I just want to say: thank you for the lovely reviews, although one of them made me have to change the end of my story a little seeing as he/she saw through my plot a little and wasn't really all too pleased about it... Still, lets hope you enjoy this last chapter of my story alright?


"We need to figure out a way out of here!" Zelenka is cornered with his back against the wall while Laura Cadman stands there, merely nodding to everything the man says.

"You could be a little more supportive you know." Zelenka now says, as Cadman stands mere meters away from him.

Cadman sighs, looking a little disappointed. "Oh come on, Radek, you are a brilliant scientist with a bigger brain than McKay, you know I believe in you." she says in a little voice, wrapping her arms around Zelenka.

Zelenka looks rather pleased with himself, put quickly pushes Cadman away. "Yes, zat is true, but I can't work wiz you distracting me this way." He walks to the far end of the room, away from Cadman and her strange ways of support.

"Now, let me work for just a moment." he says, grabbing his computer. A little while back, the computers didn't work, but after almost an hour of fidling with the thing, he was finally able to get it to work again, seemingly, McKay had also tried to acces the Ancient Mainframe as it detected some sort of intruder. He just hopes that either one of them will have a success in ovverwriting the security protocol of the lockdown.

Carson and Rodney still stand there, mouth to mouth, liking it a little more than they would like to admit. Yet, Rodney feels the need to break the kiss and he quickly backs away from Carson before the man takes another attempt. He knows what is going on. This isn't just any outbreak, there appears to be some thing that is infueling their hormones a little, making them hot towards each other and although he doesn't really like to admit it, he doesn't want Carson to like him only because of a change in hormones.

'Now what do I mean by that?' he asks himself, surely he wouldn't want Carson as anything else than just a friend, it's probably just the... whatever it is, messing with his head.

"What are ye doing?" Carson asks, he seems fairly confused.

Rodney keeps a safe distance from him as he starts talking. "Look, I imagine you think you love me right now, don't you?" he asks, but before Carson has a chance to answer, Rodney continues, "You don't really like me, alright? There's something in the air that makes us feel the way we feel, talk the way we talk, do the things we do... You kissed me because of that." he quickly explains, but Carson shakes his head. "No, that's not true. I kissed you because I wanted to." he says and Rodney feels something flutter inside him. He shakes his head as well and tries to talk Carson out of thinking this as the doors suddenly open.

"Oh finally!" Rodney says, breathing a sigh of relief. "There, now you can go to the informary and cure this mess."

When Carson doesn't move, Rodney pulls him along, out of his bedroom and onto the infirmary. On their way there, they find a lot of people who are rather much in the same state as they are, if not, they've progressed even further, as they see Sheppard liplocked with Dr. Weir and Ronon isn't trying to hide the fact that he is feeling up Teyla's shirt.

"Now do you see that this is wrong?" Rodney asks Carson as they pass two military men busy unbuttoning each other's pants.

"Aye, quite positive indeed." Carson replies but he feels something building up inside his pants as he thinks of unbuttoning Rodney's pants the way those two men just did.

Rodney looks at the Scot. "Whatever it is you're thinking, stop thinking it right now." he says as Carson starts blushing.

Carson doesn't answer but runs into thee infirmary.

"I think that all we need to do is ventilate the city as much as we can. We need to get this... thing gone and since I think it's airborne, this will be the best option. After that we can locate the source of the problem... quite obviously, we can't really work all that well in this state." Rodney is back to his quick and witty self as he runs to the nearby computer, quite surprised to see it's actually working again.

Zelenka comes running into the infirmary, he is quick to close the door behind him and sure enough, after not more than a second, a female voice sounds up to them. "Oh come on Radek, I know you want this."

"Yes, I know I do, but you don't... not really." Zelenka replies.

Rodney turns around. "Is that... Cadman I hear?" he asks.

Zelenka nods and shoves his glasses further up his nose. "Yes, and zat is a problem, she says she wants me!" he yells, sounding rather frightened, more frightened than a man should be when there's a horny woman on his tail. "I usually wouldn't have a problem wiz zat, but right now... this isn't natural, everyone haz fallen in love wiz each ozzer!"

Rodney and Carson nod. "We noticed... Did you get the doors to open?" Rodney asks, sounding quite emberrassed that he wasn't capable of doing it himself. Or maybe he could've, if he hadn't been as busy trying to stop himself from messing around with Carson.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did." Zelenka answers, sounding quitee proud.

Rodney nods. "Good, good for you." he says. "Now, we need to get the ventilation up and running, up to a maximum."

Zelenka stands besides Rodney as the two of them start making adjustments to the system.

After what seems like hours, both men breath a sigh of relief. "Well, zat's zat, we're done." Zelenka says with a satisfied tone.

Rodney nods. "Yes, finally. I hope everyone will be back to normal within a couple of hours." he adds to that.

"I merely hope none of them got knocked up in the meantime." Carson says with some sort of wicked smile on his face.

Rodney makes a weird sort of agreeing sound. "Well then, as the hormone clears our systems, I should go back and ehm... cool down a little." he says, blushing as he notices how wrong it sounds. The other two men seem to agree and they leave the infirmary.

A night has passed and although everyone seems to be highly uncomfortable around each other, they all seem to be back to normal. Just to be on the safe side though, Carson insists on doing a check-up on every single person on Atlantis to ensure that their pheromone level has decreased back to normal.

Finally, he has reached Rodney's bed and he smirks a little. "So... how are ye feeling?" he asks.

"Not so bad, thanks, how about you?" Rodney asks in return.

Carson takes a deep breath and stares at the blankets. "Well, at least I don't have the urge to kiss ye anymore, that counts for something." he says, smiling a little.

Rodney, however, doesn't smile back. Either his hormones have not settled down enough yet, or he finally came to realize that he really does have feelings towards Carson.

Carson seems to notice his discomfort. "What I meant to say was... I don't have the urge to kiss ye anymore, because of the hormone, I now feel an unimaginal urge to hug ye and... well... ye know... whatever gay lovers do." he whispers softly in Rodney's ear.

Rodney looks at him and smiles broadly, Carson doesn't think he has ever seen a more sincere laugh on the Canadian's face and he hopes he can enjoy it for a long time afterwards.

He closes the privacy curtains around Rodney's bed and kisses the man with more passion than before.

At least something good has come out of it all.

The End.