Disclaimer: Not mine, of course!
A/N: The first of a series of one shots, with various characters realising what they fought for. This is the first: Hannah Long bottom (nee Abbott)

'Mum, where do we go? I can't see a pub anywhere!' The little girl said, her tone anxious, but her eyes excited.

Her mother couldn't see the pub, either. Muggles, had to be.

Over the summer, she had seen similar scenes multiple times. Muggles trying to find their way to the Leaky Cauldron to get to Diagon Alley to buy their school supplies. They could never see it the first time. It didn't look like a pub, from the outside, she supposed that was why. It just looked like an empty shop front, grey and bare. They always looked straight past it.

She smiled to herself, remembering when that beaming child had been her, with her mother, looking for a familiar sort of pub. The sort muggles visited frequently, with big oak doors and their names, hanging from signs outside, irrelevant pictures displayed beneath.

'Looking for the Leaky Cauldron?' She called out to the mother and daughter, her eyes sparkling.

'Yes, could you please direct us to it?' The lady asked politely.

'My dear, you're standing right outside it!' She smiled kindly at them, watching as their bemused faces took in the outside of the pub. 'Come on in, and I'll fix you up a drink before you start your shopping.'

Inside, the pub had changed a great deal in the time Hannah had been landlady. It was bright and friendly, wizards and witches of all ages talking about subjects the muggle newcomers didn't understand.

'Confusing, isn't it? Don't worry, dear, you'll soon pick it up at Hogwarts! Best teachers there, I promise you that. My husband works there, Herbology professor. You'll be meeting him in no time at all!' She told the girl, pushing cups of Pumpkin Juice towards them. The girl spoke for the first time, thanking her for the drink.

'So, do either of you two have names?' She asked as they drank.

'I'm Rebecca Jones, this is my daughter…' Rebecca started.

'Grace! I'm Grace, I'm eleven!' Her daughter beamed.

'Ah, I knew that, Grace. First year, right? Bet it was a right shock for the two of you when your letter came, eh?' She asked. She smiled at the two of them, both clearly so excited.

'You could say that, she hasn't stopped talking about it since that owl arrived!'

'Don't worry, I was exactly the same. My dad was a wizard, I never knew him though, so I didn't know about any of this until I was your age. And if you think this is exciting, just you wait until you first see the castle!' She beamed at the girl.

'Can you do some magic? Oh please do! I can't wait to start learning it! I'm going to read all the books!' Grace started babbling on.

She smiled, amazed at just how much the girl reminded her of Hermione Granger. So ready and hopeful, just waiting to join the new world. She flicked her wand lazily at one of the yellow sunflowers. It turned it's bright head to the girl and flapped its leaves at her in a strange sort of wink. Grace laughed and clapped her hands in delight.

'Oh now look at this, we've been sitting here talking for over an hour! You'll not be getting your shopping done like this, will you?!' She said, shocked.

'Oh, of course! Could you help us get to Diagonal Alley, please Mrs…?' Rebecca said.

'Longbottom. Mrs Longbottom, but please, call me Hannah!' She replied.

'Thank you, Hannah. Which way to Diagonal Alley?'

'I think you want Diagon Alley. Come on, I'll show you in!' she lead them down the corridor through to a tall, brick wall.

'But this is just a wall!' Grace cried, disappointedly. She had clearly been expecting something far greater.

Hannah smiled, and tapped a brick about half way up the wall. Immediately, it sprung to life, opening the door to Diagon Alley. Opening the door to the wizarding world for the very first time for young Grace Jones.

'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' Grace squealed, throwing her arms around Hannah's middle in her joy. Hannah smiled at Rebecca, patting the top of her head gently.

'That's quite alright, my dear,' She smiled as Grace jumped into her new world. 'Remember, you're always welcome here if you need any help with any of this stuff. Both of you.' Rebecca smiled gratefully, and followed her daughter through the hole in the wall.

Hannah sealed the wall again. She stood for a moment, smiling at it. Yes, she thought to herself. This is what I fought for. I fought so that children like her could know the wonders of our world. It was worth it, everything she had been through. It was worth the looks on their faces that very first time.

Yes, Hannah thought again. This is what I fought for.