Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Olivia Benson was sitting at her desk doing some paper work when the phone on her desk started to ring. She sighs as she lays her pen down and answers it on the second ring.

"Hello? Yes this is she… what about her? No, its fine, I wouldn't want her living with anyone else, so when will she get here? Okay, I'll talk to my captain and get a few days off. Tell her I'll pick her up in the morning from the airport… thanks," Olivia sighs again as she hangs up the phone sitting there for a moment thinking that she actually believed her brother would get clean then she gets up and heads to captain's office. Captain Cragen looks up from his own paper work when he hears a knock on the door.

"Come in," he said as he looks up and sees Olivia standing in the doorway. Olivia walked in and sat down in a chair in front of him after closing the door.

"I need to talk to you about something," she said. The captain looked at her with a concerned look.

"Okay, what's up?" he asked.

"It's about my niece. Social services just called me and they're placing her with me. Apparently my brother is having problems with drugs and such, and they think it's best if my niece comes to live with me, so I was wondering if I could have a few days off, you know to kind of show her around and everything," she replied. Cragen nodded in agreement.

"Take this weekend and next week off. I'll give Elliot a temporary partner until you get back," he said.

"Thanks captain," she said as she got up then turns around before walking out the door, "oh, and captain could you not tell Elliot or the others about this? I mean I want to tell them when I'm ready, you know since this just a spur of a moment type thing," she added.

"Sure thing," the captain said then went back to his paper work as Olivia walked out.

Olivia sat back down at her desk and picked up her pen to finish paper work. After about an hour or two of working on her paper work, she puts it away. After clocking out, she heads to the store to get some food and stuff for her niece. I don't know anything about raising a kid, Olivia thought as she walked into the store, I haven't even seen my niece in about six or seven years, maybe even ten years. My brother really knows how to screw up his personal life. Oh well it'll actually be nice to go home to someone for once, she thought as she puts a box of cereal in the basket she was carrying. After getting certain foods and items she headed to check out. Oliva walked out of the store and headed home as she was still thinking and hoping that she doesn't screw up raising her niece then they'll take her away from her and she didn't want that. Once she got home she unlocked her apartment door, she walked in and set the bags on the counter of the small kitchen after closing the door. She looks around, mental note look for a bigger apartment with two bedrooms this weekend, she thought. She put the food away and started cleaning, after putting clean sheets on her bed, she locked the door and turned out the lights and lay down on the couch and went to sleep.

A/N:This is my fan fic so tell me what you think. I know this chapter may be a little short, but the others will be longer I promise... I have chapter 2 and part of chapter 3 done, but I won't post them up until I get at least 5 reviews about this one, so let me know if I should continue or not... honestly I don't think it's that good, but then again I could be wrong