Ed and May sat in the lunchroom together, worried for their dear friends. Were they going to be okay? Their minds troubled with this issue, hoping that things wouldn't get any worse.
"May..." Ed questioned, his voice filled with sorrow.
"Yeah, Ed?" May responded, not touching her food.
"Do you think Double D and Eddy will ever be friends again?" Ed held onto his buttered toast, not daring to take another bit. He was too depressed to even eat. His poor friends were in a dispute that seemed endless, and he felt trapped in the middle. What would happen if he had to choose sides? He would never be able to do so! He loved his friends dearly! They understood him more than anyone else, even if they didn't understand him entirely.
May breathed in deeply, about ready to answer Ed, when suddenly, her ears perked up. She heard a sound; the sound of doors opening. May glanced up to find Edd and Eddy walking towards them, smiling. Nothing negative was filled within their presence. No anger, hate, or sorrow. For once within the past week...they seemed....happy.
"You know, Ed," May chirped. "I think Double D and Eddy are going to be okay."
Ed turned around, noticing his chums presence. Within a split second of seeing them together, he was filled with an overjoyed happiness. He felt giddy with emotions. A smile had crossed his face, the corners of his mouth reaching as high as they were able to. He leaped out of his seat, filled with excitement, and hollered his friends names, without a care of who had heard him. "DOUBLE D; EDDY, MY FRIENDS!"
Edd and Eddy just stayed content with their smiles, gazing at their friends.
"Greetings, Ed; May," Edd gleefully greeted. It was obvious his personality change has disappeared.
"Hey, guys. Master Eddy is back!" Eddy announced.
Ed pulled everyone into a group hug, squeezing the life out of them. "We are friends once more!" Ed spun them around in circles, a grin across his face. "Right?" Ed had stopped, hoping he had not made a mistake.
"Yes, Ed. I couldn't have worded it better myself," Edd answered.
"Yeah, Lumpy. Things are the way they should be," Eddy chimed in.
"Yay!" May cheered.
Ed dropped his friends, searching his pockets. His face lit up when his hand had touched what he was looking for. Ed yanked his hand out of his slime-filled pockets, revealing two lollipops. "Lollipop?" Ed questioned his two chums.
" thank you," Edd managed to say as politely as he could, noting the hair and goo that rested on the hard candy.
"Ed, they look like they're a hundred years old!" Eddy spat.
"Oh, let me get you another one, mister Eddy," Ed said, looking through his pockets once more.
While Eddy dealt with Ed's lollipops, Edd spoke with his girlfriend, May. She smiled at him, proud that he managed to turn this situation around. She gave him a hug, then lightly kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you two are friends again."
"Well, I'm sure we all are glad of this happy ending, even Eddy," Edd explained, catching Eddy's attention.
"What did you say about me?" Eddy asked, curious to why Edd mentioned his name.
"I just said that-" Edd began, but was interrupted by Eddy.
"Hey, wait....I just realized something," Eddy spat, causing Edd to cock his head.
"I was right. You did change your look, and it did almost kill ya'!" Eddy explained, overjoyed that he was right for a change.
Edd thought about this for a moment, remembering that Eddy had said this, and was right. He glanced at his nail-painted hands, which did not look as though they were his own. His eyes moved to his own clothing, which was dark, when the Edd he knew wore brighter colors. It was time to change back to Edd. He glanced up at his friends, who stared directly at him.
"It's time that things were set to the way they are suppose to be," Edd stated, smiling. "No more depressed Eddward. I did change, like Eddy said I would, but I'm returing to my former self."
"Yay!" Ed cheered.
"Yup. Now, lets eat! I'm kinda hungry!" Eddy said, anticipated to consume his lunch.
"Yes, I'm quite hungry as well," Edd agreed, his stomach roaring with hunger. Edd flushed. He did not wish for his friends to hear that he had skipped breakfast. To his relief, they said nothing of it, but instead, pulled him to the lunch table and all began to eat.
The three Eds and May were all filled with glee and relief that this was all over. Their first week of high school was drawing to a close, the tragedy coming to it's end. Newly restored friendships would keep them close, having them ready for whatever the new school year threw at them. The four blathered away, allowing conversation to distract any wandering minds from the events from the week.
Edd returned home later that usual that night, precisely eight o' clock. He waltzed into the kitchen, humming to himself. Without a care, he seated himself, recieving an awkward glance from his mother, who was about ready to serve dinner.
"Eddward," she began. "You usually return home around seven or so. Is something the matter?" Her face was filled with concern, worried for her only child. His strange behavior hinted his true depression and cautioned any thoughts that may be dangerous. She wanted to ensure that he would return to his normal state sooner or later.
"Everything is perfect, Mother," Edd chirped. "What has bee broken has been restored."