Summary: After the final battle has ended, and the jewel is completed, Kagome returns to the future for good. Shortly afterwards, she attends the prestigious Cross Academy. Coincidentally, Chairman Cross is her mother's cousin! Will she find love at Cross Academy? And with whom?
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Vampire Knight. All copyrights belong to their respective creators.
Kagome stepped out of the limousine and surveyed the huge building in front of her.
'So this is Cross Academy,' she thought. 'My new school.'
It was built in the style of one of those western boarding schools, and it was a boarding school, with two dorms—one for students who attended class during the day (the Day Class) and the other for the students who went to school at night (the Night Class).
Her adopted older brother, Taishou Sesshoumaru had secured a place for her at one of the most prestigious schools in the country, which he sponsored.
"Only the best for my family. We can't have my sister attending a mediocre educational facility," Sesshoumaru had said.
As it happened, the chairman of Cross Academy was her mother's cousin. Kagome had only met him a few times during her lifetime. From what she remembered, he was a kind and gentle person with a tendency to dramatise things but could be trusted to be serious when he needed to be.
He had adopted a girl who was around Kagome's age and had also taken in and raised an orphaned boy, also of a similar age.
From what Kagome could remember, Yuuki Cross was a gentle girl with brown hair and eyes who looked as though she wouldn't hurt a fly.
She had never met the boy, but she had heard some good things about him from Cross's letters.
From she had been told, she would be put into their class.
Kagome had received the black school uniform for the Day Class, along with a student handbook, detailing the rules of the academy as well as her timetable. The uniform skirt was a little short than she would have like. But beggars couldn't be choosers.
There were rumours in the youkai underground that vampires attended as well as humans.
If that was true, Kagome knew that she didn't have anything to worry about. She could fully look after herself in a bad situation. She was now a fully trained miko, and had a black belt in martial arts. Sesshoumaru personally saw to her training, teaching her the techniques of his clan, as well as 'encouraging' her to learn other techniques that she could adapt to her own fighting style.
And after the final battle with Naraku, Sesshoumaru adopted her into his clan as his sister, by way of a ritual that involved the exchanging of blood.
As a result, her sight, hearing and sense of smell became incredibly heightened. They were not as good as those of a youkai, but they were now so much better than an ordinary human's. And not only that she was able to perform feats that were almost impossible for a human.
After the well was sealed, Kagome had buried herself in her schoolwork and studying for her exams, much to the dismay of two of her best friends. She continually turned down date offers from Hojo, choosing to spend the majority of her spare time was spent immersed in books or with her family at the shrine.
Kagome knew that Hojo liked her, but she never felt the same way about him. To her he was just a friend. And after Inuyasha she was reluctant to open her heart so easily, having it continually broken everytime he went running off to Kikyo. And the last time she couldn't take it anymore.
It wasn't as though she had given up completely on love; it was more like she was waiting for that special someone to give her the confidence to make herself vulnerable again.
And who knows, maybe here she'd find that special somebody.
Kagome was brought out of her thoughts by a strange dark aura. It was very powerful, like more than one being. She would have to ask her uncle about it when she got the chance.
The Day Class students had seen the stretch limousine pull up outside the school gates, and many of them were curious about the new student.
Cross Yuuki heard their idle chatter, but wasn't really listening to them.
Her adopted father, Chairman Cross had briefed her and Zero at breakfast about being welcoming and setting an example, blah, blah. He hadn't actually said much about the new student, only that it was someone that she knew.
The bell started to chime, signalling the beginning of homeroom, and the students who were standing rushed to their seats
"Class, we have a new transfer student," the teacher announced. He turned to the door. "Come in."
The heavy oak door was pushed open and in walked a girl with raven hair that reached down to the small of her back. She had pale, almost white skin that somehow seemed to suit her and dark eyes that were be almost black.
The teacher scribbled her name on the board.
"Higurashi-Tasisho Kagome-san," the teacher said, turning to face the students. "Hajimeimashite," the girl greeted, smiling. "Watashi namae wa Higurashi-Taisho Kagome desu. Yoroshiku, onegaishimasu."
Yuuki's eyes widened in recognition of the name, or at least two parts of it – Higurashi Kagome, her cousin.
"I expect you all to treat her with respect as a fellow student. Is that understood?" the teacher asked.
"Hai," the students chorused.
"Now, tell us a bit about yourself," the teacher asked, turning to Kagome.
"Well, I prefer to be called just Higurashi, without the Taishou when people use my surname, since it's what I'm used to," Kagome began. "My hobbies are archery, kenjutsu and martial arts. I enjoy History, and I hate Math. If there's anything else you want to know about me, then ask me."
"Now, seating…" the teacher muttered thoughtfully as he looked around the class for an available seat.
Finally, he said, "You shall sit next to Cross-san."
Yuuki raised her hand to show where she was.
Kagome looked up in her direction, and smiled widely. Then began to walk up to where she was sitting.
"Kagome-chan!" Yuuki exclaimed as Kagome sat down. "It's been a long time!"
"Yes, it has, Yuuki-chan," Kagome replied.
"But why does your surname have Taishou added to it?" Yuki asked.
"Aniue adopted me into his family, and so added his last name onto mine," Kagome explained.
Just then the teacher called for attention.
Kagome didn't get much of a chance to Yuuki talk during class, as she was hurriedly jotting down notes of the teacher's lecture.
After ordering their lunch, they sat down at a table and Yuuki began asking Kagome about what she had been doing since they last saw each other.
Kagome told her in, but left out the part where she had been travelling to and from the Feudal Era and battling demons on an almost daily basis.
Another tray slammed down opposite from Yuuki, interrupting their conversation and making them both jump.
Kagome looked up to see a tall boy with white hair and grey eyes. She vaguely remembered seeing him in class in the row behind her and Yuuki.
"This is my friend, Kiryuu Zero," Yuuki said,
The white haired boy said nothing as he sat down.
Kagome was reminded a little of Inuyasha, and not just because of his white hair and gruff attitude. Kagome could sense two conflicting auras within him. One was human, and the other something else completely, the two fighting for dominance. The second aura was not demonic, however it was dark. It was very similar to the strange dark presence that she had sensed, but not as powerful.
Not wanting to be rude, Kagome greeted him, "Konnichiwa Kiryuu-kun."
"Domou," Zero said in a bored tone.
Kagome smiled. She had a feeling things were going to get very interesting.
The Day Class were not the only ones talking about the new girl. The Night Class were also discussing the mysterious newcomer.
"I'll bet she'll fall head over heels for me when she sees me," Aidou Hanabasa said, arrogantly.
"Don't be so sure of yourself," Cain Akatsuki reprimanded his cousin. "She may not be like the other girls in the Day Class."
"She's said to be beautiful, for a human," Seiren said. "She seems to be very intelligent. However during her last year she was away due to illnesses, but despite that, she was top of her class. It also appears that she's a relative of Chairman Cross."
The first piece of information had Ruka scowling. She did not want another human girl catching the interest of her Kaname-sama. Even Rima was perturbed.
"She sounds very interesting," Ichijou said.
"I wonder how her blood will taste," Shiki said absently.
A tense silence followed. The subject of drinking blood was a sensitive subject.
Kaname stood up, drawing everyone's attention. "As Dorm Head, I expect you all to treat her with the same respect as the rest of the Day Class."
The Night Class all nodded their agreement
They were looking forward to making the new student's acquaintance, with the exception of Ruka and Rima.
Japanese words, suffixes and phrase meanings
Miko – Priestess or Shrine Maiden
Youkai – Demon or spirit
Aniue – Older brother (respectful)
Imouto – Younger sister
Arigatou – Thank you (informal)
-san –Mr./Mrs./Ms, depending on who you use it (formal
-sama – 'lord/lady'
-chan – suffix for endearment, particularly for girls
-kun –
-sempai – suffix for an upperclassman
Hajimeimashite – How do you do (used for meeting a person for the first time)
Watashi namae wa … desu – My name is …
Yoroshiku, onegaishimasu – Literally 'Please favour me'
Domou – Hello (informal)
Hi, this is my first Inuyasha and crossover fanfiction, so I apologise if it's not quite up to scratch, but I'm doing my best. I'm up for any critical reviews.