LAST CHAPTER FOR PART I. It's so sad i know (dramatic sobbing) so, now Sasuke and naruto are in their 'friends with benefits' stage. anyway, hope you enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: hahaha... no.
WARNINGS: boy love, language, and oher things not for childrens.

"You did what?" Naruto asked. It was a week before graduation and Sasuke had come back to the dorm with a giant smile. Naruto barely believed Sasuke's explanation.

"I bought a house." Sasuke said. Naruto turned away from his desk to look at the other boy.

"Bought? You bought a house?" Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded. "Sasuke, you do realize that most people don't buy houses until long after they have graduated from college? You freaking bought a house before you even graduated from high school."

"Well, I'm tired of living in dorms. Plus the dorms at the Art Institute aren't nearly as good as the dorms here." Sasuke shrugged. "It's not like I don't have the money, if that's what you're thinking. Plus I got a full scholarship to KIFA (Konohagakure Institute of Fine Arts) so all my college money is also going towards the house."

"But you bought it. Not even like rent or lease, you freaking bought a house." Naruto said. Naruto turned back to his desk to go back to working on his homework.

"Yeah, you want to live there with me?" Sasuke asked. Naruto froze and looked up at Sasuke.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"Well, I know that you didn't get as good of a scholarship as I did so if you lived with me you wouldn't have to pay housing cause I know you have nowhere else to live." Sasuke said. "Besides, Neji and Gaara are already living together and you're the only other person I know that I could live with."

"Really?" Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded before laying down on Naruto's bed.

"Plus it would be much more convenient for nights of wicked hot sex if you're living with me." Sasuke said trying to keep a straight face. Naruto laughed and got out of his chair to straddle Sasuke on the bed.

"So that's what it's really about? Your convenience?" Naruto asked. Sasuke smirked up at him.

"It's convenient for you too, you know." Sasuke said. Naruto had to admit, the whole 'friends with benefits' thing that they had worked out was pretty nice. And he would miss it if he lived on campus and Sasuke lived in a house. "I'm moving in on June 1st. You can come visit me and then decide if you want to live there." Sasuke said. Sasuke also liked the whole 'friends with benefits' thing. Sasuke's whole plan with the arrangement was that he could eventually get Naruto to love him back, but it would be very hard if Naruto was living on campus.

"Okay, I'll look at the house and then decide." Naruto nodded. Sasuke looked up at Naruto.

"When was the lat time we had non drunken sex?" He asked.

"Completely non-drunken or does hangover sex count?" Naruto asked. One would never suspect that Naruto and Sasuke were probably the two horniest, sex-addicted teens in the city, but ever since they started the 'friends with benefits' deal, they realized just how sex-addicted they were. (or it could have been the fact that they were both secretly in love with the other and this was the only way that they could express it without flat out confessing)

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, had completely non-drunken sex the night before last. Drunken sex was last night and hangover sex was this morning." Naruto said. Sasuke nodded.

"That's right." He said.

"I have homework to finish, so you're going to have to wait." Naruto said starting to get off of Sasuke.

"Or we could be really quick and then you can finish your homework." Sasuke said quickly. Naruto laughed.

"I don't think so. Really quick for you always ends up with like five rounds of sex. Then after I finish my homework you'll want to go again. I'd like to be able to walk properly at least once this year." Naruto said. Sasuke smiled. Oh yes, the 'friends with benefits' was definitely fun especially when Sasuke would pull Naruto into the boy's bathroom in the middle of school and fuck him senseless. Although, sometimes Sasuke did feel bad for the poor blonde when he saw him limping around campus after a night of their numerous rounds of hot and kinky love making.

"Fine, finish your homework." Sasuke sighed. Naruto leaned down and gave Sasuke a gentle peck on the lips and then smiled at him before going back to his desk to finish his homework. The rest of the week passed quickly and the two found themselves getting in their graduation gowns and caps with the rest of the students in their class.

"So, you bought a house?" Neji asked as he was straightening his tie.

"Yeah. I'm going home for a week to get all of my stuff and then coming back to move in. You should visit me over the summer." Sasuke said.

"You know it would be so much more convenient to visit you if you stayed at your family's house since it's right down the street from mine." Neji said. Sasuke laughed.

"Right down the street like two miles." Sasuke said.

"Still closer than here." Neji pointed out.

"Yeah, well I wanted to get away, you know?" Sasuke asked. Neji sighed and nodded.

"I understand. I'll probably be visiting Gaara over the summer and will come to visit you too." Neji said. Sasuke smiled. Naruto walked in with Gaara and they stopped in front of Neji and Sasuke.

"Where have you two been?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, Gaara had to check on the sound system because Jiraiya-sennin isn't here. And then I had to make sure all of the instruments were in the right place. It's such a pain that we have to graduate here." Naruto sighed.

"I think it's cool. KAA is the only school that can hold their graduation in the Namikaze Concert and Performance Hall." Neji said.

"Yeah, but it's a pain to me." Naruto sighed. "I'm the one that has to be here and deal with all the paperwork and stupid stuff like that."

"Oh poor Naru." Gaara said faking pity. Naruto stuck his tongue out at him.

"Okay, everyone, lets get you lined up!" Tsunade called. Everyone lined up then the ceremony started. They walked down the aisle and sat through a bunch of speeches and then it was time for them to receive their diplomas. As they watched their classmates walk across stage Naruto got more and more anxious. This was his big moment. He had made a bet with Tsunade the year before and this was when he would see if he won or not.

"Uzumaki Naruto." Tsunade's voice called. Naruto gulped and started walking towards her. Tsunade smiled warmly and handed him his diploma. "Congratulations, brat." Tsunade said as Naruto took the diploma.

"Thanks, granny." Naruto smiled as he shook her hand. When he tried to release her hand she kept her hold.

"Just a second, I need to give you something." Tsunade said. Naruto looked confused until Tsunade pulled out her necklace. Naruto's eyes got wide.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"Looks like you won the bet, chibi." Tsunade smiled.

"Really?" Naruto asked wide eyed. Tsunade nodded as she put the necklace on Naruto.

"Good job, I knew you could do it." She smiled and kissed his forehead. Naruto laughed a bit and hugged her.

"Thank you!" He said happily.

"Okay, now get off the stage." Tsunade said pushing him away. Naruto nodded and quickly got off the stage. He had a huge smile on the rest of the ceremony. At the end, the orchestra members of the senior class played a short piece directed by Naruto and then they all walked back up the aisle and the ceremony was over. Naruto disappeared shortly after the ceremony ended and Sasuke had a pretty good idea where to find him. He walked up to the piano room and heard it playing softly.

"Naruto?" Sasuke asked knocking on the door. He heard the piano stop playing and then Naruto walk towards the door. The lock clicked and the door opened. Sasuek bit his lip when he saw Naruto. Naruto had taken his suit jacket and shirt off leaving him in a black muscle shirt and the tie hung loosely around his neck as did the necklace Tsunade gave him. His belt had been taken off so the suit pants hung low on his hips revealing the top of his orange boxers and he had no shoes or socks on. He looked pretty damn sexy if you asked Sasuke.

"What are you doing here?" Naruto asked stepping to the side so that Sasuke could step in.

"I wanted to see you." Sasuke said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Naruto smiled and locked the door before walking back to the piano.

"I thought you would be going home or something." Naruto said.

"My parents couldn't come. Something else came up. They'll be here tomorrow to get me." Sasuke said.

"Oh." Naruto said. Sasuke sat down next to Naruto.

"So, you won the bet?" Sasuke asked. Naruto smiled and touched the necklace.

"Yeah." Naruto said.

"What was the bet? No one knew but everyone wanted to know." Sasuke said.

"That I would finish high school with all A's. Last year when my grades started dropping Tsunade reminded me that I couldn't fail or I'd get kicked out so I said that I bet I could graduate with straight A's. She sent me to Ibiki because she knew he wouldn't go easy on me and make me do my homework. I barely made it, but I got all A's." Naruto smiled. Sasuke nodded.

"Congratulations." Sasuke smiled at him.

"Thanks." Naruto smiled. "Oh!" He said quickly and jumped off of the bench to run to his bag on the floor with his discarded clothes. He pulled out a box and handed it to Sasuke. "I bought you this for graduation." Naruto smiled. Sasuke knew that smile, it meant Naruto was up to something. Sasuke opened the box and pulled out a small figurine of a dark haired girl in a light blue fluffy dress playing the violin. Sasuke smiled for a second and then looked up at Naruto trying to look angry. Naruto smiled and leaned forward and kissed Sasuke lightly. "Congratulations on your graduation, princess." Naruto said against Sasuke's lips.

"Thanks." Sasuke smiled kissing Naruto back before looking down at the figurine. "Where did you get this?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh, I found it in the music box store when Ino and I went to get Sakura that music box for her birthday." Naruto said he touched the figurine lightly. "It's pretty funny, though, huh?" Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded and laughed.

"Is it strange that I actually really like it?" Sasuke asked looking up at Naruto. Naruto shook his head.

"No, I tried to get something that meant something, you know? Even if it was just kind of a gag." Naruto smiled. Sasuke nodded and set the figurine on the piano. "There was one with a pink dress, but I didn't think an ice princess would wear pink, you know?" Naruto asked with a laugh. Sasuke smiled and nodded.

"I got something for you too." Sasuke said. He grabbed his violin case and opened it. "I didn't really have time to wrap it but here." Sasuke said handing Naruto a small figurine carved out of a white stone with orange swirls. "It might be a cat or a wolf or something, but we can pretend it's a fox." Sasuke smiled. Naruto looked up at Sasuke and smiled brightly.

"Thank you! I love it!" Naruto smiled as he jumped up and gave Sasuke a hug. Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto and they stood there for a few minutes just enjoying being that close to each other. Naruto buried his face in Sasuke's neck and Sasuke pressed his nose into Naruto's hair. Both inhaling the other as much as they possibly could.

"I have something else for you." Sasuke said. Naruto moved back a little but not too much because he didn't want to break their closeness just yet.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"You're gonna have to let me go, it's in my violin case." Sasuke said. Naruto let him go. Sasuke bent down and pulled out a few sheets of paper.

"What is this?" Naruto asked as Sasuke handed him the paper.

"I thought of an ending." Sasuke smiled. Naruto looked at the paper and saw music was written on it. Naruto looked over the notes and smiled.

"It's good." Naruto said.

"I'm glad you like it." Sasuke smiled. Naruto went over to the file cabinet and pulled out the music from that first time they came here almost four years ago. Naruto pulled out a pencil and copied the notes from Sasuke's paper to the music paper. Naruto took the music and walked over to Sasuke.

"Come with me." He said taking Sasuke's hand. Sasuke let Naruto lead him down to the auditorium and up to the stage. "Stay here." Naruto told Sasuke. Naruto disappeared backstage and there was an odd sound and suddenly Sasuke saw the grand piano that was stored backstage appear in the wing. The piano was on rollers which made it easier to move, but Sasuke was pretty sure the piano still weighed close to a ton.

"Naruto?" Sasuke called.

"Just a second, I got this." Naruto said as he pushed the piano onto the stage. Naruto looked up at the lights as he moved the piano on the stage and then stopped under one. "I told you that I wanted to hear you play this on this stage." Naruto said setting the music on the stand.

"What? Right now?" Sasuke asked. Naruto smiled and nodded.

"Go get the bench, I'm going to get things set up for you." Naruto said. Sasuke nodded and went backstage to grab the piano bench. He set it down in front of the piano and all the lights turned off except for the spotlights right above him.

"What?" Sasuke asked looking out into the auditorium.

"You're playing this for real. I don't care if I'm the only one here, this is your performance." Naruto said from somewhere in the auditorium.

"Okay, are you ready?" Sasuke asked. The lights were so bright the rest of the auditorium looked pitch black.

"Yeah, play." Naruto's voice echoed. Sasuke played the music in front of him. He remembered everything that he had felt when he first played it. When he came to the end he heard a recording of applause fill the auditorium. Sasuke smiled. The recording stopped and the lights came up. Naruto came down from the sound box and walked onto the stage. "You were a hit, the audience loved it." Naruto smiled at him.

"Thanks." Sasuke smiled back. Naruto couldn't help but to kiss Sasuke. It wasn't the gently pecks they had shared all day, this was a passionate kiss. Sasuke returned the kiss quickly as Naruto's arms wrapped around his neck. Sasuke's arms went around Naruto's waist and pulled the slightly shorter boy against him. Sasuke licked and bit Naruto's bottom lip and Naruto smiled, but didn't allow Sasuke entrance to his mouth. Naruto pulled back from the kiss and looked up at Sasuke. "Live with me next year." Sasuke said.

"I said I would come and look at the house in June." Naruto said.

"Yeah, but you know you can't live without me." Sasuke said kissing Naruto gently. Naruto laughed.

"How do you know that? Maybe I just pretend like I can't to make you feel good." Naruto smirked up at him.

"Please?" Sasuke asked.

"I'll think about it." Naruto said kissing Sasuke one last time before stepping away from him. "Let's go back upstairs." Naruto said taking Sasuke's hand and leading him up to the piano room. Sasuke just nodded and followed the boy. He really hoped Naruto would agree to live with him. Even though Naruto didn't need Sasuke, Sasuke knew he couldn't live without Naruto.

So there it is. Will Naruto agree to live with Sasuke? Am i really that cruel to Sasuke to make Naruto live on campus? stay tuned to find out...

Yes, these last two chapters were kind of rushed, but not a lot really happens, i told you in like chapter 13 or 14. I was thinking of adding an extra bonus chapter of lemon in the piano room... but you'll have to leave a review asking for it. (oh i'm so mean)

anyway, yes, part II will be coming soon. I'll probably take a week off but then get right back into it. I know, i'm sad too. So, leave a review and tell all your friends to read this story. i'll see you all in a week or so. :)