Keep in mind this is my first Sirius/Remus fic. No flames please. It is a slash story, don't like it, don't read it, simple as that!

I'm not sure how long or short this story will be, I didn't really plan it! But I do know that slash will come later…angst first...for now!

Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I own none of the characters, they all belong to J.K. Rowling, bless her! I wish they were mine though…in my head they are mine…especially Harry! And Draco…and Sirius…Remus too…Neville is there also…dreamy sigh


Remus collapsed as if in slow motion and felt the cold, hard smack of the solid ground beneath him. The glinting silver orb in the sky retreated behind a grey cloud and it's beautiful, yet deadly to Remus, glow diminished.

His transformation ended and a naked, weak and scarred wizard lay limp and panting on the ground, a mere shadow of the monster he was just a few seconds before.

He moaned slightly, a defeated and tired moan, as he regained semi consciousness and began to move. Remus struggled to his knees and walked a few shaky steps before collapsing to the ground again.

Certain that the moon had made its final appearance of the night and fearing for his best friend, Sirius Black ran forward from his refuge in amongst the trees and bent down beside Remus.

A single tear appeared in his eye as he looked down at his bleeding, exhausted friend. Many a night had this happened. Every full moon since they had been friends, Sirius had come down to the lake to check on Remus, to watch over him, much to Remus' disapproval.

Remus was always so afraid that he may hurt the older boy. He could never live with himself if he injured, or God forbid killed, Sirius.

To the outside world, this fear was not wanting to hurt a friend. To outside wizards, Sirius included, Remus possessed this fear for everyone, not just him. Inside however, inside Remus' heart, this fear was amplified by that complex emotion said to put a stop to fear. Love.

Yes, he loved Sirius Black. With all his mind, heart and soul. Always and forever.

As he lay on the ground, the blissful sounds of the lake beside him, calming his thoughts and racing mind, Remus knew that his love was close by. Eyes closed, his other senses were alive.

He could smell Sirius' distinct aftershave, one he had always loved. It smelt fresh and cool compared to the musty scent of Padfoot.

He could hear Sirius' beautiful breathing inches from his ear, slightly more rapid than normal, due to his fear for Remus' safety.

He could taste Sirius' presence, his soul nearby. And he could feel Sirius' heart close to his.

As he slowly regained consciousness, his eyes began to open and he drew in the beautiful sight of Sirius kneeling beside him, watching over him, caring for him.

He was pleased to be able to see the face of the one he loved, though emphasis on this sense meant losing emphasis on others, like touch. He could no longer feel Sirius' heart, as he had before.

Remus became desperate to be close to Sirius, to feel him close to him again, whether for comfort or love, he didn't care.

Desperation soon took over him and he tried to move his hand, raise his head, anything to let Sirius know he was OK. Tired but OK.

Sirius in turn gasped and chuckled in relief. He bent down and wrapped his arms around his friend's waist and rested his head in the crevice of Remus' neck.

This hug was strictly platonic, and Remus knew this, yet for a second, his heart stopped beating and he forgot to breath.

"You OK Remy?" Sirius whispered into his neck.

"Yer, I am now…"

Sirius assumed he meant now that the moon had gone, but Remus meant something very different. Yet he never had the courage to tell his friend the truth. The truth that he was gay, they truth that he was in love, and the truth that he would die for Sirius.

Without a second thought.

With his arms wrapped firmly around Remus' waist, he began to lift him up to standing. Remus staggered for a second and almost fell, but Sirius caught him.

Holding him in his arms again, Sirius looked him up and down and realised that Remus was naked. It was then that he remembered he had his cloak in his backpack, which was hidden in the trees.

Propping Remus up against a nearby rock, he sprinted back over to his school bag and drew out his cloak. As he walked back, he observed a shaking Remus, whose back was turned, allowing Sirius to ogle him.

He took in Remus' small yet muscular figure and the scars that wrapped around certain parts of his body. Some scars were old, some were more recent, but all were hated by their bearer.

Yet Sirius adored these scars. He knew they had caused Remus deeper wounds than those visible, and this hurt him, but the idea that Remus was damaged, in need of repair and comfort, was appealing to him.

Though he would never tell Remus this. He was too afraid.

Yes, the boy renowned for having thousands of girlfriends was gay. The boy supposedly incapable of love, only interested in sex, was indeed in love. With Remus.

With much regret, he draped the thick cloak around Remus' cold shoulders and tied to knot at the front. To do this, he had to lean over Remus.

Once again, Remus' heart skipped a beat as he felt the older wizard's breath on his ear. He cleared his throat and said thank you in order to fill the silence, and to fill his brain with different thoughts to the ones running through his mind right now.

"You're welcome. Come on Remy, let's get you back to the dorm."

With his backpack on his shoulder, Sirius helped Remus up and grabbed his hand, wrapping his other arm around his shoulder.

At his touch, Remus' skin set alight, and he began to feel awkward. Not wanting Sirius to suspect anything, he shoved off Sirius' arm.

"I'm fine thanks…"

He continued to walk on in front of Sirius, leaving him bewildered and slightly upset. Sirius gathered that he was just tired, thus thought nothing more of it and walked on. He stayed just behind Remus, ready to catch him if he fell again.

He would always be there to catch him.


Ok, so this is just the first chapter. I'm not really sure where this is going yet, as I said but I will just see how it goes.

Please read and review.

Criticism welcome but no flames!! You were warned!

Blessed be

Celestine x