents had divorced and her mother had met another man and had a wedding planned. The 'man' Robert, was a doctor that her mother had been friends with in University and had apparently bumped into at the supermarket. Both being fresh from divorce they'd met up for a coffee and had hit it off, the rest as they say ... is history. Hermione over the short few weeks she'd been home had gotten to know Robert and although she was still upset about her parents split, she was glad her mother had met such a decent man to make her happy. Robert seemed to love her mother a great deal and it made Hermione wonder as to whether he always had. His love for her seemed longstanding. The wedding was planned for the next week and Hermione still had to invite her friends.

Placing the badge that she was still holding on her bedside table, she sat at her desk and pulled out some parchment. Quickly scribbling a letter for Harry, Ron and Ginny she attached their invitations and sent them off with Hera, an owl she'd bought the year before to keep up with her correspondences. After watching Hera fly into the distance, Hermione sat down on her bed and picked up Hogwarts A History, intent on doing some reading. She mustn't have been reading for longer than five minutes when a brown school owl swept into her room carrying a small brown package.

With a feeling of utter confusion, Hermione walked over to the owl and untied the package from the owl's leg. Running her fingers over the Hogwarts crest, she was snapped out of her daze when the owl nipped at her fingers. Shooting the owl a distasteful look she gave it a treat and shooed it out of the window. Hermione walked over to her bed and sat down, placing the package in front of her, opening it with quick and nimble fingers she gasped at the contents. Sitting in the brown wrapping, twinkling up at her was a time turner, perhaps the same one she'd used in her third year. There was a small note tied around the chain and Hermione picked it up curiously.

'Because I know you'll overwork yourself otherwise – Professor M. McGonagall.'

Hermione smiled, the headmistress was really very thoughtful. Hermione rather than taking the standard amount of NEWT's had been given the opportunity to do an extra three and though she claimed she was able to handle it, she had been having doubts about her capability. Grinning at the day's good fortune, Hermione shut the time turner into her drawer and went downstairs to help her mother with lunch.

Hermione's mother, Jane popped her head around the kitchen door as Hermione was walking down the stairs.

" Oh Hermione, after lunch we have to get some last minute alterations made to your dress so try not to eat too much. We want the fitting perfect." She grinned. Hermione nodded, she had been about to tell her mother about her getting the position of Head Girl but the wedding was clearly more important at the moment.

"Yes mother." Hermione agreed, pouring dressing over the salad bowl.

"No! Hermione! Rob doesn't like dressing on his salad! Don't be so inconsiderate!" Hermione's mouth dropped open; she and her mother had always had dressing on the salad. Nobody had told her that Robert didn't like it. Though she liked Robert she didn't like the strain his presence was causing on the relationship between her and her mother.

"Mum! Nobody told me. I'm very sorry but you'll have to tell Robert that I didn't know about his 'salad preference'." She quoted with her fingers, scowling.

"No need for sarcasm young lady. I don't know what has happened to your attitude lately, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't demean me in my own home. I am your mother Hermione, I deserve respect and you'd do well to remember that." Jane scolded, turning her back to Hermione. Hermione stuck her tongue out at her mother causing Jane to quirk a smile. "Sweetheart, I can see you in the window." She laughed and Hermione's lips quirked up into a small smile before she sighed unhappily.

Jane frowned and pulled her daughter into her arms. "Oh Hermione, I'm sorry. I don't know what's came over me lately. I've been a complete bridezilla. Forgive me?"

"Of course mum, I just want to be able to be in my own home without having to tiptoe around your fiancé." Hermione kissed her mother on the cheek and began to make a fresh salad for Robert. She was chopping tomatoes when the doorbell rang. Robert was at work and Jane was chopping meat so Hermione wiped her hands on a tea towel and went to open the front door. As she swung open the front door, Hermione was startled to see a pair of emerald green eyes looking back at her.

"Harry! What on Earth are you doing here?" She grinned before throwing herself into his arms. Harry chuckled and hugged her tightly against his chest.

"Nice to see you too 'Mione." He winked cheekily letting her out of his embrace. Hermione blushed and looked at him grinning.

"Come on in Harry." She laughed as she led him into her home, shutting the door behind her and taking him into the living room. After explaining to her mother who he was she joined him, handing him a glass of orange squash. "So how did you find out where I lived?"

Harry tapped his nose and grinned at her before taking a sip of his drink and sighing. "Mione I need your help."

An instant look of worry crossed Hermione's face as she scooted closer to Harry. "Oh dear, Harry what is it? It's not Voldemort is it? If it is we absolutely must go to The Order." Harry laughed and patted her hand.

"No, no Hermione it's nothing like that. It's kind of embarrassing." Harry blushed and looked down. "I asked Ginny out but I have no idea what to do for our first date. I was going to ask Ron but you know ... she's his sister. It'd be weird." Hermione let out a laugh.

"Aaw Harry that's sweet. Though you did have me worried!" She slapped his arm and rolled her eyes. "Did you get your invitation to my mother's wedding?"

"Yeah that's another reason I'm here. It's a muggle wedding isn't it?"

"Yes Harry."

"I'm going to need to take Ron and Ginny into muggle London. How am I going to get away with that one?" Hermione grinned, Ginny wouldn't be a problem but Ron may prove difficult. A sudden thought dawned upon her.

"Harry. That's it! Take Ginny on your first date, shopping in muggle London and get Ron's clothes for him. You know what his size is!" Harry grinned and kissed her cheek.

"Merlin Hermione you're a genius! What would I do without you?" Hermione quipped with a smirk worthy of Malfoy.

"You'd never get anywhere with Ginny, that's what." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well Hermione I best be off. I'll see you next week at the wedding. It's being held here right?"

Hermione nodded and stood up guiding Harry to the door.

"Good luck with Ginny!"

Harry grinned and waved before he stepped behind some bushes and apparated away.