This WAS originally supposed to be just humor but with a little hints of gayness.

But VampireMaakaAnju (a.k.a DNSegawa on ) and Buttercup-chan122 changed that slightly.

But anyways here's the summary of this story so far.:

Sasuke and Itachi are at the airport for three hours and Sasuke's bored out of his mind.

What could possibly happen at the airport and airplane before they get home?

This is some of the hinted pairings so far: ItaSasu, OroSasu, OroKabu, OroKimi, and that's it so far.


Ok here is some stuff to keep in mind while reading this:

Their dad's a cheapstake; even though they're in the upper-middle class.

Sasuke's 16 yrs old and Itachi's 21.

Sasuke's not on good nor bad terms with Fugaku, kinda... neutral.

Itachi somewhat hates their dad, mainly for showing favoritism to Itachi all the the time, and rarely giving a second thought about Sasuke.

Yes, Itachi cares for Sasuke in his own unique way.

Ok fair warning: DO NOT DRINK OR EAT WHILE READING THIS YOU JUST MIGHT CHOKE. (A friend on gaia didn't see this warning and she choked on a cookie).

Oh yeah... I almost forgot..


-sighs- I guess, that means that I don't own Naruto. T.T Damn it. T.T

NOW here's the story and of course, please review. -gives the puppy eyes to the readers in hope of some reviews-. .-.-.-.-Sasuke's pov-.-.-.-.

My aniki and I were at the airport three hours early, because of the way our dad (that damned cheapskate) had us get a rental car.

The time for the car to be checked in was at noon and our plane was suppose to leave at three in the afternoon.

We ended up turning the car in at around 11 in the morning.

We got our bags (Aniki only had 1. Were as I had 3; 2 for clothes, 1 for souvenirs).

We got to the airport, went through the security thing(it takes a little bit longer at LAX and such a pain in the as, too. I think, it took a whole hour.)

I swore, it took forever and my aniki didn't say anything to me.

But what did I expect, a big kiss?...

Not even going to go there.

Anyways, after we got the green light from security to go on, we went to our gate.

And surprise, surprise.

We were practically the only ones there.

I couldn't think of anything to do for three hours; I looked over to my brother and saw him reading the newspaper.

What the hell is so interesting about the fucking newspaper.

I was wondering what I should do...

Hmm.. maybe I should look around the airport?

I mean, there's bound to be something interesting to do.

Besides, sitting here on my ass being bored to death.

So, I decide to get up and start walking, but before I had even took my second step, my aniki asked,"what are you doing?"

I wisely responded saying, "for a walk," '...duh, I'm bored to tears, I want to explore, and ...' and he continues with his childish mental rants until he bumps into someone.

--quick third person's pov--

The person he bumped in to had golden eyes, purple eyeshadow, black greasy straight hair, and very pale skin; were some of the first things that had very quickly caught his attention.

back to Sasuke's pov

Sasuke then took notice that he was staring at this...'snake?! man?! snake-man.'

Ah, Sasuke's childish mental side had something to say about this, ... of course.

Sasuke decided to say, "sorry about that."

The strange man replied "Oh, that's okay, I was looking for gate 26A, would you happen to know where it's at?"

Sasuke thought about the question for a minute, before deciding and realizing, that's the same gate that he is from.

Sasuke then replied "Yes, I do, that's the same gate I'm from."

The man asked, "Then why are you here?"

It was then Sasuke realized that he was at least 15 gates away from his gate.

The first and only thing that came to Sasuke's mind was, '...OH shit, ANIKI'S GONNA KILL ME!!'

Sasuke then paled slightly with sweat on his forehead.

The man then asked, " Are you ok, your looking kinda pale."

He replied, "Um, yeah. Just great." 'My ass, I just hope Itachi won't kill me.'

Just as sudden as I turned around, someone put their hand on my shoulder.

I quickly turn my head around and saw that it was only,'... Wait, what IS his name?'

"Um, sir," I asked nervously, "What's your name, if you don't mind me knowing."

The man replied, "Oh, of course, my name's Orochimaru, what's yours?"

I say without hesitation, "Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha."

--Orochimaru's pov --

I was about to ask Sasuke a question; when all of a sudden, my cell phone went off.

"Ah, shit." I said out loud and then I thought. 'I forgot to change my ringtone."

What do you think my tone was?

It's one of my favorite songs, "Shut Up and Sleep With Me."

I think, Sasuke's giving me a weird look.

I then say, "Umm, excuse me, for a minute."

I then literally break out in a run to the closest men's room.

I then take out my cell phone and flip out my Blackberry and answered angrily, "What the hell do you want Kabuto?"

'He' answered, "Sir, it's Kimimaru."

" bad." I say sarcastically, "What the hell do you want?" I questioned him.

"Well, it's about my bones-," I rudely interrupted, "Yes, what about them."

I'm getting annoyed right now.

Mainly, because Sasuke's waiting for me, hehe.

Kimimaru continued,"-I, well, um,...kinda broke my arm."

"Which one?," I asked, getting more annoyed by the second.

"My right one,sir." He responded.

I then decided to press the off power button.

I then flip my phone and put it in my jacket.

I then calmly walk out of the men's room, to find Sasuke still there.

I looked up and saw a clock there.

'Damn, Sasuke's been waiting for me for at least ten minutes.'

"I apologize about that, I didn't realize my phone wasn't off."

Sasuke said, "Oh, that's ok, but I was starting to get bored waiting for you, though."

I quickly responded, "Well, could you show me which gate I need to get to?"

.-.-.-.- Sasuke's pov-.-.-.-.

"Oh sure. But, we better hurry up. My aniki's probably worrying about me." '-right now.'

Orochimaru then asked, "Oh, but out of curiosity, how long HAVE you been away from your aniki?"

I said,"I think,... shit an hour." I then started running.

A friend of mine is posting this on her computer from my account since I cant do it myself...

I don't have the right format of document to do that, so yeah...

All I'm really doing is just writing, while she's editing and putting this up for me...

And please give your thanks to Hitoko-sama for putting this up and making it possible.

I like to know what you guys, the readers, think of it (my story)...

Oh, and the story...

It's based off of my vacation back from Los Angelos to Colorado to (name of place of where the writer lives)...

(And I, the writer, forgot what else she was supposed to say...)

But anyways...

Please review.