The Meeting

The first time I saw him I found love instantly. I don't know whether it was his raven's nest of hair or cute child like face of his that made me fall hard. I didn't even know he was an angel before it was too late. I guess I should tell you how we met, as a demon I go around terrorizing people who deserve punishment (my favorite is death awarded to rapists, convicts and slime balls that no one would miss when gone) as I was looking for my next victim I saw him. The heart I didn't even know I had sped up. Our eyes met for one brief moment but it felt like days, I fell in love as fast as lead sinks through water. He was helping some poor kid that was failing chemistry. He dismissed the kid and walked over to talk to me like we were old buddies instead of two complete strangers.

"I haven't seen you around here before."

'I'm new here.'

"What's your name new kid?"

'I'm not a kid! I'm at least your age if not older. Besides shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking for someone's name?'

" … You're right. Pardon me. They call me L."

'My name is Light. Nice to meet you.'

"Light… What a redundant name for a demon!"

'Ah… So you have noticed.'

"You know your wings are hard to miss, being black, leathery and big."

'I almost completely missed your wings. They're so pretty, thin like butterfly wings but with feathers so translucent that I can see through them.'

"What happen to the old demon?"

'Ryuk? He's most likely eating apples right now, even though he is supposed to be supervising me.'

"Ah, I see. Don't spread to much bad luck around."

And with those words he patted me on the shoulder and wave good bye.

After our meeting I talked to L more and more. The human that I was posing had almost every class with L. We became fast friends. We love giving each other riddles to solve. One day I gave him this riddle:

In the end of fairy tales,

Locked away to protect one's fragile heart,

Overcome by bravery and stupidity,

Value far greater then gold,

Everything in the world can't compare to this,

Yet it is free,

One is lucky to receive it,

Until it is lost.

I didn't notice I gave him the wrong riddle, I meant to give him a riddle about rivers. The note card that I written the river riddle on was switched with my love confession. I think a certain apple loving demon swap the two note cards when I wasn't looking. I was so shocked when L read the note card out loud. I try to snatch the note card from him but he somehow evaded my attacks like a well trained ninja. Sudden he broke into a radiant smile, and hugged me. All my anger and shock melted away when he said:

"I love you, too."

This was when our troubles began.

This is my first fanfic don't grade too harshly plz!