Singing Heaven


Yea I just saw those words and stole them and made them the title.

This is the sequel/sequels to my "Why Do I Believe in Angels? Because I Have Three" one-shot, ..shouldn't really call it that anymore…. You should read that before this one or you'll be confused.

Anyways, I'm using a list of 100 words from many 100 word theme lists that I've found to write short moments of Axel and Roxas and their twins.

I don't know if I'm going to do the other mpreg I was writing and mentioned at the end of my other one. Depends.

Pairings: Axel/Roxas, Sora/Riku, and more when I get to it

The twins, Nickolai and Akuseru, are mine mine mine mine XD I have drawn them, well their two year old selves, and I'll post it up when I scan it…



Axel sighed as he untied the apron around his waist He folded it along with his white uniform before placing it in his duffel bag. He threw it over his shoulder, locking his car, as he walked up the driveway to his lover's house. He nodded and greeted his boyfriend's mom as she opened the door for him.

"Hey Avila."

"How was work?" The blond woman asked as she led him to the kitchen.

"Busy. As is every Friday night."

Axel flicked a stand of hair out of his face as he glanced at the stove.

"Spaghetti?" he smirked, "Trying to make our lives' harder?"

"Please, Roxas asked me to make this."

"Right. Where are my three angels anyways?"

"Upstairs. Asleep."

"Actually I'm right here,"

The younger blond yawned from the doorway. He smiled as the redhead kissed his cheek.

"Morning," Axel smirked as Roxas glared up at him.

"I had a midterm today," the blonde pouted, "that gives me the right to sleep when I want to."

"Bum." Axel sighed sitting on the counter.

"Get of the counter, or is it something common at your kitchen? Cause if it is I don't want to eat there anymore."

Axel rolled his eyes.

His kitchen was not really his kitchen but the kitchen at work. He worked… well he was apprenticed to the local cherished chef Reeves Lalas. Lalas was a four star Argentinean grill. The aging chef took Axel as his apprentice when he found him at the local culinary academy. Their meeting involved a poor chicken, a charred grill and a mile-high fire. The chef immediately took the redhead as an apprentice stating that the young lad had potential. Axel was thrilled when he found out that not only did he have an income source and not that he was apprenticed to such an esteemed man but that he was to come to work every day to work in front of a huge grill. Roxas said Axel and Spongebob have a lot in common when it comes to work and grills. A few weeks later Axel came with the news that the man announced that he adopted the redhead and Axel was his new heir. Roxas and Axel both danced around in happiness at the news.

"Food's ready!" Avila announced. The three in the kitchen sighed as a cry came from upstairs
"Just in time." Roxas muttered.

"Nickolai's crying." Sora said from the doorway, Riku behind him. Roxas jumped and glared at his brother.

"Next time announce when you get here!"


"Why did you want spaghetti?" Axel pouted, "Do you not remember last time the twins ate that?"

Axel shuddered, remembering the huge mess.

"I love spaghetti…I'm not going to stop eating it just cause the two don't know where their mouths are"

The twins walked upstairs together as their boyfriend's helped their mother in the kitchen.

"So how's living with Riku going?" Roxas asked.

"Great, except none of us know how to cook," Sora laughed, "When we are old men we are still going to come mooch off mum's food."

"Hey sleepyheads!" Roxas cooed entering the room.

"I hate to be Aku," Sora sighed, "Having to be awaken by your twin brother's crying"

"I remember my sleep being interrupted by my twin brother," Roxas reached into the younger one's crib and pulled him close to him, rocking him, trying to calm him down.

"And I still do." Sora smirked, taking out the older one.

"Can you check Akuseru's diaper?" Roxas asked placing the one with gingery colored hair on his bed, "Nickolai's just grumpy cause his diaper's dirty."

"He's clean." Sora announced, swinging his arms around, Aku giggling.

Roxas nodded, yawning.

Axel walked in the door and shrieked, "Sora! Don't do that!"

Sora pouted as the redhead took the smaller redhead, "Geeze I'm not going to drop him!"


I'll try to post often since I have other chapters done already. I write them during my classes XP I'll post them every Monday and Wednesday for sure. I'll try everyday but I doubt it since I have issues with getting onto the internet.