Title: Prostitutes
Title: Mesmerized
Author: Kirschli Kuchen
Players: Toki; Kon
Disclaimer: I don't own anything of this but the plot.
A/N: voyeur toki
Uhmmm… here I'm really trying to describe everything to the fullest… and I'm not good at it…
Ah, well whatever
I don't like the ending
The sight was mesmerizing.
He knew he shouldn't be doing this but as the black haired one began shedding his clothes he was frozen in his hideout in the bushes.
That well toned chest, those strong abs, the fine muscles of his arms, the way the moonlight reflected just right on the water surface to make his eyes shine so – oh god so – beautifully.
He knew he should go – run - away or at least he shouldn't look but his eyes were glued to the older ones form.
Aforementioned was now taking his trousers of…
He smaller one couldn't believe that he wasn't glowing bright red right now.
…and his underwear (good thing he stood with his back to the bushes or the brunette would be out cold of the loss of blood).
He slowly slipped into the cold still sea sending ripples off on its surface. The water cleaning the oh so perfect body.
He washed himself with his left arm as the right one was as the onlooker painfully noticed still immobile – as it couldn't be healed – and marred with three claw marks.
Whoever did this, they would pay.
The blackhead stood now with his side to the one with the mismatched eyes.
He followed the movements of the hand gliding along the well sculptured chest and down the muscled stomach to the navel. His blush engulfed now at least his whole head.
The taller now submerged under the water and shortly after came to the surface again spraying small droplets of water into the air that shone beautifully in the moonlight making him look like an angel eliciting a small gasp from the other present.
Now a small smile played on the naked mans lips. He turned a little more sideways, the smile spreading and looked directly into the eyes of his smaller counterparts.
"Want to join Toki?"