Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy IX. Or anything in it.

Ok, my sister asked why Lindblum wasn't close to South Gate. So I told her this war story.

Ok, South gate is like, a cockroach continent. It has all these, cities of tiny cockroaches. And North Gate has that two. But it's only half, because, the other half was, had monkeys. And the monkeys ate cockroachesā€¦So that's why Lindblum is so far away. 'Cause if it was close, the cockroaches would, like, invade. And every body would scream:


The guys would do the girlie scream too. Yeah, make fools of themselves.

And it would be like, WWI all over again.

Now let me explain the World War I.

The western continent.

It was all, in half, in terms of technology.

One half was like FFVII.

The other half was all, old style, no tech. None. Nada.

So the southern half of the continent got made at the other half of the continent. 'Cause the south guys had nothing, and the north have everything. So the old style guy pulled out, a Vegnagun type gun, out of the ground or something, and tried to obliterate the other half.

But the Northern half of the continent was ready, 'cause it's like an earthquake to pull a giant gun out of the ground.

So the north guys pulled out all their guns, machines guns and everything. And tried to kill the south.

But the south was ready.

They got out they guns(I have no idea where they got them.) and machine guns, rifles, and everything. They even had the little tinie tiny guns that shot out acid, and burned down the other guys. And this just goes on and on.

Now, you'd think this is civil war, 'cause it's only one continent. But:

The Southern and Northern continent started taking sides when the south half of the western cont. made the first move.

So the south cont. was mad at the north, and the north was mad at the south because, the southern continent sided with the southern half of the western cont. And the northern sided with the north half of the west cont.

So, the southern cont. was attacking the northern continent, and the north half of the western.

While the northern continent was attacking the southern cont. and the southern half of the west.

So it's all like Battleship.

Now, the other continent. The most northern continent in the world, was just watching, from the side lines, watching this war unfold.

And they got mad.

Because the world supposed to be peaceful. So:

The most north cont. went to the other continents disguised as hillbillies.

And they went:

"Hey y'all, let me show ya somethin'!"

And while they were showing them stuff, they put bombs in the ground.

And then the continents blew up.

But they survived. And, they banded together, signed a treaty, and pulled out another Vegnagun and blew up the most northern cont.

Like, OBLITERATED it. It's not there anymore, not even a bit. It's just ocean.

And that's the war.

So that would happen again.

So if Lindblum was closer to South gate, the cockroaches would invade, they would go on a permanent vacation, and bring all their Hawaiian shirts, surfboards, hats, and everything.

And they would eat the humans, and turn into mutants.

And the monkeys in North gate would starve, 'cause all the cockroaches would have moved to Lindblum.

And that's the reason. That's the reason Lindblum isn't close to South gate.

Please review if you understood even on sentinceā€¦:D