Summary: AU Kagura thought Naraku loved her, but when she is pregnant and finally sees him for the evil being he truly is, is it too late to get away? When he tries to have her killed who can help her? Maybe the handsome amber eyed man who leaves in the house she took refuge in. A Sesshomarou/Kagura fic. Rated for language, violence and citrus in later chapters.

Hey people I'm saphira404, this is technically speaking my second fanfic but since the other one was just a one shot lemon, this one really is a challenge. So please review (positive or negative, since I need to improve) and be kind (no flames thank you).

I have read many (no, all) the stories in the Kagura/Sesshomarou section of the website and decided to go ahead and write one myself. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.

I can promise you that as long as at least one person reviews I will not give up on m fic.

Also I'll try to update on a regular basis every Monday.

(Oops talking too much sorry…please enjoy!!)

Chapter1: Run free like the wind



Disclaimer: What? Me own Inuyasha? Ha ha! That was a good one…

One winter evening a crimson eyed beauty ran through an empty street. She was panting heavily and talking to herself while clutching her right flank:

'Come on Kagura! You can do it! You have to keep going! Don't stop…that damn Naraku how did he find me? Damn it I was able to hide for two whole months before he found me and where I am gonna go now!'

Red blood was dripping on the asphalt escaping the deep wound on her right arm. Kagura was exhausted but would not, no, could not stop; for she knew the men her former lover sent after her were nearby. She kept on running ignoring the pain in her sides it hurt at every breath she inhaled and exhaled, but since none of her ribs were broken she could, she had to keep going. Anyway compared to the pain throbbing in her arm her sides felt like nothing more than a mosquito bite, she would have laughed at this horrible comparison but time was of the essence and definitely not on her side (no pun intended).

Her dearest friend the wind murmured in her ears that the men Naraku dispatched, Hakudoushi and Goshinki were getting closer. 'Hakudoushi that damn brat always hated my guts' Kagura thought. Naraku's little brother and Kagura were indeed not on the best terms; therefore he was more than eager when the hanyou asked him to terminate her.

Earlier she had barely managed to slip right through their fingers, but not before they were able to inflict her a terrible wound on her right arm. Kagura was glad that she was a demoness, had she been human the wound would have killed her a long time ago. Now the ogre Goshinki and the albino young man Hakudoushi, Kagura's two pursuers were following the heavy scent of her blood they both had a contented smile on their lips.

"She is not far, I can smell her blood" the ogre said while laughing cruelly.

"Good, the sooner we bring her corpse to Naraku the better for us" the albino teenager answered.

"Over there around that corner" said Goshinki while pointing in the direction of a dark alley with a clawed finger.

"Ku ku ku perfect this is not a through alley looks like she dug her own grave! We have her" chuckled Hakudoushi.

Both were extremely surprised to find the alley empty except for a stray cat sitting on a trash can while hissing at them.

"Where is she you stupid oni, aren't you supposed to be able to read minds?!" raged the younger demon.

"Maybe she left on her feather" said the ogre calmly, he knew better than insulting his master's younger sibling.

"You idiot she does not have enough power to summon it, not with these injuries. Damn we have to go back. Naraku will surely punish us now" Hissed Hakudoushi between his teeth.

They both turned around and left without really looking behind, to Kagura's relief.

She was crouching behind the trash can a few feet away thanks to her faithful wind she masked her presence but barely had enough energy to stand on her own now. 'I got rid of them but I still don't know where to go' she started panicking. After resting a little and tearing a part of her already torn red silk shirt to use to bandage her bleeding arm, Kagura set off. After some time, as it was really getting cold and night was falling fast the wind witch saw something surprising. Upon the sight of tall, proud trees in front of her she thought: 'a forest, here in the middle of no where? For some reason looks like the wind is pulling me over there. Fine lets go we might find some fruits or something we're starving, aren't we?' She absent mindedly used her numbed right arm to stroke the small bump on her stomach, which she regretted as the pain in her arm came back in full force.

Once she got closer Kagura noticed that there was a thick wall of grey rocks encircling what she took for a forest from a far. Sinister and sad faces that belonged to some kind of big fluffy dog were carved in the hard rock. 'Strange maybe it's some kind of protected environment' she told herself. 'No matter, even better yet I can always use this place to hide until I heal'. Kagura raised her smallest feather begging to have enough strength to be able to fly across the wall. With the help of the wind the made it across but as soon as her foot touched the other side she collapsed and fell unconscious. Unfortunately Kagura did not use any power to scan the area, since she needed all her strength to heal. Had she would have noticed the incredibly high youkai energy emanating from deep within the so called forest.


"Miserable, incapable how dare you come in front of me without her body?!" screamed the dark hanyou, before slapping his younger brother. The younger brother contained his rage and said nothing.

"At any rate you better find this wind bitch" Naraku said with fire glowing eyes.

"Hum, not long ago she was you bi…" Hakudoushi said not being able to continue as Naraku slammed him into the door.

"I will not take disrespect little brother! Kanna come here prove yourself less useless than your twin brother" barked the elder of the three demons.

A white teenager with two black deep eyes and a mirror advanced silently and appeared before her elder brother.

"I am sorry Naraku" Kanna said before adding "I have not been able to locate Kagura with my mirror". 'Even if I did I would not tell you, you despicable monster. I'll do anything to try to protect Kagura. I miss her so much. She was the only person who ever really cared about me in this hell hole' thought Kanna.

"Fine keep looking and you" Naraku said while pointing a clawed finger at Hakudoushi and looking at the youngest of the three siblings "take your men, find her or else…" not finishing his thread he added "Use any means necessary!".


On the other side of town a father and his adopted daughter were enjoying time in the forest like garden of their mansion, it was just before dinner and the two were enjoying a horseback ride. The joyful ten years old little girl was riding Ah a horse as dark as her own hair and eyes, she was bundled up in a warm yellow brown coat. She was going fast barely dodging the low branches. Her father was not far behind keeping a close eye on her, while riding his black horse Uhn.

The handsome demon was an example of poise and grace his silver hair flowing behind him due to a chilly winter wind. Sesshomarou was enjoying his ride with Rin until he smelled something that disturbed him: blood, demon blood precisely. With no effort he dismounted and with his demon speed halted in front of Ah startling the horse a little but as soon as the animal saw the familiar amber eyes he calmed down. Rin looked surprisingly at her father's face but he as usual was expressionless, of course he could never fool her. With a look in his eyes she saw his concern and therefore was not surprised when he spoke:

"Rin take the horses back to the stables and go to dinner, I may be late do not wait up for me." She just looked at him, she knew something was wrong and that she better not try to argue. She just took Un's reigns and turned around riding towards the mansion without voicing a word. A sigh of relief almost escaped Sesshomarou's lips after all these years Rin was now capable of obeying without asking questions. Now to the problem at hand, the scent of the blood was coming from the south east side of his estate near Rin's fish pond.

He was there in a matter of seconds, and he almost gasped because of the sight that was in front of him, as keen as his sense of smell may be it had not prepared him for that…

To be continued… sorry always dreamed of writing that someday ; ) I know I'm crazy…

There you have it the end of the first chapter. Loved it? Hated it? Please review!! Until next time!!

Dictionary (don't worry I won't use many Japanese term, since I don't know many ayways…)

Oni: ogre

Hanyou: half demon