some stupid and crazy stroies #10

(final chapter)

STORY #91:

Naruto and Sasuke were playing on Naruto's new Wii system. They were playing Gutair Hero: Aerosmith and Sasuke was winning. Naruto was just about to give up when he came up with a plan "hey Sasuke" Naruto said. Sasuke paused the game and turned to his best friend/rival "what" he said annoyed. "I was wondering...if you want something to drink" Naruto asked. Sasuke was a little surprized but he was thirsty "sure why not" he said and Naruto went to the kitchen with an evil smirk on his face. He put something into Sasukes drink and gave it to him "thanks" he said and drank it. Soon he started feeling dizzy and passed out. Naruto then took some contacts and put them into Sasuke's eyes. When Sasuke woke up his sight was blurry "oh your awake, lets play some more" Naruto said and gave Sasuke a gutair. Naruto was kicking Sasuke's ass majorly because Sasuke could'nt use his sharingan to cheat because of the contacts Naruto put in. Sasuke thought he was going blind until Naruto told him about the contacts (after kicking Sasuke's ass alot). Lets just say Naruto never did anything like that again...

STORY #92:

I don't know how to make superly humorous stories, so if it is not as funny as you want... suck it up ya damn princess!! :-(

Shikamaru was having a nice nap when some person in red robes came into his room. "Who the heck are you?" Shikamaru asked the random bystander, but the dude didn't answere. "What do you want and why are you in my room?" Shikamaru once again asked, hopping it wasn't a gay rapist. "If you don't answere me, I'll kick your ass?!" Shikamaru tried again, paniking a bit, but failed. Shikamaru was going to jump out until the figure said, "Stop! your mother hired me to make you do your chores, and scare you if you avoid them, like right now," The dude answered 'finaly' Shikamaru thought, calming down. "What if I don't do them?" Shikamaru asked lazily, about to fall asleep again. "I will tell your mom and she will kick you out, kick your ass, or shoot you." The Dude listed blandly. "Oh boy, such a drag," Shikamaru sarcasticly stated, tired of falling for his mothers old excuses, and fell asleep.

When Shikamaru woke up, his mother was calling. "Oh Shikamaru, we have to talk." She said seriously. "Comming," Shikamaru yelled and walked down, expecting a little talk. "Wait, I must get something," the mom said and left. "I remember when I got your mother mad,'re dead kid, I'm lucky I'm still alive," Shikamaru's father said and left. "Here," Shikamaru heard, then a 'click'... END!! (For Shikamaru, just kidding!! He survived)

STORY #93:

Tenten was about to go shopping for some wepons when she saw Neji. He was just standing there like a statue, a big grin on his face and holding a piece of paper. Tenten walked over to him "hey Neji" she said but he did not reply. Tenten wondered if there was something wrong with him "umm Neji hellooo anyone home" she said again and got no reply again. Tenten sighed and then thought of something "hey Neji your hairs on fire" she said hoping that would make him move, but he did'nt. Tenten growled "ugg I give up" she yelled. She looked at the paper he had in his hand. It was a reciet and at the bottom it said 'wal-mart always low prices' and 'roll back time'. Tenten sighed and walked away "stupid commercials" she mumbled.

STORY #94:

One dark stormy night, everyone was asleep. It was a bright sunny mourning a few hours later, and the warmth was so comforting. "Temari, wake up already," Kankuro conplaind. Gaara was also impatient, "Our mission is only in about 3 hours, and I think you know it's an A-rank," he said. "But I'm just so comfy and warm, just a few more minutes!" Temari argued. After a few minutes, Temari finally got up to get ready and clean the fan for battle. "How is it like to sleep?" Gaara asked randomly. "Well, uh...ugh," Kankuro thought, unprepaired for such a sudden question. "It's like, nothing, but refreshing. When I fall asleep, it feels like I wake up right away, but I feal so much more energetic," Temari tried hard to explain. "Then why didn't you want to wake up if you're energetic?" Gaara asked again, confused. "Sometimes you like the relaxation as you sleep," Kankuro answered. "Oh," Gaara said and they went on their mission. Sadly, the A-rank was just helping Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Kiba & Akamaru rescue some crazy, gay lunitic who was obsessive with power and looking like a girl. (Seriously, Sasuke's second state looks like a freakin girl, shiny lips with it). At least Orochimaru and Sasuke are happy, I guess. END!!

STORY #95:

Back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth a cave man named Sasuke was hunting buffallo with his friends Naruto and Sakura. There was a buffallo near a ledge "ohh a buffallo" Naruto said "shut up idiot you'll scare it away" Sasuke told him. They were sneeking up on it and were about to drive it off the cliff when a giant Itachi-saurus came and ate it. Sasuke was filled with anger and jumped out of there hiding place "hey that was our buffallo" he yelled at the Itachi-saurs. The Itachi-saurus turned towards them "foolish little brother" he said and chased Sasuke around. Sasuke was running for his life "im not your brother" Sasuke said. Then suddenly an Orochi-saurus came out "use the force Sasuke" he said and vanished. Then the Itachi-saurus found him "im going to eat you foolish little brother" he said and ate Sasuke. Sasuke woke up in a cold sweat and looked at his hands. He was still human and in his room. Thats when he decided to never drink red bull before bed ever again.

STORY #96:

After a good day of training and gaining his eyebrows, Lee went for a break because Guy Sensei ordered it. "You need to relax sometimes Lee, saver your youthfullness," Guy said and went to see how Neji and Tenten were doing. They were doing pretty well if you know what I mean... Well, Lee went to buy Sakura some flowers and maybe ask her out. "Please get me Sakura's favorite flower for me," Lee asked Ino after describing the flower Sakura loves. "I'll get it right away," Ino said, when suddenly a little kitten jumped in. "Well how are you little one?" Ino asked the lovable dime. "ROOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRRR!!" the tiny kitten growled and destroyed the whole flower shop with an electric energy beam. "Wow, there goes the flower..." Lee stated as Ino staired in shock at the store, then the kitten. "I will destroy you all!" the kitten said and started to claw all the houses, but Kiba scared it out of the village.

In the sound village, Orochimaru was planing something devilishly evil for the leaf village. When suddenly a cute little kitten came in. "Awwwwwwwww! How cute! I will make you my evil pet and we will destroy the leaf village together!" Orochimaru shouted happily. The kitten made the evilest smile in the wourld, even the Akatsuki leader could fear (He's a pansy). Orochimaru dumped Sasuke and Kabuto and then hired the cat as they planed to reign. Although, it will never work. END!!

STORY #97:

Naruto was looking deviantart on his computer when he came across a picture that got his curiosity. It had a warning on it so he clicked it. He read the bottom the artist wrote ' little kids, do not look at this, for mature people only ' and Naruto grinned. He clicked it again only to find the horror of what it was. All across konaha people could hear "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and it made every bird fly off and scared the clouds away angering Shikamaru "what a drag..." he said and decided to take a nap. The scream scared the shit out of Sai making him screw up on his painting "damn it!!" he swore. Even past Konaha the Akatsuki could hear it and Itachi grinned "well it looks like Naruto found the picture" he said (insert evil mecanical laughter). The picture was of Naruto and Orochimaru doing really bad things if ya know what I mean. Sakura came to see if Naruto was alright only to find him in the fetel position in his room. Naruto was muttering ' never look at bad pictures, never look at bad pictures... ' continuously. Sakura just walked out quietly. Naruto was never the same.

STORY #98:

Sai was very mad that he screwed up. "I'm going to kill Itachi for making that stupid picture, making Naruto scream, making me screw up," Sai growled. (How he knew, I guess he's an Itachi stalker). At the Akatsuki hideout which wouldn't hide them so well. It had a gigantic sign on the front saying "Welcome to the Akatsuki Hideout. Only members can enter, and live. If you are Not one of us, we recomend you not to enter. If you do, it is garenteed you will die. Thank-you!" Sai just staired at it, then entered. (yes, he's a pickle obsessive idiot who knows nothing but pickles and pickly pictures.) 'Shall I just stab him in the pickle or draw a picture on his pickle and stab him,' Sai planed Itachi's death. "Excuse me..." Some random person said, disturbing Sai from his thoughts. "Ahhh! I didn't take the pickles and stab them! TRUST ME!" Sai screemed out, remembering his disturbing past (Don't get me started on that...). "Didn't you read the sign? Unfortionetly, I must kill you now...Tobi's a good boy," The random person with an orange mask said. "I must kill Itachi for making disturbing pictures, making Naruto screem, making me screw up on my painting of pickles!" Sai yelled. "You can draw, let me see! Let me see! Huh...why not? Tobi's a good boy !l." Tobi pleaded as Sai shaked his head. "THEN DIE...(Sai screaming and dieing)...Tobi's a good boy, I think..." END!!

STORY #99:

Sasuke was on his was to Naruto's house when he saw Sakura walking out looking mortified (she looked at the picture of Naruto and Orochimaru). Sasuke walked up to her "what happened?" Sasuke asked "Naruto, Orochimaru, nasty,picture" was all she said and walked away. Sasuke wanted to know what Sakura was horrified of so he went into Naruto's house. Like Sakura, Sasuke saw Naruto in the fetel position still muttering ' never look at bad pictures '. Sasuke then saw that Naruto's computer was on so he decided to look at it. It was not a wide choice because, now, he was doing the same as Naruto. kakashi was walking by when he saw Naruto's door open so he decided to pay him a visit. When Kakashi looked into Naruto's room he saw Naruto and Sasuke in the fetel position both mumbling. He looked at Naruto's computer and saw the picture and grinned "Jiraya's gunna love this" he said and dissippered. A few days later after Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto got over there fear they decided to never speak of the picture to anybody... little did they know Jiraya made a book on the picture (Jiraya changed Orochimaru's name to a new one so no one would hate Naruto). Lets just say Naruto's life is over.

STORY #100:

Hello. This is our final story, I hope you enjoy (OR ELSE!).

Okay, a catipillar was crawling on a tree when Choji came by. "Cool, you will turn into a butterfly and we will be best friends. Gaara came by to see how the leaf village was doing (It was also an excuse to get out of all the work). "Ahhhhhhhhhh! We are under attack! Giant moth eating all our candy!" Choji yelled, ran past Gaara, hit into a pole, and fell unconcious. "Okay...I'll see how Naruto's doing then," Gaara said to nobody inparticular, but Hinata heard. "He's in the training field being tortured by Jiraya and Lee," Hinata answered suddenly and ran away, hoping nobody would ask how she knew. "Huh? Guess I'll check," Gaara said and left.

"Tell me, how did it feal with Orochimaru?" Jiraya asked Naruto. "I did nothing! I swear, Itachi is an evil ass!" Naruto yelled, obviously upset. "How dare you do that with some evil man, if you're gay, Guy sensei is the best man!" Lee said. "What the heck are you talkin about?" Gaara asked. "He did Orochimaru!" "I'm being-" "How dare you!" "The pictures, it says it all" "Horassed" "Guy sensei," "I wonder how it felt" "No No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" "Tell Tell Tell TELL TELL!" "Wrong Wrong Wrong WRONG WRONG!" "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" Gaara yelled, making the idiots shut up. His head throbbed, and he thought he was seeing things too, but he was not. "Woooooooh!" All of them said as a giant moth came, knocked them out, and ate their candy. "Like stealing candy from a baby," the moth said and flew away, looking for some more victomes.

When Jiraya, Lee, Naruto, and Gaara woke up, they decided to never speack of this again. Naruto because he was embarrased, Jiraya because being beat by a moth would ruin his reputation with girls, Lee because he was discraced with his friend of being gay with anyong but Guy, and Gaara because he was just too confused to take it all in, he didn't even know what was going on forget describing it. Everyone never got a rotten tooth again and was happy, all but Choji. END!!