Sorry the update has taken a while, have been on work experience and had a very important exam and all hell broke loose etc! Anyhoots...hope you enjoy! You know a review or two would make my day a whole lot better xD


Despite the now thin layer of snow that surrounded him, the sun had gained intensity and was making Sirius considerably irritated and hot. The long walk back to Hogwarts had tired him and now he wished he had just stayed in his freezing shower. Anything preferable to this heat.

About half way there, he had unbuttoned Remus' shirt and tied it around his waist. Much to his delight, the aroma of his boyfriend remained on his skin, spurring him on.

Finally he made it to his destination. The dark water of the Black Lake was positively glowing with the rays of the sun, shielding it from any chance of it turning to ice. The water looked inviting, but he couldn't think about that now.

He spotted another box, hidden slightly by a large boulder. Opening it up, he groaned and pulled out the contents, not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the trunks and snorkel in his hand. He threw them to the ground, grumbling slightly as he removed the third note.

Nice abs!

Sirius breathed in a deep sigh. He was getting tired of Remus' cryptic-ness. (A/N: Lol, is that a word?!) Nice abs! What on earth could he mean by that? He slumped down heavily on the rock, annoyed at this game he was evidently loosing.

Soon the beating rays being reflected off the thin white sheet of snow on the floor became too much for the animagus, so he stripped off, after checking no one was around and put on the trunks. They were Remus' trunks and his extra extra closeness made him smile.

He picked up the snorkel and climbed a rock, soon after diving off it into the cool darkness of the lake beneath him. The cool water hit him hard and he drew in a breath as he rose to the surface, slowly acclimatising to the temperature drop.

He looked around him and cowered at the darkness of the lake. His eyes strained to see what was beneath him, but they couldn't. He sighed and whispered "Here goes nothing!" to the darkness before pulling on the snorkel and diving under once more.

The cold still surprised him, though he was more used to it this time and the swirling aqua proved, thankfully, to be more refreshing than pneumonia inducing.

Kicking his long bare legs, he descended deeper into the water, surprised by how clear it was below the surface. He could see all around him, yet he didn't know what he was looking for.

The animagus thought back to the note he had read just a few minutes ago. Was Remus simply teasing him or was it a clue? He sighed into his snorkel and watched the bubble's float away, back up to the surface. (A/N: Did I mention this is a magic snorkel that allows you to breathe fully immersed in water...? Lol...yes it exists!)

He continued kicking and pushing his way through the straggly weeds and plants, or at least what he thought were plants, until he came to a clearing on the lake bed. In the centre of the space was a rock with holes weathered into it.

Curious, Sirius swam closer and peered into the holes, 3 of which contained items. One had a box, one had a bag and the other a chest. Cautiously, he removed the box and was about to take out the bag when an ominous screech rippled through the water and something sharp was shoved into his neck and back.

He yelled into his mask and whipped around, coming face to face with a merperson. A slight trail of blood marked the path his body had taken as he turned and he cringed as his eyes fell upon the pointed staffs of the merpeople.

The one in front came closer, just inches from his face and shrieked "Only one!"

(A/N: I sooo did NOT steal this from GoF!)

Sirius tried to reply but watched in vain as nothing but bubbles escaped. Rolling his eyes, he held up 3 fingers on one hand, and one on the other, making a noise for emphasis as he did so. Despite his idiotic efforts, the merperson seemed to understand, but thrust the trident into Sirius' front nonetheless. "Pick only one!" it screamed again.

Sirius sighed and turned back to the rock. "A little help Remy!" he thought. He made a move closer to the rock but stopped abruptly as he felt the pain in his chest and looked down to see a tiny amount of blood escaping from the 3 small gashes.

It was then that he thought about his abs... his abs were on his chest...


He moved forward, ready for the pain this time, and picked up the chest. He indicated to the merpeople, who slowly moved out of the way. The young wizard kicked his legs and nodded to the merperson at the front as he swam past, emerging above the surface a few minutes later.

Sirius drew in a deep breath and removed his snorkel, chancing a glance back into the black depths beneath him. He shivered and swam to the edge.

The chest hit the rock with a loud clang and the padlock flew off onto the floor, allowing the lid to spring open. Inside was a pair of trousers and a pirates bandana, once again labelled Bring me.

Sirius held the contents in his hand and read the note.

Siri dearest,

Do hope the merpeople weren't too rough with you. As much as I like your holes I'd prefer you without any additional ones. Have your trousers back to stop any blood loss.

Come get me in the next place, it'll be a hoot!

Remy xx

"Finally..." he sighed, "I'll see that lovely bastard soon!"

He was about to take off his wet trunks and change into his dry clothes when he realised two things: 1) he had no towel, 2) Remus hadn't returned his underwear.

Sirius grumbled and sat down on the floor, thankful that the sun had melted what little snow was left. He lay back, curling his head on a rock and allowed the sun to dry him off.

The sunlight glistened spectacularly off his wet body as he slowly drifted into a sleepy daze, his muscular chest rising and falling rhythmically as he breathed, much to the delight of the horny werewolf watching his delectable boyfriend from his hiding place in the trees.


That's all folks! Sorry it's not very long but it's something at least. Review me please xD

Blessed be

Celestine x