Hey folks *sighs* Yes I know it has literally been years. I am not dead and I have not given up. I have a sequel planned and quite a little more for this one. Just lost my will for a little while I guess. Every author fears at some point they are losing the magic to a story. Those were my thoughts for this story, and it would kill me if I ruined this story. Yet here I am and my Beta is working me through it. So please review to encourage me along as I wrack my brain to work out the plot and type on!


So things start to get much hotter and heavier starting in this chapter, it won't be every chapter probably but a few. If need be let me know and I will try to put up a warning for those chapters. I did rate it properly though, so it should be expected.

The breeze blew across the expansive space outside the castle in the distance the tree's swayed at the forest's edge. The forest was not dark but it almost crackled against one's magical aura if too close. There was something about those woods, the island; it was so mystical and gave one an illusionary feeling. The shadows had a tingling that could be felt along the spine. Like right then, Malfoy could feel eyes on him from that forest. He leaned closer to Pansy, hand resting on the old stone castle structure she leaned against as his lips moved closer to her ear with lewd promises as he lured her in. The wind picked up and he felt his magical aura ripple and prickle, and he turned his head towards the mystical woodland. It was strong enough that the nitwit Pansy could detect it as well and her gaze shifted to join his.

His body turned towards the woods' edge as his eyes scanned, reaching magically to detect anything and he did, but didn't move so as not to alarm Pansy. Two large masses was all he could detect, and then saw the glowing orbs slowly slinking through the foliage, breaching out of the tree line, and walking towards them calmly. Its tail swung as the beast stalked towards them, lowering to the ground slightly as it got closer and sized them up, and its tail whipped in a playful gesture. He noticed the grass moving next to the beast and saw Nagini. He narrowed his eyes, ignoring Pansy's gasp and grip on his arm, clearly frightened.

"I thought we had the island checked to know everything here. There were not wild cats here," she whispered, her gaze locked on the dangerous feline moving closer to its prey.

Draco didn't answer her, his gaze fixed on the large black cat. He swept his eyes over to Nagini and then back to the cat. He knew those eyes. His nerves steeled as it got closer and Nagini stopped by him as the cat took them in for a moment. They both jumped slightly as the unexpected roar ripped through the animal and its ears folded back hissing at the wizard and witch. Then it jumped, its paws on Pansy's shoulders, and she screeched, falling back against the stone building once again, and it appeared the cat—was that beast chuckling? Draco's arm, equipped with his wand, was suddenly wrapped in Nagini's grasp to prevent him from hurting her animal friend.

He watched, wide –eyed; something wasn't right. Then, just like that, a silver mystical mist swirled and the cat's lines and body changed into…Ravyn.

"You're an Animagus!" Pansy screeched again as Ravyn was right in her face and rubbed her nose against Pansy's as she chuckled. She stepped back, patting Nagini's head as she came to her.

"You got that, did you?" she asked coldly with a twitched brow at her fellow female.

Draco shook his head, lightly mesmerized. Was there nothing this fucking woman, fae, witch,could do? A bloody Animagus and a beautiful, exotic, pure black panther at that — no surprise really. "We were never informed of your, shall we say, wild nature," he said with a quirk of his lips.

Ravyn's gaze moved to Malfoy and she stood straight in nothing but a black satin robe to cover her, barefoot, hair blowing in the breeze off the water only a few hundred feet away. "Yes, well I have many wild natures you are unfamiliar with, Malfoy." Her brow ticked at him, the innuendo plainly laid out. She held up a finger before he could answer, though. "I thought you would choose better than Pansy to relieve your tensions. I have a few toys within my ranks for you to relieve yourself with."

Pansy sputtered, almost forgotten, leaning still against the castle. "Excuse me?!" She was galled at Ravyn.

The dark-haired fae turned to look at Pansy, stepping close once again. "Parkinson, think about it. What other use would I have for you? You are a worthless woman, except that you spread your legs for my men to release tension when needed. That's why I have the women I do in my ranks, including you." She smirked at the embarrassed and angry red tint to Pansy's face as she twirled a piece of the woman's hair between her fingers, and then she leaned closer to her face. "I told you before I am the only woman in the Death Eater circle to carry any power. I need slags like you to keep up the morale of my men, and occasionally, my morale, as well." She smirked and her nose ran along the lengthy expanse of Parkinson's exposed neck, and then she turned back to Malfoy.

Draco chuckled as Pansy was speechless. Her jaw opened and closed, unable to form words for a few moments. Even he knew that was why there were women in Ravyn's circle, yet the shock on Pansy's face kind of made him feel good. Pansy always had it coming; she was a bitter, jealous, materialistic wench. She wasn't queen bee anymore. Ravyn ruled with a coldness only matched by her father and nobody would take that from her.

Ravyn gave a low chuckle. "Come now, Pansy, you know a woman's place in pureblood society. What makes you think I would use you any differently? What? Because I am a woman?" Ravyn leaned in close to her, running her fingers through the other female's hair as she trembled.

Pansy tried to stop her body's shaking with the evil clone of Voldemort so close, and she pursed her lips before answering. "You service your men just as much and when needed as well, including the women, if the whispers are true." She jutted out her chin at her master in defiance.

Ravyn stilled for a moment, her face blank, Draco watched, intrigued by the information. He was a busy man and he knew that the men had not heard of her being with other women; he would surely remember that mental image. He bit his lip even at that moment with the slight thought of it and felt his pants start to tighten even more.

Ravyn was too wrapped up in Pansy to notice; he had been forgotten for the moment. The dark princess tightened her grip on the inferior woman's hair and snapped her neck back. She growled slightly as she bit into her neck hard, barely leaving the skin unbroken and Pansy shouted in surprise and pain. Swiftly, Ravyn's lips moved right over the quivering servant's, barely a feather's touch and her eyes drilled into hers with a cold, jade glare. "You're right, I do. The Greengrass sisters have better uses for their mouths than to talk back to me," she said in a sensual tone, pressing her body into her minion's, smashing it between her and the castle wall. Her free hand ran over Pansy's thigh, gouging deep claw marks across it with a simple touch. As Pansy whimpered in pain, Ravyn coddled her. "Shhhh- you're okay. Just remember, my circle bends to my needs, services me! Not the other way around. I wouldn't ever have you, Pansy. You're below me, dirt, maybe even as low as a mudblood. Think about it, sweetie, you're not even a whore because you're not even being paid. You're useful because that big mouth can fit a big dick in it, and from what I hear, you'll take as many as you can at a time. Girlie, you're like a door knob. Everybody has a turn, freely, regularly, and frequently," she whispered against the slave's lips, a smirk to rival Malfoy's slid over those perfect lips.

Parkinson couldn't take any more. She jerked and struggled a little, and Ravyn let her go. She took off quickly towards the door to reenter the castle, limping slightly from the ugly lacerations in her thigh. Malfoy shook his head, hands in his pockets in a show of nonchalance, and stepped towards the chuckling Ravyn. She crossed her arms and leaned against the stone wall where Pansy had been previously. "Was that really necessary?" he inquired.

Ravyn reached out, gripping the front of his shirt and jerking him closer, practically against her body. "If you're going to be mine, I want you to play with clean toys until I claim you," she replied softly to him, meeting that grey gaze of his head on.

Malfoy rested his hands just above either side of her head and leaned into her until their bodies were touching, pressing the planes of their bodies together firmly. Then, he pressed his lips over her temple and cheek, dragging them gently to her ear. "Why waste the time? You could claim me now, or so you think." He smirked against the shell of her ear, knowing she could feel it. "I think you're in for a shock. Tom Riddle's heir or not, you will belong to me. I will purge every lover from your memory when I finally worship and claim you mind, body, and soul." His octave had dropped to a silky, husky promise.

Ravyn couldn't help the shiver of lust that coursed through her blood, raging for him. Her nipples were taut from the cool air and whispered promise of Draco Malfoy dominating her pleasure, something she had fantasized about for years. She never understood her fascination with him, even before she had ever met or laid eyes on him. Why this wizard? She had asked herself constantly in private, trying to figure it out. He had been right all those months before. He had cornered her in the deserted part of the castle, in the dark; she had shivered with lust then, too. It made her cement her plans even more. She would have him and force the craving for him from her blood, her subconscious, and her loins. He would purge her all right, but it would be purging himself from her. Once she got her taste and was satisfied, hooking him completely, the evil bastard would rot. She was going to enjoy killing him. She was going to make him suffer and scream as he had her. She didn't care if she had to give up everything, she would accomplish her end game.

Ravyn fought for her control and power, and met his gaze. She felt his hand move over her hip before meeting the front of her robe. He didn't untie it, knowing her response would be to move away. He slid his hand up over her taut torso until just his fingers trailed over the exposed skin of her chest cavity. Her robe was tied fairly loose, and he pressed his hand between her breasts, over her heart, splaying his fingers to reach more skin as his palm felt the rapid beat of her heart. Ravyn's gaze never left his, and Draco's never broke hers, either. His hand ducked into her robe, cupping the sinuous heavy flesh of her breast. She wasn't well endowed she was—perfect. A perfect handful— more than that was a waste, anyway. Malfoy gently ran his thumb over her nipple, taunting it to a peak. Without a word, he lowered his mouth suddenly to hers, nipping at her bottom lip, running his tongue along her pliable lips. She opened for him, swallowing the moan that wanted to surface at the feeling of him possessing her mouth. She refused to engage further, though. Ravyn's hands never moved to touch him or hinder his caress. As he occupied her lips and clouded her mind, his hand slid down and fingers glided over the soft flesh of her naked hip, gripping it firmly, yet not as aggressively as she expected. His free hand came down and he intertwined his fingers with hers pulling it back to the wall by her head, trapping hit there.

Her mind was muddled under his ministrations. For some sick reason, being trapped turned her on. She felt shame and revulsion for being into it. With her history, she should hate being pinned, and yet, her womb ignited with the start of a burning desire when he trapped her hand with his free one, the sensation of his other palm cupping her bare left cheek of her bum. Then suddenly clasping the back of her thigh, forcing it up over his hip. He held it there, gripping the back of her knee as he pressed firmly between her thighs. He wanted her to feel the steel that being around her created in his slacks. Her free hand came up gripping his bicep for balance her he continued to plunder her mouth, until the unfortunate need for air was desperate. They both panted slightly nose-to-nose, eye-to-eye.

Her nerves finally gathered, fighting to be in control of herself and remember her goals, her eyes remained fixed as she spoke. "I am nobody's to claim," she growled through clenched teeth. "I am the daughter of Lord Voldemort. I am nobody's prize. Try to claim me, but I will never wear your brand again," Her eyes glanced down to her breast where the 'DM' used to be carved. "I wear one brand, and it's deep and unyielding." She shifted her gaze to her left arm, which he still held against the wall. The sleeve of her robe covered most of it but the top of the skull to just below the eyes was visible, like it was watching. "Like you have said before, it's my blood. It's my fate twisted with his. I am more entwined than any of you. So, no, Draco," she practically snarled his name to goad him. "I don't think anybody could ever again claim me, nor would I want them to. Even you," she sneered at him, fighting every pleasurable female instinct to press towards that hard rod against her aching core. Ravyn would not lose her control to him—not yet, anyway.

She watched his eyes narrow, considering her. His hand gripped hers tighter for a moment before he caught the other wrist, letting her knee go and kneeling before her suddenly, and trapped her hands in his grip against the wall at her waist. Her eyes followed him, widening in surprise. He glanced up at her, his eyes challenged her as he quickly threw her leg over his shoulder, sweeping her robe to the side and then his grip returned to her wrists.

"Malfoy!" she stated sternly. He had flabbergasted her for the moment. He wouldn't dare disobey her like this.

Draco ignored her and dipped his head into the cozy nest of her thighs, brazenly stroking his tongue the length of her. He groaned at finding her so slick with need that she glistened in the moon light before he had even touched her. "Oh you want to be claimed," he spoke softly, his lips caressing her inner thigh by the junction of her hip. "You need to be claimed, need a man who can handle you and doesn't want to tame you." His nose nuzzled her, inhaling her intoxicating scent. He knew fae were bred for sexuality; everything about them lured you in. He had wanted her from day one, though. He was still waiting. When she was finally given to him, he was determined to make that woman love him, need him, want him. She was the woman for him; he knew it before her change. Fuck whose daughter she was, or how powerful she was; whether it was right or not or should be—he didn't care. Draco always got what he wanted and he would have her as his, and only his.

Ravyn bit her lip to keep from reacting. She felt blood as she bit so hard—gods! That felt good, a tease. "So, what— a constant reminder of what I can't have?" she asked, trying to keep her voice even. He stood back up; all he gave was one wicked stroke of his tongue along her wet sex.

He shook his head. "A constant reminder of what you can have." Draco kissed her cheek and walked away from her, a true Slytherin smirk on his face. Point for Malfoy. Once out of sight, he quickened his pace. Not only was he proving a point with her, he was testing a theory. She was aching all over, throbbing straight through to her core. She would need release. He didn't think if not required, she would finished herself, it's never as good.

Ravyn clenched her thighs together, trying to calm herself and knew he did it on purpose, leaving her a highly aroused mess. Well, she would give him a show if he was going to test her boundaries. She tied her robe a little tighter and took a deep breath making her way into the castle, and instead of heading towards her room, she headed for someone else's. Ravyn pulled the door open to the common area. She usually never went to them; they came to her, but she was kind of desperate. She looked at the four rooms and knocked on Daphne's door, hoping not to wake anyone else.